Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 527 Poisoned to death by Spies!

Chapter 527 Poisoned to death by Spies!
As expected, on the evening of the [-]th, many people came to the Li family. Li Chunpu bowed to the few people who led the team and said: "There will be many people setting off firecrackers tonight. It happens to be the best time to act. Everyone, Li, please You guys!"

"Don't worry, old man, we will definitely rescue the young master!"

"As long as Xiaochuan comes out safely, I, Li, will have a big thank you!"

"Old man, let's go prepare, you just wait for our signal!"

"Okay! After people are rescued, you send a signal, and I will immediately take people to the designated place to meet you!" Li Chunpu said,

More than 200 people took this guy to disperse to the Military Command Bureau, leaving only more than 20 people at home to protect Li Chunpu. At [-]:[-], the sound of firecrackers began to intensify. Li Chunpu was fully dressed and sat on the sofa in the hall, waiting nervously for the signal.

Ishizuka Taro took all his team members to the outside of the Military Control Bureau in national army uniforms. After he took out his credentials, the guards checked them and let them in without any problem.

These documents were all obtained by Xu Hongkai, and the location where Li Dingchuan was detained and the prison map were also provided by him, but Shunsuke Kuchi did not let him show up, but asked Song Jian to give it to Taro Ishizuka, and repeatedly told Xu Hongkai [-] Don't stay in the Military Command Bureau, the reason is for his safety, because there is likely to be a gun battle at that time.

Ishizuka Taro and the others entered the prison according to the map, and it was conceivable that they were captured alive by the ambushing military agents and detained separately.

Li Chunpu was drinking tea while waiting for the news. At 58:[-], someone ran into the lobby and shouted, "My lord! You have been rescued!"

"See the signal!?" Li Chunpu asked excitedly,
"I see, a red Kongming lantern!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Li Chunpu stood up after speaking, suddenly he felt dizzy and his eyes were dark, he shook his body and sat on the sofa again,
"Master, what's the matter with you?" Li Fu, the butler next to him, asked,
Li Chunpu looked pained and didn't answer. Li Fu stepped forward to watch carefully, and found that there was blood on the corner of Master Li Chunpu's mouth: "Master! What's wrong with you!? Master!"

Seeing Li Chunpu's body slumped on the sofa, Li Fu first sniffed for breath, and then checked his pulse to make sure that Li Chunpu had passed away. He couldn't help but burst into tears: "Master! What's wrong with you! Master!"

At this moment, suddenly a team of plainclothes rushed into the yard holding guns, led by Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui.

Zheng Yao first saw Li Chunpu's body and asked Li Fu, "What's wrong?"

"My master died for some reason! Who are you?"

"We are under the military command!" Zheng Yaoxian finished his order and followed the spies: "Search carefully, don't let a single person escape!"

Qi Rui stepped forward to check on Li Chunpu who was poisoned to death by himself, and said to Zheng Yaoxian: "Sixth brother, people were poisoned to death!"


"Yes! It was poisoned to death, and the method of poisoning was very strong! People died before they knew it!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he picked up the cup Li Chunpu was drinking tea from on the tea table, and asked Li Fu, "Do you have any silver needles?"

"Yes! I'll get it!"

Li Fu quickly brought the silver needle, Qi Rui looked at the blackened silver needle after trying it and said, "Who brewed the tea for Mr. Li?"

"It's a servant!" Li Fu suddenly realized that he didn't pay attention to who made the tea.

"You don't need to look for anyone, come here and take everyone here!" Zheng Yaoxian ordered.

After Li Fu and others were all taken away, Dai Li arrived with several officers. When they saw Li Chunpu's body, they all rushed towards him.

"My condolences!" Dai pulled several officers away, and found a special pass, two letters from Wang Jingwei, and a list from Li Chunpu's arms.

"Everyone! Take a look!" Dai gave them the pass and two letters first,

Several military officers were all stunned after seeing it, because it was obvious that Li Chunpu was going to surrender to the enemy.

Dai also handed them the list and said, "The generals are all on this list. It seems that Mr. Li wants to bring you all over there!"

The handwriting was Li Chunpu's, and these people would not admit their mistake. They were all dumbfounded and didn't know how to explain it.

Dai smiled and said: "Everyone, Mr. Li is a veteran of our party and state. The chairman and I are willing to believe that he was framed! Otherwise, how could he be killed!"

"Boss! According to our intelligence, it was the Japanese spies who poisoned Mr. Li." Zheng Yaoxian reported from the side,

"Since Mr. Li is going there, why did the Japanese kill him?" An officer asked in confusion.
"Because you look at Mr. Li's position after he passed away. It is also an important position coveted by the Japanese! Another point is, if Mr. Li goes to be a traitor, what will you do?" Dai asked,

Several officers said in unison: "We will definitely draw a line with him!"

"That's right, but what if the Japanese said that the man was killed by our military command? And insisted that the Chairman killed him because he was suspicious of Mr. Li?" Dai asked.

"If someone stirs up the fire again, everyone, these are solid evidence, but you don't need to be so nervous, the chairman is not so easy to deceive!"

"Boss Dai, please tell the chairman that we are absolutely loyal to the party and the state! We will never be despised traitors!"

"The chairman has long given instructions that Mr. Li is still Mr. Li of the party state. He was killed by the Japanese spies because he did not want to be a traitor! Please send condolences to all the generals!"

"Thank you, Chairman! Thank you, Boss Dai!" The officers were all moved when they heard this, because this would preserve the reputation of themselves and others. After a traitor godfather and traitor teacher, no one would still hold their heads up in the army.

"Sixth! Have you caught the spy?" Dai asked Zheng Yaoxian,
"Everyone here has been taken back, don't even think about running away, we will definitely find out the old spy who poisoned Li!" Zheng Yaoxian promised,

"Very good! Hurry up and send someone to bring back Mr. Li's body!" After finishing speaking, Dai said to several officers, "Please follow me to the bureau. We will ask you when we find the spy who poisoned Mr. Li."

Dai Li left with a few officers, Zheng Yao first asked Qi Rui: "The spy is ready, it depends on Song Jian and Tang Rui."

"Don't worry, Sixth Brother. The Liu man heard that Li Chunpu's operation failed and was killed. He must be as frightened as a bird and immediately flee with others. As long as he leaves the Liu family compound, it will be his death!"

"Very good, then shall we continue?" Zheng Yaoxian asked happily, because it was really cool to cooperate with Qi Rui.


Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui found Li Dingchuan and said to him with a sad expression: "Mr. Li, I want to tell you some unfortunate news. Mr. Li was poisoned to death by devils. We are to blame for this matter, but we really didn't expect them to do this!"

"Ah!..." Li Dingchuan burst into tears after hearing this,
"My condolences, Mr. Li. Now is not the time to cry. We have already caught the devil's spy and are now being interrogated. You should go and listen for yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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