Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 532 Amending the Shattering Action Plan

Chapter 532 Amending the Shattering Action Plan
Minglou wanted to get some explosives from his own mine, but at this moment he received a call from Zhuang Xiaoman: "Director Ming, I am Zhuang Xiaoman from Junfu Foreign Firm!"

"Hello Boss Zhuang! Why did you think of calling me today?"

"Director Ming, don't always think about your own mine. Do you have time to have a cup of coffee together? Maybe I have what you want." Zhuang Xiaoman said in her sexy and charming voice,
Zhuang Xiaoman is an agent of the military command and now the boss of Junfu Foreign Firm. If she wants to get some explosives, it may be really easy, so Ming Lou immediately agreed: "Boss Zhuang invites you to drink coffee. It is Ming's honor! Time, place, we Definitely go."

"Then at noon tomorrow, we'll meet at the Jazz Cafe."

Zhuang Xiaoman made this call to Minglou under Qi Rui's order, because there is still a certain risk in obtaining explosives from Ming's mine, and besides, those explosives used in the mine are not as powerful as Qi Rui's explosives.

Mingtai and Yu Manli managed to escape from Wang Manchun's ambush. Yoko Nantian scolded Wang Manchun for being incompetent and awakened her ace agent Lone Wolf.

The poisonous snake team that did not get the explosives was anxiously waiting for the next step. This was their first major operation in Shanghai. Mingtai also wanted to use this operation to prove himself, so he was very eager for this operation.

At noon the next day, Zhuang Xiaoman brought a box of gifts to the Jazz Cafe, where Minglou was already waiting.

"Hello Director Ming, I'm sorry I'm late!" Zhuang Xiaoman twisted her graceful figure and sat opposite Minglou,
Ming Lou stood up to greet the beauty and said, "I'm the one who came early, Boss Zhuang, please sit down."

Seeing no one around, Zhuang Xiaoman said in a low voice: "Sir Ming should still remember me, right?"

Ming Lou smiled and nodded: "Red Rose Zhuang Xiaoman! Of course I remember, hello!"

"The boss asked me to assist you secretly. I know that you urgently need explosives to carry out the smashing plan. I have already prepared them for you. The pick-up address is in this gift box. There are also action plan suggestions for your reference, Mr. Zhuang." After Xiaoman finished speaking, she pushed the gift box to Minglou.

"Boss Zhuang is too polite! I should bring a gift to visit you and Director Jiuchi." Minglou said as he brought the gift box to him.

Zhuang Xiaoman smiled and said: "Director Ming, please don't be polite to me. You are the chief inspector of the General Administration of Customs. In the future, Junfu Foreign Firm will inevitably trouble you when importing and exporting goods! Then I will ask Chief Inspector Ming to take care of me!"

"It's all my own, easy to talk about! Easy to talk about!"

Zhuang Xiaoman said a few words to Minglou and then left. Minglou went to the car and opened the gift box. There was not only the address in the gift box, but also the special agent certificate of the special high school and an action plan.

After reading it, Minglou said to Mingcheng who was driving: "Immediately telegraph the poisonous scorpion to pick up the goods at the designated place tomorrow! And act according to the revised action plan!"

Because there was an accident on the Sakura before, and now the Japanese are very strict in verifying the identity of the flight attendants of the special train, so it is impossible to pretend to be a flight attendant like the pretender TV series Mingtai.

In addition, all passengers on the special train have a detailed list from the Gendarmerie Command and the intelligence department, and they will go through strict identity checks when boarding the train. It is impossible for Cheng Jinyun to pretend to be a doctor to get on the train.

So the best way to blow up the train is the method used by Uncle Li, but that method cannot guarantee the death of all the traitors and Japanese officers on the train, so it is still necessary to place explosives in each carriage in advance. All ready.

Minglou gave Mingcheng the address, certificates and action plan and said, "Ah Cheng, you go and get the things back, and then put them in the second contact point for the poisonous scorpion to pick them up. The crushing plan begins! Follow this action plan to implement !"

The smashing plan was implemented, but this operation did not involve the Military Command Shanghai Station, and this task was directly assigned by Minglou to the Scorpion team.

The Underground Party Uncle Li’s team had another task, which was to get a document from a Japanese officer’s purse. Qi Rui asked Tang Ling to inform Uncle Li to give up on this task, and Qi Rui would send someone to get the document before this person boarded the train. , doing so is far less difficult than stealing on a train.

To be on the safe side, Qi Rui also sent Jiang Tong to inform Dingshan Lake's team to secretly cover to ensure that all the traitors and Japanese officers on the Sakura train died.

The No. [-] special agent team also received a task, a task of stealing documents that was very simple for them. Qi Rui gave He Jian the information of the target, and he could easily complete it by himself.

On the second day, what Mingtai received was not explosives but finished explosive devices. His task was to place these explosive devices under the seats in the middle of each carriage of the special train after the cherry blossom special train was inspected at Shanghai Station.

These explosive devices do not have a timing device. The mechanism master Qi Rui installed a small mechanism. Once the train is violently shaken, this small mechanism will trigger the collision and detonate the explosives. The power of the explosives is enough to blow up the entire carriage.

According to the action plan given by Zhuang Xiaoman, Mingtai easily placed the explosive device. Before the passengers got on the train, He Jian also easily stole the documents, and there were only documents. He left the information bag to the devil officer. He was sure I will not open the information bag on the train to check, at most I will open the schoolbag to see if the information bag is there.

On this day, Qi Rui led the secret agents of the Jiuchi Mansion into four teams and launched a big operation. They all entered the French Concession in plain clothes.

Yingzuo Zhenzhao heard that there was a big move in the Jiuchi Mansion, so he called Gu Junru who was on duty: "What is your curator doing today to make such a big fight?"

"May I ask who are you?" Gu Junru asked a little Japanese,
Kagesa Haraaki heard the other party's Japanese was blunt, so he should have said in Chinese: "I'm Kagesa Haruaki of Mei Agency!"

Gu Junru was also taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Ah! It's General Yingzuo! Hello, Curator Jiuchi received a secret telegram today, and then he immediately took four action teams out. We don't know what he did. "

"Did you get the code?"

"Yes, it's a secret message from Chongqing."

"Well, I see! When your curator comes back, ask him to call me."

"Yes! I will definitely convey it!"

Yingzuo Zhenzhao guessed that the twins Xu Hongkai found out the stronghold of the military command Shanghai station, and maybe there was information about Blackberry, otherwise Jiuchi would never have engaged in such a big battle.

"Report!" Imai Yuji shouted outside,

"Come in!"

Seeing Tamaki Imai running in and almost falling, Kagesa Shakiaki scolded very angrily: "Bastard, what are you doing!?"

"General! Something happened to the Sakura!"

"What happened to Sakura?"

"The Sakura was attacked and blown up, and no one on the train survived!"

"What are you talking about! They're all dead? What's going on?"

"That's all I got at the moment! I'm also waiting for further news."

"Call me the Special High School and the Secret Committee and ask what the hell is going on!"


(End of this chapter)

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