Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 529 The Most Powerful Woman in the Military Control Bureau

Chapter 529 The Most Powerful Woman in the Military Control Bureau

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Qi Rui and Ouyang He came to visit Zheng Yaoxian's house, and the three of them made dumplings to celebrate the New Year together.

Ouyang He was also very happy to celebrate the New Year with Comrade Miaodao, but she has been busy since the afternoon.

"I didn't expect this to pass so soon. Miss Ouyang, sixth brother, I'm leaving tomorrow and going back to Shanghai! I don't know when we will meet next time. I really miss you!" Qi Rui was very happy, and today he also Ready to drink some white wine,
"Ninth brother, I also miss you, I hope we can cooperate so happily in the future!" At this time, Ouyang He doesn't look like a Frost Queen, she is Qi Rui's little fan girl.

"Miss Ouyang, I think we will definitely have opportunities to cooperate in the future, and we will create opportunities without me! Hehehe..." Qi Rui took a sip of white wine after speaking,
Usually Qi Rui doesn't drink, because drinking will cause trouble, but today he is really happy, Ouyang He is comrade 05!She is lurking in the waiter's department, a department that even Boss Dai can't get into, which is enough to prove how powerful she is.

And Comrade Sixth Brother Kite has also been lurking in the enemy camp for eight years!I don’t know if I have been in touch with the organization now, my brother who is suffering ha ha, I hope that one day I can happily call out Comrade Kite!At that time, the younger brother will be able to help you in a fair and honest manner!

"Xiao Jiu! Your plan to make counterfeit goods is already under preparation, and I believe it will be implemented soon. The boss likes you to death!" Zheng Yaoxian laughed,
"Sixth brother, why did fourth brother go?"

"He's gone to Peiping! I don't know exactly what he did, but don't worry, he will be fine with your fifth brother over there."

"Big brother and second brother haven't seen each other for so long."

"The eldest brother Xu Yuanzheng works in Xi'an, the second brother Shen Hongzhang is in Li Zongren's fifth war zone, and the seventh brother Wu Tianbao is in Wuhan. It is difficult for me to meet them."

"Don't talk about this, eat the dumplings quickly, they won't taste good when they get cold!" Ouyang He said,

"Come on, Xiaojiu, Ouyang sister, let's have a drink together, and wish us to drive the little devil away as soon as possible!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Yes! Beat the little devil away as soon as possible!"

After taking a sip, all three of them ate a dumpling. Zheng Yao first thought of something and asked Qi Rui, "Xiao Jiu, do you know who the stationmaster of Shanghai Station is now?"

"Chen Gongshu ran away after coming here, I really don't know who can take over his mess." Qi Rui really wanted to know who it was.

"She is a very good woman, known as 'quietly kills like impermanence, it is the poisonous snake that is difficult to prevent'."

"Why is it so scary to hear it! Who is it?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"She is Qi Lianna, code-named Blackberry, and she is Boss Dai's favorite general. Among all the female compatriots in the Military Command Bureau, she is definitely number two!"

"Qi Lianna, this is the first time I've heard of this name, why is it number two, who is number one?" Qi Rui asked curiously,
"The No. [-] person is the leader of the Special Operations Group of the Military Command, Jin Minjie, the deputy commander of the Changsha Action Force." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Is Jin Minjie a woman?" Ouyang He asked,
"That's right, it's a girl. Don't underestimate her. She comes from a martial arts family and is a top martial arts master. She once served as a martial arts instructor in Linfeng Special Training Class and Wanxian Special Training Class. Qi Lianna was trained by her alone. Yes, if it's just a competition of force, there are not many in the game who can beat them, except of course Xiaojiu, you pervert."

Qi Rui laughed and said, "It's the first time I've heard of them, and I really want to meet the leader of the special operations team."

"At this time, Captain Jin is in Changsha, and her disciple Qi Lianna is now the head of the Shanghai station. Be careful of her when you go back. This woman is also cruel to devils and traitors. She can kill a pair of masters but never kills one." .” Zheng Yaoxian reminded,

"Does everyone in the military command know about this?" Qi Rui thought that this could be considered intelligence when he went back.

"Before you leave, you must say goodbye to Boss Dai, or ask him what he says."

The three of them may be drinking, but they habitually dare not drink too much. After all, to Ouyang He, Zheng Yaoxian is an enemy, and so is Zheng Yaoxian. Only Qi Rui knows that the two in front of him are dear Comrade.

Qi Rui drove Ouyang He home, and gave her a prescription on the way: "Ouyang, you are familiar with Li Dingchuan. I took his pulse. He is indeed infertile. This is the prescription I prescribed for him. Let him Drinking it for three months should be enough."

Ouyang He looked at the prescription and asked strangely: "Why give it to me?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I probably won't go to see him. If you don't want to see him, then I'll ask Sixth Brother to give it to him." Qi Rui didn't take back his hand after speaking,

"Ninth Brother, let Sixth Brother give it to him!"

"Silly girl, if Li Dingchuan is well trained, maybe he can help us! Don't forget that he controls a business empire, so think about it carefully." Qi Rui pointed out,

Ouyang He was immediately awakened. Now Li Dingchuan is the target of Chongqing, the Japanese and the puppet government of Wang. If he can win over him, it may really be of great help to Yan'an.

Ouyang He reached out to take the prescription and said with a smile: "I see, I will report to the organization, no wonder you can lurk in the devil's side, you are really a thief!"

"Aren't you the same! You just had a stereotype of Li Dingchuan before and didn't think much about it."

"Comrade Miaodao! You must take care, the chief asked me to tell you that you must put your own safety first in any situation!"

"I see, Miss Ouyang!"

A few days later, Qi Rui went to see Boss Dai and said goodbye to him: "Boss, do you have any instructions? I will leave Chongqing today and go back."

"Xiao Jiu, I know you are not short of money at all, tell me if you want anything."

"Boss, the support from the jellyfish assassination team and Shanghai Station is enough."

"Xiao Jiu, the current station master of Shanghai Station is Qi Lianna. She is a very capable woman. If necessary, you can ask Red Rose to contact her. If you don't show up, just give her the task directly. I will tell her."

"Okay, boss, Viper has arrived in Shanghai and has been appointed as the deputy director of the special committee. I may have many interactions with him in the future."

"Well, Viper is also a very capable person. He knows Zhuang Xiaoman, but you can handle this matter yourself."

"Understood! Boss, if there is nothing else, I will go back first. There are still many things waiting for me in Shanghai."

"Xiao Jiu! Recently, the Wang puppet government is going to hold a peace conference. I have already ordered it to be destroyed. You should go back and assist secretly! There is a plane flying to Changsha. You can ask Li Dingchuan to help you."


"Xiao Jiu! I'll give you this gold watch! Remember, if someone comes to see you with the same gold watch one day, he must be a trustworthy person."

(End of this chapter)

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