Chapter 528 Superior Skills

Li Dingchuan followed Zheng Yaoxian to the next door to the interrogation room, where you can see the inside of the interrogation room, and at the moment several big men are taking turns to torture the devil spies of the Ishizuka team.

Not everyone can resist the torture of the Military Command Bureau. In the end, there were a few spies who said what you said, and they also took all the crimes in order to die happily.

Li Dingchuan heard almost every single word that Li Dingchuan was supposed to hear. Zheng Yaoxian said, "Mr. Li, they killed Colonel Fang Rui, and they poisoned your grandfather. These devils are so vicious!"

"I want revenge! I want to avenge grandpa!" Li Dingchuan cried,

"Mr. Li, that is the Japanese spy who poisoned your grandfather. You can see that he is almost dead." Zheng Yaoxian pointed to the dying devil spy and said,

"He is just a little spy, I want to kill more devils to avenge grandpa!" Li Dingchuan said angrily,

"Okay, come on, I'll take you to meet some people." Zheng Yaoxian took Li Dingchuan to the conference room to meet the previous officers, they were all Li Dingchuan's uncles.

Seeing these Li Dingchuan burst into tears again, Dai winked at them to persuade them quickly, and several officers came over to comfort them.

Dai said to Li Dingchuan: "Mr. Li, I have already seen that you were framed. It really is these nasty little devils. They want to drive a wedge between the party state and your uncles and uncles. Fortunately, we found out in advance."

Dai has told these people not to tell Li Dingchuan that his grandfather was a traitor, but to say that Mr. Li was killed by devils.

Dai Gengen and Zheng Yaoxian left the meeting room and let them have a good conversation by themselves.

"Where's Xiao Jiu?"

"Go send a report to the Mei Agency!"

"Xiao Jiu can command thousands of troops by himself! It would be great if there were more of him like him in our Military Control Bureau!" This time, Dai made great contributions to Qi Rui again. You must know that if it wasn't for Xiao Jiu, if Li Chunpu really didn't kill him. , I really dare not think about the consequences.

"It's all well taught by the boss!"

"What do you think is suitable for me to reward Xiaojiu?" Dai asked very annoyed, because Xiaojiu is not short of money, and Junfu Foreign Firm will pay him back the money every month.
"Boss, Xiao Jiu doesn't care about this."

"Liu Liu, you have to work hard too! Xiao Jiu's military rank is the same as yours!" Dai encouraged,
"Boss, don't I have some credit this time?"

"You've made up for it this time! Continue to complete the counterfeit banknote plan that Xiao Jiu talked about. I have already contacted the equipment factories in the United States and Britain, and the things will be ready soon. I think the little devil will print it faster or we will print it." Hurry up!" Qi Rui's plan to manufacture counterfeit goods has been approved by Lao Jiang, and preparations have already begun.

"Boss, Xiao Jiu is your lucky general, you should take good care of him!"

"It's up to you to say, he is my sweetheart! I have to think about how to reward him."

Qi Rui had already left the Military Control Bureau, and when he returned to his residence, he immediately sent a report to the Mei Agency, telling himself that he had completed the task of this trip, poisoned Li Chunpu and sniped Liu Yongxin, but Qi Rui didn't say anything about the Shizuka team.

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"General! Mr. Jiuchi called, Li Chunpu and Liu Yongxin have been killed, he has completed the task!" Imai Yuji reported,
Yingzuo Zhenzhao asked: "Did he say anything else?"

"No, it's just a good news."

"Ishizuka's team has all been arrested, doesn't he know?"

"General, after killing Li Chunpu, Mr. Jiuchi will go to kill Liu Yongxin. He probably doesn't know what happened in the military command." Imai Yuji said with a good impression of Jiuchi Shunsuke,

"Xueying called, saying that all nine members of Ishizuka's team were arrested when they went to rescue Li Dingchuan. Those are two secret service teams!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said distressedly,

"The Ishizuka team has approached Mr. Jiuchi, and I heard that Mr. Jiuchi used his twin Xu Hongkai to find out where Li Dingchuan is being held and provide them with a map of the prison."

"But the timing of their choice to save people is wrong! Doesn't Jiuchi know about this?"

"General, we don't seem to have told them that the military special agents have been watching the Li family!" Imai Yuji said,
"Didn't you inform them?" Kagesa Haruaki thought it was true, he did not give the information Yukikage provided to Shunsuke Kuike.

"General, I can't contact them without authorization!" Imai Yuji said aggrievedly,

"Baga! Why don't you know how to be flexible!"


"Immediately call Jiuchi and give him the task of bringing Li Dingchuan back."

"General, Li Chunpu is dead, and Mr. Jiuchi only has three people. It seems too difficult for him to save people, right?"

"How do you know that the three of Jiuchi can't save anyone! You just need to call him what I said! You think he is as stupid as you!"


When Qi Rui called back, he actually asked him to bring Li Dingchuan back to Shanghai. He didn't call back because it was unnecessary. Li Dingchuan would be released tomorrow, and the newspapers would say that Li Chunpu was killed by spies.

It is easy to explain how Qi Rui explained to the Mei agency, because Li Chunpu will be buried in Chongqing, and he will never say that he is a traitor and wants to join the puppet Wang government. This is equivalent to saying that Chongqing is also very smart, in order to protect themselves The army covered up the truth.

In this way, it is no wonder Shunsuke Kuchi, because he has done what he should do, and he can control the decisions of Chongqing's high-level officials.

As for Li Dingchuan, the whole of Chongqing and even the Military Command Bureau are staring at him now, and it is basically impossible to take him away. Since he is safe now, let the Mei agency make a long-term plan.

Early the next morning, news spread among the people that Li Chunpu, a veteran of the party and state, was killed by a military agent, but the official newspaper said that he was poisoned by a spy, and that the spy who poisoned Li Chunpu had already been executed for public display.

The newspaper also reported that it was not Li Dingchuan who killed Fang Rui, but also a spy. The purpose was to set the blame on the Li family, so Li Dingchuan was acquitted.

The media also interviewed Li Dingchuan who was released. He also condemned the despicable behavior of the Japanese secret agents and threatened to avenge his grandfather.

Qi Rui immediately reported the news to the Mei Agency, and Yingzuo Zhenzhao listened to Xueying's report, and after summarizing, he determined that the mission was only half successful, that is, killing Li Chunpu and Liu Yongxin, but in the end The goal has not been achieved, but the matter of Ying Zuozhen Zhaojue is not without a chance of salvation.

Because they can still make a fuss about Li Chunpu's death, kill him as a framed by the military commander, and then let Wang Jingwei send people to lobby, which should also make some of Li Chunpu's old troops surrender.

Kagezuo Zhenzhao also listened to Kuike Shunsuke's opinion, and did not move Li Dingchuan for the time being, and waited until the military commander stopped staring at him. Anyway, he is now free, and there is no need to bother to save him.

(End of this chapter)

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