Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 530 You guys have to call Brother Lu too!

Chapter 530 You also have to call Sixth Brother!
I didn't want to see Li Dingchuan at first, because I was in a hurry to go back to Shanghai, so Qi Rui and Zheng Yao went to find him first, but people misunderstood that they were here for benefits.

Li Dingchuan sent Li Ying and Li Cai to give them the money they had prepared, which made Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui very embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, you misunderstood, I came to ask you for a favor."

"Mr. Xiao, don't be so polite to me. Just ask for anything you need. I, Li Dingchuan, will do my best." Li Dingchuan, who was wearing a sackcloth and mourning, said with tears on his face.
"Mr. Li, that's it. I heard you have a plane here?"

"Your news is really well-informed. I have just bought a transport plane from the United States and am preparing to fly to Changsha. Where are you going?" Li Dingchuan asked.
"Just go to Changsha."

"It's a trivial matter, when are you going to leave?"

"The sooner the better."

"I'll make a phone call and ask them to prepare to fly to Changsha immediately." Li Dingchuan said,

"Thank you so much!"

Li Dingchuan pointed to the two boxes and said, "I, Li Dingchuan, promised the money! The two officers must keep it!"

"Mr. Li, it is our duty to catch spies. We will definitely not take your money. If you insist on giving it, then treat it as my brother's air ticket to Changsha!" Zheng Yaoxian said.

"This one……"

"Mr. Li, that is indeed the case. If we take this money, we will become someone, but we have made a deal with you as a friend. If you have anything to do in the future, feel free to come to us!" This Li Dingchuan is a business genius. What is lacking is money, so it is very necessary to fight for this person.

"The two officers are really high-minded, I really admire it, so I, Li Dingchuan, promise here that no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you can go to Li's firm for help!" After speaking, Li Dingchuan gave Zheng Yaoxian and Qi Rui a delicate A small silver medal like a command arrow, with the word supervisor engraved on it.

"This is?"

"This is the identity certificate of the chief executive of my Li's firm. You can take it to any of my Li's firms to withdraw money and things at will." Li Dingchuan said,
"This gift is too expensive!"

"The two officers are of good character, good officials for the country and the people! If there are no two officers, how can I have my life, Li Dingchuan, please accept the two!" Li Dingchuan said and stuffed the waist card into Qi Rui and Zheng Yaoxian.

Qi Rui cupped his waist card and said: "Mr. Li, my family also has a businessman, and the business is not small. We may have a chance to cooperate in the future. I will accept this waist card as a token!"

"If you need anything, just go to Li's firm! If there is something they can't solve, please contact me directly."

"Thank you Mr. Li, then I'll go to the airport!"

Zheng Yao first drove Qi Rui and the other three to the airport, and gave some instructions along the way.

"Sixth brother, the little devil must have spies, and they are under the direct command of Mei's agency."

"I know, otherwise, how could there be rumors that we killed Li Chunpu so quickly among the people."

"After I go back, I will check the response of Mei's agency. If I find anything, I will notify you."

"Xiao Jiu! Brother still says the same thing, be careful in everything."

There were only Qi Rui, Song Jian and Tang Rui in the transport cabin, and Song Jianjian couldn't help asking: "Brother, is the Zheng Yaoxian we were looking for in Shanghai the one who sent us here just now?"

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, when you see Zheng Yaoxian in the future, you should also call him Sixth Brother!" These two people already know their identities and will always be by their side in the future. These things must not be hidden, so it is better to trust them and tell them.

"Oh! We know he is the sixth child of the Eight Great King Kong, so that's why he is called that?" Tang Rui asked,

"Other people's name is different from our name."


"Because Zheng Yaoxian is my sworn brother Sixth Brother, and you two are my brothers, so naturally you will call him Sixth Brother when you meet him in the future." Qi Rui explained,

"Brother, it turns out that it is the Eight Great King Kongs of your military command. Who are you?" Song Jian asked.

"I am not among the Eight Great King Kongs."

"By the way, I just heard Zheng... Sixth brother called you Xiaojiu, are you Xingjiu?"

"you can say it this way."

"Brother, are you from the Communist Party or from Chongqing?" Tang Rui asked,

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, the devils have a blood feud with us Chinese! Now as long as the devils are beaten, they are our own! Remember! It doesn't matter who it is."

"I know, my eldest brother is obviously from Chongqing, but his real identity is the Communist Party!" Song Jian said,
"Then we are also the Communist Party?" Tang Rui asked,

"In the future, I will slowly tell you why I want to join the Communist Party, and then you decide whether to join or not."

"Brother, needless to say why we will follow you!" Song Jian said,
"You still need to understand why I am a Communist Party, so that you can really understand whether I am a big brother or not."

"I really want to know why my eldest brother joined the Communist Party." Song Jian said,
"I'll tell you this slowly, because if you want to understand the party, you can't explain it in a few sentences."

"Brother, we have met some Communist Party members before, so we already know a little bit about it."

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, I have already found your biological parents, do you want to see them?" Qi Rui already knew where their parents were, but he never had time to take them to visit.

Song Jian and Tang Rui were silent for a while, and Song Jian said, "Brother, let's meet again after the little devil is beaten away."

"Brother, we will be worried when we go to see each other now, and we will honor them after we beat the little devils away." Tang Rui also said,

"Okay, you decide for yourself."

The three of Qi Rui did not return to Shanghai until the tenth day of the Lunar New Year. During the journey, Qi Rui also explained to Song Jian and Tang Rui comprehensively why he joined the Communist Party. Qi Rui must ensure that the two are like-minded.

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, you go to the Jiuchi Mansion to see if there is anything going on recently, and I will go directly to the Mei Agency."

"Brother, do you want to inform sister-in-law?"

"No, if you have nothing to do, you can take a good rest. You have worked hard this way."

Mei Jiying Zuo Zhenzhao's office
After listening to Shunsuke Kuchi's detailed report, Kagesa Shakiaki praised: "Kagechi, this time your task was done well, I want to know if the Ishizuka team went to rescue Li Dingchuan, do you know?"

"I know, Ishizuka Taro asked me for instructions, and I told him what I meant, which was to suggest that they act together with the Li family. For this reason, I asked Gemini to help him find out the exact location of Li Dingchuan's detention, and provided them with The internal structure diagram of the Military Control Bureau." Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi, haven't you noticed that the military commander is staring at the Li family?"

"The spies of the military command don't seem to be at ease with anyone, but I have observed the Li family, and there is no military spies staring at the outside. I don't know if there are any inside the Li family."

"Did you hear that Ishizuka's team was in an ambush?"

(End of this chapter)

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