Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 525 Contacted Shunsuke Kuike!

Chapter 525 Contacted Shunsuke Kuike!

Qi Rui uncuffed Li Dingchuan and asked him to sit down at the desk and write. After finishing writing, Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui checked that there was nothing wrong with them, and then said: "Mr. Stay here! Our two brothers are going out to investigate the case now."

"Two benefactors! As long as I can clear up my grievances and go out, I will thank you very much!" Li Dingchuan said again for fear that these two people would not be able to do so, because he is a person who knows that he has money, so it doesn't matter if he really pays.

"We know you are very patriotic, and Mr. Li is a senior we love very much, we will do our best no matter what!" Zheng Yaoxian comforted,

Qi Rui and Zheng Yaoxian successfully gained the trust of Li Dingchuan. From the conversation with him, Qi Rui used his micro-expression recognition ability to confirm that he was telling the truth. It seems that as expected, part of the Li family's property was transferred to him. Unaware.

"Xiao Jiu, shall we go to Li's house?"

"Just call and find the two of them."

First, I called Li Ying and Li Cai, said that I had an inquiry about their young master's case, called them out, and gave them Li Dingchuan's ring and letter in the car.

Seeing the ring and the letter, they still had some doubts and asked: "This is our young master's ring, and the letter is indeed in my young master's handwriting. Is it really the young master who asked you to come?"

"Do you want to save your young master's life?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Of course I want to. If we can save the young master, we can do anything! Even if it means death!" Li Ying and Li Cai said in unison,

"It seems that you are really loyal to your young master!"

"Of course, the two of us have been with the young master since we were young. If it weren't for the young master, the two of us would have starved to death."

"Since that's the case, let me tell you the truth, now we suspect that your young master is being framed by someone." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Someone must have blamed him. Fang Rui is a colonel in the first service. No matter how much my young master hates him, he won't be able to kill him." Li Ying said,
"So we suspect that there are spies in the Li family. We need to freely enter and leave the Li family. Do you have a solution?" Zheng Yaoxian continued to ask,
"How do we know that you are not lying to us!" Li Cai said vigilantly,

It was obvious from just now that these two people were very suspicious, Zheng Yaoxian said: "I will take you to see your young master! But you two must promise not to tell anyone at this time, including your master, otherwise your young master will die It's settled, do you hear me!"

"Yes! We promise not to tell others!" Li Ying and Li Cai raised their hands and swore,
In order for the two to fully cooperate, Zheng Yaoxian took them to meet Li Dingchuan, this time they completely believed in Zheng Yaoxian and Xiao Zhengguo.

"Second officers, it's no problem for us two brothers to bring one person in. The goal of two people is a bit big." Li Ying said,
"Okay, just take me in." Qi Rui said,
These actions were discussed by Qi Rui and Zheng Yaoxian. It was enough to enter Li's house alone. The main purpose was to find evidence that Li Chunpu had colluded with Wang Jingwei.

Most of his students and godsons served in the Central Army, and all of them had fought bloody battles with devils. Both Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui hoped that with solid evidence, these people could distinguish right from wrong, because they were all meritorious officials. Extraordinary anti-Japanese heroes.

Second, as long as he can enter Li's house, Qi Rui has many ways to kill Li Chunpu. Even if he wants to rescue Li Dingchuan by force, he will not personally participate at such an age. Now the organization has sentenced him to death, because everyone knows that once They went to the puppet government or used by devils, and the consequences will be very serious.

After entering Li's house, in the middle of the night, Qi Rui used the skills of thief and trace science to find Li Chunpu's secrets. One of the most powerful skills of a senior thief is to be able to quickly find the items to be stolen. Trace to find what you want.

With these two skills, Qi Rui quickly found evidence in Li Chunpu's study, a special pass issued by the headquarters of the Japan-China Expeditionary Army, and two private letters with Wang Jingwei, which contained the new government promised by Wang Jingwei Important position.

After finding it, Qi Rui didn't take it away. Instead, he took pictures with a camera and restored the things to their original state. The action must be taken after Li Chunpu rescued people and things got serious.

Although the bombers of the Devils kept coming to bomb Chongqing, the Chinese people did not forget that February [-], [-] was the Spring Festival, and many people also started to buy New Year's goods.

Especially this year is more lively than ever, because the Condolence Association launched a large-scale national campaign called "Spring Gifts for Soldiers", calling on people across the country to donate various gifts prepared for relatives and friends to frontline soldiers, wounded soldiers, and recruits. and families of war veterans.

Under the careful organization, preparation and extensive publicity of the Condolences Association, the "Spring Gifts for Soldiers" campaign received enthusiastic responses from people from all walks of life in the rear.

The people in Chongqing were also very active. There were many propaganda teams on the streets, and many organizations actively organized donations to support this activity.

"Xiao Jiu, it seems that you have to celebrate the New Year in Chongqing, who will you spend it with at thirty?" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Are Xiao An and Jian Zhi going home?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, they will go home for the New Year, and Xiao'an has bought some necessities for the New Year and is ready to leave."

"Brother Six, I think the Li family is the most likely to act on New Year's Eve!" Qi Rui said,
"Every household will set off firecrackers that day. It is indeed a good cover. We must be more vigilant. It seems that the New Year's Eve cannot be celebrated normally."

"Brother Six spends the New Year alone all these years, right?"

"Isn't it? I am very happy this year because you are with me."

"I'm afraid I can't accompany you either, because I'm going to Li's house."

"Xiao Jiu, it doesn't mean that Song Jian and Tang Rui are here too."

"Well, I'll let them stand by. When we deal with Li Chunpu, I'll let them assassinate Liu Yongxin." Qi Rui said,
"Are they really reliable?"

"Very reliable."

"It would be great if the two of them are reliable. Their identities and ability to act will be of great help to you."


"Should you use the identity of Shunsuke Kuike to take the lead?"

"I don't need to show my head, I just need a radio station."

"Do you want to contact the Mei Agency directly?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"It's time to contact them and see what they say when Li Dingchuan was arrested."

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"Hisaki finally called!" Imai Yuji handed the translated telegram to Kagesa Haruaki,
After reading the telegram, Yingzuo Zhenzhao said: "Jiuchi has found a way to enter Li's house, but now he encounters a big difficulty, because of Li Dingchuan's arrest, there are many people in Li Chunpu's family, and it is almost impossible to kill him. Chance."

(End of this chapter)

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