Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 524 Help me!

Chapter 524 Help me!
It would be great if this Li Dingchuan could be used by him, because the assets of the Li family were worth tens of billions of French currency.

"Boss, Li Dingchuan donated a lot of money to the country as some heroes who died for the country, and even sent money to the widows of the martyrs anonymously. Li Dingchuan is still very patriotic." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, for your safety, his grandfather must die." Dai said,

"I know, what I mean is that Fang Rui was not killed by Li Dingchuan. After his grandfather dies, we can help him find the murderer, that is, Japanese spies, and make him believe that all this is a conspiracy by the Japanese. He is a A genius in business, if he can be used by the boss, it will not be so important whether the assets of the Li family are transferred or not." Qi Rui said,
Dai couldn't help but nodded, and praised: "Yeah! It's Xiao Jiu's brain that works! Lao Liu, you and Xiao Jiu can plan and implement this matter. After you go back, you can discuss it carefully and make the plan more perfect. , and Xiaojiu, you should carefully calculate when Shunsuke Kuike will appear on the stage."

Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui led the order to leave Dai's secret residence. In the car, Zheng Yaoxian asked, "Xiao Jiu, why did you want to protect Li Dingchuan?"

"Didn't Ouyang say that he is patriotic? The Li family has a business empire, and the devils will definitely plot against him. Sixth brother, we will follow the original plan! This time, we will try to catch some devils and special agents."

"Stinky boy, I thought you forgot about this."

"How is it possible, there are many little devils and spies active in Chongqing, and they can send out as many as they can!" Qi Rui said,
"So what are you going to do?"

"I'll accompany Brother Six to chat with Li Dingchuan in prison."

"I want to go with you!" Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui's cooperation is simply a perfect match,
When they came to the prison of the Military Control Bureau, Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui, who had put on makeup, both wore colonel uniforms and sent someone to bring Li Dingchuan out, and then they were the two of them for interrogation.

Li Dingchuan shouted as soon as he came: "Sir! I didn't kill anyone! I really didn't kill anyone!"

"Mr. Li, we also believe that you did not kill anyone, and we have found clues." Zheng Yaoxian said,
Qi Rui also persuaded: "Mr. Li, don't get excited. We felt that your murder was very strange, so we conducted a secret investigation, and it turned out that the murderer should be someone else."

"Really, who is it, have you caught it?"

"Mr. Li, there are indications that the person who killed Fang Rui and put the blame on you is likely to be a Japanese spy."

"Japanese spies!? Why did they do this?"

"Mr. Li, you are the only child of your Li family. If you are proved to be the murderer, the servants and even Chairman Jiang will not let you go. You are so smart and you should be able to imagine what will happen to your grandfather?"

"He might risk everything to save me! In this way, he will be fooled by the Japanese!" Li Dingchuan said in surprise,

"That's right, let me ask you again, do you know that a large part of your Li family's property has been transferred to the enemy-occupied area?" Qi Rui asked,

"Impossible. I will manage the business of the Li family. How could I not know about such a thing!" Li Dingchuan shook his head in denial.

"This is even more strange! Look at these!" Zheng Yao first showed Li Dingchuan the investigation materials,

After seeing it, Li Dingchuan was shocked: "These industries will not be transferred by my grandfather?"

"We don't quite believe that Mr. Li would do this, so we feel that your Li family has been infiltrated with devils and spies, and these industries have been transferred away under the guise of your grandfather or your name."

Can't let Li Dingchuan know that his grandfather has become a traitor, only in this way can he stay completely.

"Seniors, you release me quickly, I want to find out who did this right away." Li Dingchuan begged,
"Mr. Li, we also want to let you out, but we can't. What we said just now are all inferences, and we can't produce any evidence to prove your innocence." Zheng Yaoxian said sympathetically,

"It's not that I killed people, my two subordinates must have been used by others."

"Mr. Li, the whole Chongqing knows about your bet with Colonel Fang. No one believes that you didn't kill the man unless we catch the devil's spies."

"Then go catch it!"

"Master Li, we came here to ask you something, and you should answer us truthfully."

"Okay, you ask, I will definitely cooperate with you all!"

"Mr. Li, have any suspicious strangers appeared in your house recently?"

Li Dingchuan thought for a while and said: "No, if there are strangers, they are just a few doctors."



Qi Rui walked up to Li Dingchuan and felt his pulse, and then said, "The doctors who came here are all for you to check for infertility, right?"

"Are you a doctor too?"

"Is there a Japanese doctor here?"

"Indeed, he came here half a year ago. After checking me up, he asked me to go to Japan for treatment, but I didn't agree."

"Mr. Li, it seems that the Japanese have been eyeing your house for a long time!" Qi Rui said,
"By the way, I heard from my subordinates that there were always people visiting my grandfather before, and many of them were strangers."

"Mr. Li, next you need to cooperate with us well, and stay in prison for being wronged first. I won't let them punish you. Remember, don't plead guilty to anyone who comes. We will do our best to investigate this case, but this needs to be given to you." Let's have some time." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"I understand. I would like to ask the two officers to give me your surname Gao. If you can help me clear the suspicion, I swear that I will thank the two officers with a lot of money!" Li Dingchuan said,

"Mr. Li is too polite. It's too early to say these things, but don't worry, since our two brothers told you this, we plan to investigate carefully. After all, we are all Chinese. I will never spare them! I will definitely clear your suspicions.”

"Thank you two officers!"

"You don't have to do this, Fang Rui is our brother, we also want to find the real murderer to help him avenge!" Qi Rui said,
"Do you need me to do anything?"

"By the way, we are worried that there are devils and spies in your house. Is there a way to sneak into your house without disturbing your grandfather?"

"Second officers!..."

"Oh! My name is Zheng Yaoxian! He is Xiao Zhengguo." Zheng Yaoxian casually said the name of a member of the Military Control Bureau,

"Are you Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth elder brother among the Eight King Kong?"

"It seems that I am not qualified as a spy, everyone knows me! Shame!" Zheng Yao laughed first,
"No, no one knows the sixth brother's name, now I feel more at ease! Sixth brother, you go to my confidants Li Ying and Li Cai..." Li Dingchuan took a ring from his finger and handed it to him. Gi Zheng Yaoxian continued: "Mr. Zheng, as long as you take this ring to them and explain your purpose... no, do you have a pen and paper? I'll write it clearly before they will believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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