Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 526 Force him!

Chapter 526 Force him!
Imai Yuji asked a little puzzled: "General, didn't you say that the people in the military command should kill you?"

"Idiot, Jiuchi will definitely pretend to be a military killer and kill him."

"General, with Li Dingchuan, will this matter become more complicated?"

"You are right, but it doesn't matter, we will immediately spread the news to create public opinion as soon as a person dies, so that everyone will think that the Chongqing government did it!"

"But I still can't figure out why the military command had any reason to kill him."

"Idiot, because the two of them were political figures when Wang Jingwei was president, Chongqing has always distrusted them, so I just took the opportunity to get rid of them." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, do you want to tell Lieutenant Zuo Jiuchi about Li Dingchuan?"

"You can just ask Jiuchi's whereabouts, and ask Ishizuka Taro to tell Jiuchi about Li Dingchuan, and see what Jiuchi thinks. He may have a way to save people."


After Fang Rui's death, Qi Rui didn't live in the Jialing Hotel, but now lives in the house that Boss Dai found for him. He told Mei Guan the address and said, "Sixth Brother, I'll go find Song Jian and Tang Rui later. Let them move to the place where I live now, since someone will definitely come to the door if we want the address, the key move we want is here!"

"Now the whole plan is perfect!" Zheng Yaoxian also laughed,

"I thought this matter would have to wait for a while, but it seems that it will end soon!" Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, Ouyang He called to ask you."

"Well, she has been involved in this case before, but now it suddenly stops, she must feel a little uncomfortable."

"Xiao Jiu, why do you trust this girl so much? She works in the attendant room." Zheng Yaoxian's implication is whether you want to develop her.

"Sixth brother, you introduced her to me. She helped me a lot in Shanghai at the earliest. I only have a few friends, how can I not trust her."

"It's that simple?"

"Sixth Brother, you know that I have Xue'er and Xiaoman, so it is impossible for me to have thoughts about other women. This time, it is because of her help that we have come up with a plan of action so quickly."

"Look, I scared you, and I didn't say anything."

"Sixth Brother, I'm going to find Song Jian and Tang Rui!"

Qi Rui called Song Jian and Tang Rui, and asked them to find him with their luggage. When they arrived, he told them, "Maybe there may be devils and spies coming to find them. Make sure they are identities and ask for their contact information and addresses."

"Brother, do you still live here?" Song Jian asked,

"I'll be back tonight."

"Brother, let's do something too."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, go to this address to investigate, because you are going to kill this person in a few days!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he gave them the photo of Liu.

In the next few days, Li Chunpu spent money everywhere trying to buy his grandson Li Dingchuan, but because the one who died was a colonel in the attendant's office and a hero who had made great achievements in the front line, no one dared to help him.

It was useless for Li Chunpu to find President Lin Sen. When he returned home, he was determined to save people by force, but everything he wanted to do was under the supervision of the Military Control Bureau.

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"General, Xueying called, saying that the Military Control Bureau has already targeted the Li family, and at this moment Li Chunpu has already started planning to use force to rescue Li Dingchuan. Xueying said that he is throwing himself into a trap."

"Okay! This is not exactly what we want, so let them save people, send a report to Jiuchi immediately, and let him wait for the opportunity to kill Li Chunpu when the Li family is saving people!" Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"How does Xueying respond?"

"Tell him to continue lurking, and we must find out the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team."

Yu Xiaowan gnawed on a green apple and asked Zhang Li with tears in her eyes: "Sister Li, Fang Rui was killed just like that, did Li Dingchuan really do it?"

"Yes, the verdict has come down today. It is said that he will be shot after the Spring Festival. The charge is that he ordered his subordinates to kill the anti-Japanese heroes." Zhang Li said,
"Why bother? I went to see Sister He yesterday, and she is still sad."

"Colonel Fang is indeed a good person, what a pity!" Zhang Li also felt that it was really undeserved for such an anti-Japanese hero to die for love.

Newspapers also published the news that Li Dingchuan would be shot after the first month. This was intentional, just to stimulate Li Chunpu to act quickly.

Qi Rui and Zheng Yao first went to the Military Command Bureau to meet Li Dingchuan and took him away secretly.

"Why did you take me away?"

"We are now sure that the devil's spies framed you for murder, but we don't know what conspiracy they have. For your safety, we decided to transfer you first." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Do you have any plans?"

"We guess that there are devil spies around your grandfather. We are still secretly investigating who it is."

"My grandfather is surrounded by people who have followed him for many years. How could there be ghost spies?"

"Mr. Li, money can turn ghosts, how dare you guarantee that the people around your grandfather will not be bought by devils with a lot of money! Or they will be threatened." Zheng Yaoxian said.

This Li Dingchuan really couldn't promise and cursed: "These nasty little devils!"

Only Boss Dai knew that Li Dingchuan was transferred to the Military Control Bureau, because he speculated that Li Chunpu would save people during the Spring Festival.

On the night of February [-]th, Taro Ishizuka came to see Shunsuke Kuike in person.

"You said that the task of your team is to take Li Dingchuan to Wuhan?"


"Baga, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Director Jiuchi, we have been looking for you for many days but we can't find you!"

"Why didn't General Ying Zuo tell me directly!"

"The general thought we could take people away before you arrived, but the subordinates were incompetent and couldn't do it!"

"Now Li Dingchuan is locked in the prison of the Military Command Bureau. It is not easy to save him! But according to my investigation, Li Chunpu is preparing to rescue his grandson with armed forces, Team Leader Shizuka, because we have more important tasks that we cannot help you with. But I hope that your team members will also participate in this rescue operation."

"Chief Jiuchi wants us to follow along to save people?"

"That's right, because I don't believe that people from the Li family can rescue people at all. I will ask my people to help you find out where Li Dingchuan is being held, and secretly meet you. At that time, don't let those people from the Li family Take Li Dingchuan away, and once he is rescued, he will be sent directly out of Chongqing!"

"Hayi! Chief Jiuchi, we have actually prepared everything. As long as people are rescued, we will send them directly to Wuhan!"

"Very good! I'll leave it to you to rescue Li Dingchuan!"

"Then my subordinate will come back tomorrow!" Ishizuka Taro felt confident this time.

Qi Rui sneaked into Li's house again on February [-]th, Chinese New Year's Eve, because many signs indicated that Li Chunpu would order his men to rescue Li Dingchuan tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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