Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 520 Comrade Miaodao!

Chapter 520 Comrade Miaodao!

Qi Rui asked for a bottle of red wine and fruit. In order to let Ouyang He tell the truth to him, he decided to reveal his identity to him. He poured the wine and handed it to Ouyang He, then took out half of a ten-yuan French currency from his pocket, and put it on the table Shang asked: "Ouyang, do you think this half of the French currency can still be used?"

Ouyang He was startled when he saw the irregular half of the French currency, and immediately asked, "Ninth brother, where are you from?"

What Ouyang He said was a code word, Qi Rui smiled and said: "My hometown is Liaojiazhuang in the suburbs of Suzhou."

"Is there a Liao Family Village outside Suzhou City?"

"Yes, it's 52 miles away from the western suburbs of Suzhou!"

"Isn't the western suburbs of Suzhou Taihu Lake?"

"Yes! Liaojiazhuang is on the east bank of Taihu Lake."

The code word is right!Ouyang He hurriedly took out the other half of the legal currency and matched it exactly with Qi Rui's. She stood up excitedly and stretched out her hands and shouted softly: "Comrade Miaodao!"

Qi Rui gently held her hands: "Comrade 05! Hello!"

Ouyang He laughed with tears in his excited eyes: "Great, I still want to develop you. You have been my comrade for a long time, right?"

Ouyang He's secrecy level is very high. The Southern Bureau suddenly sent someone to give her a task, asking her to fully cooperate with a comrade named Miao Dao. At that time, Ouyang He only knew that the code name Miao Dao had a higher secrecy level than himself.

"Do you know how happy I am when I know that the comrade I want to meet is you?" Qi Rui smiled and raised his wine glass and asked,

Ouyang He gulped it down and complained, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Originally, I thought that we could not meet without meeting, because I thought we could cooperate well based on our previous relationship, but now things seem to be beyond my expectation. I am worried that you will hide something from me because of my identity. It affected the plan." Qi Rui explained,

"If you don't reveal your identity, I really dare not tell you too much truth."

"Then we can continue to cooperate with the previous relationship, and I'm still your ninth brother." Qi Rui smiled,
Ouyang He nodded and asked, "Ninth Brother, what are you doing?"

"Tell me about Li Dingchuan first."

"Ninth brother, on the surface Li Dingchuan is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but in fact he is not. He has been in business since he was 12 years old, and there is no business he handles that is not profitable. For this reason, Mr. Li found some bodyguards for him. He and his assistants assisted him in doing business, and now his business is almost all over the country, so he is a very capable person and he is born to do business."

"So he's very rich?"

"Yes, he donated a lot of money to the country in private, but he didn't use his name in all of them. He used all the famous heroes who died on the anti-Japanese battlefield. He would also anonymously send money to the families of the heroes. Although there are limited people who can help, there are not many people like him now." Ouyang He said with admiration,
"So this person's character is not bad, so why do I think you hate him so much?"

"This man is good, but he has a very bad habit, that is, he likes to pursue girls from good families. According to my investigation, there are already two girls who committed suicide because of him."

"So this person is lecherous?"

"It's not entirely true to say that he is lustful, because almost all of them are beautiful women, but he doesn't even look at them. Ninth brother, Li Dingchuan has been married twice and lived with other women, but the longest Not more than half a year."

"But how do I feel that he is sincere to you?"

"Maybe he was sincere with any woman before he caught up with him. It's not the first time he spends a lot of money on a woman without frowning. When he gets tired of playing, he will be very ruthless. A sum of money will send a woman away, and that's the worst thing about him."

"If it's those women who pursue him for money, they won't care too much if they send some money away. After all, they approach him for money, but all he pursues are girls from good families, and he really intends to spend time with him. He lost all his feelings, which is why the two girls were abandoned by him and committed suicide, that's why I hate him so much."

"Since you have investigated him, do you know why? Could it be that he is a scumbag who is completely dressed and dressed?"

"I did investigate, but nothing was found. I guess he seems to be sick."

"What disease?"

"There are no less than ten women who have been with him, but none of them have ever conceived a child, so I think he must be infertile."

"Oh!? So he will abandon his woman once he finds out that he can't conceive a child! Does he never think it's his own problem?"

"I don't know that."

"Then what kind of person is his grandfather?"

"A respected old man has seven or eight godsons alone, and countless students, and almost all of his godsons and students are serving in the army. Since the Anti-Japanese War has been fought today, there are no godsons left. For the next few, these people treat Li Dingchuan like their own sons, so you have to be careful about this matter."

"Ouyang, do you know what mission Itagaki Seishiro, Kagesa Haruaki and Imai Takeo gave me this time?"

When Ouyang He heard the names of these three devils, he asked solemnly: "These three are the main representatives of the Japanese side who strongly promoted the establishment of the Wang puppet government. Did they ask you to come to Chongqing to take away Mr. Li?"

Qi Rui shook his head and sighed: "If I take them away, I won't worry, they asked me to assassinate Mr. Li and Mr. Liu!"

"Assassination!? How is this possible? If Mr. Li dies in Chongqing, do you know how serious the consequences will be?"

"Are you saying that there will be a large number of national troops defecting to the puppet Wang?"

"That's right! Mr. Li's roots are much deeper than you think!"

"It seems that you are quite familiar with the Li family! No wonder the organization asked you to help me." Qi Rui said,
"My father and Mr. Li are also old acquaintances. When we meet, I will call him Grandpa."

"Ouyang, Seishiro Itagaki told me that Mr. Li and Mr. Liu would defect to Wang's puppet government to hold important positions."

"If that's the case, why kill him?"

"They said that these two positions must be held by Japanese, but I think it's more than that. So, if they really have this idea, they want to be traitors, and they should be killed. Do you think this is possible?" Qi Rui asked,

"Really, because these two were important ministers of Wang Jingwei when he was president. They supported him very much and had a good relationship in private. But after Wang Jingwei surrendered to the enemy and became a traitor, they published a statement in the newspaper and drew a clear line with him, but It's really hard to say what's on your mind." Ouyang He said,

"Ouyang, the next thing we need to do is to find out if they are traitors. If they are traitors, I might really kill them. As for what to do afterwards, we can only leave it to Lao Jiang and Boss Dai."

"Yes, if you can't kill them and go back and explain to Itagaki and the others, you will still be suspected."

"Originally, I wanted to spend some time investigating Li Dingchuan, but now it seems that the plan has to be changed a little."

 There will be an update after two o'clock, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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