Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 533 Unexplainable Explosion Scene

Chapter 533 Unexplainable Explosion Scene

Kagezuo Zhenzhao originally planned to take this special train, because there were still some important things to deal with, so he changed to fly over by plane. He is now in a cold sweat waiting for the news, and he is glad that he did not take the train.

bell bell bell...

Kagezuo Haruka picked up the phone and asked anxiously: "Hi! I'm Kagezuo Yoshiaki! Did you find anything?"

"General! I'm Shunsuke Kuike, are you looking for me?"

"Kuichi! What are you doing today?"

"I got a secret telegram from Xu Hongkai. Blackberry, the stationmaster of the Military Command Shanghai Station, is a woman named Qi Lianna, who is probably hiding in an old warehouse in the French Concession. Because the terrain of the old warehouse is complicated, I am worried that I will let her escape like the previous operation, so I brought all the operatives of the mansion, but there was no one in the old warehouse, I found a discarded radio station and some documents, and found that someone had been here recently, and I have arranged for someone to guard it."

"Kagechi, the Sakura was attacked by an explosion, you drive to the scene immediately and let me see what happened!" Kagesa Haraaki ordered,

"The Sakura was bombed! General! How are the casualties?"

"All dead!"

"The Sakura special train has six carriages in total. What kind of explosion would blow up the entire train and kill everyone?"

"That's why I want you to rush over and have a look!"

"Hay! I'll go there immediately!"

Qi Rui put down the phone and immediately led a team of people to drive to the accident site. After arriving, it was already late at night, and Qi Rui led people to carefully inspect the scene.

At this time, Minglou was talking to Wang Manchun about his worries in the office of the Secret Service Committee. On the surface, he was very nervous and panicked, but at the moment his blood was boiling with enthusiasm. This time, the smash plan was perfectly completed.

This is all thanks to Zhuang Xiaoman's help, but Minglou knows very well how could she understand this operation so well, and also create such an exquisite explosive device, there must be someone who planned and planned all this behind her back, who is it? ?I didn't expect there to be such a strong man in Shanghai, could it be the legendary God of Killing! ?

It was the first time Wang Manchun saw Minglou so panic-stricken. She decided to help her brother no matter what this time. At this moment, she also thought of her teacher Shunsuke Kuchi, maybe he can help to intercede.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning the next day after Qi Rui and his men drove to investigate the scene, he hurried back to Shanghai and went directly to Meiguan to find Yingzuo Zhenzhao who had been waiting for news.

"General! I'm back!" Qi Rui dragged his tired body and said with dark circles under his eyes.

"Jiuchi! Thank you for your hard work, what did you find?"

"Report to the general, someone planted explosives under the railroad tracks, and when the special train arrived, the explosives were detonated to blow up the locomotive, general! Someone also installed high explosives under the seats of each car in advance, but what puzzles me is how these explosives It was detonated!" Qi Rui said with a very excited expression,

"What do you mean?" Yingzuo Zhenzhao asked without understanding.
Qi Rui said: "General, the photo has not been developed yet, let me draw a picture to explain to you first."

"Okay! As long as it makes me understand."

Qi Rui first drew the appearance of the carriage after the explosion, and said: "General, it stands to reason that only blowing up the locomotive and the first carriage is at most forcing the train to stop. If the carriages behind collide, so many people will not die."

"You're right, I'm wondering about this now!"

"General, look, there was a violent explosion in the middle of each carriage. Judging from the degree of damage to the carriages, the explosives were so powerful that the entire carriage was blown up. There is absolutely no possibility for the people inside to survive. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I see! What you didn't understand just now is how these powerful explosives were detonated?" Kagezuo Zhen Zhao also found this question and asked,

"That's right, it takes at least three or four hours from Shanghai to the explosion site. The timing device is definitely impossible! So how did the explosive device detonate, unless someone on the train detonated it by suicide, but how is this possible! This But six carriages!"

"What if someone on the train turns on the timing device?" Kagesa Shaki asked.

"General, the seats are basically in the middle. It can be said that they are under the watchful eyes of everyone. How does this person turn on the timing device, and it is a six-car carriage?"

Kagezuo Zhenzhao couldn't help nodding while thinking: "Yes! When were the most important explosive devices installed? I ordered a strict investigation."

"General! This must have been installed after investigation! There is something wrong with us inside!"

"How is this possible! The gendarmerie was in charge of the investigation yesterday!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao also began to feel that this matter was very strange.

"So, General, this bombing is so puzzling! I can't think of any reasonable explanation at all!"

"Jiuchi! You go to rest for a while, don't leave, after I read other people's reports, we will have a meeting to discuss."


Qi Rui waited for two hours, Imai Yuji came to him and said, "Jiuchi-kun!"

Seeing Imai Yuji's tired face, Qi Rui asked, "Imai-san! Did you stay up all night too?"

"The general didn't sleep all night. How could I sleep? The general asked me to call you. Everyone who should come has already arrived."

"Okay, then let's go there quickly."

Imai Yuji led the way and asked in a low voice: "Jiuchi-kun, who do you think did it this time?"

Qi Rui sighed softly and said, "I've thought about it and only the God-killing Action Team has this ability."

"It's the God-killing Action Team again!"

"Imai-kun, I'm just guessing and there's no evidence, but if you want to complete this operation, you need at least very accurate information! I'll raise my doubts at the meeting."

"The general also suspects that the God-killing Action Group did it through your explanation. Mr. Jiuchi, if you have any questions, you can ask directly. The general means that it is best to shift the responsibility to the Chinese."

"I understand!"

When he came to the meeting room, Qi Rui saw Minglou sitting there with his head bowed. Bi Zhongliang, Wang Tianmu, Fujita Yoshimasa, Nantian Yoko, Sakata Nosuke and Akagi Omoyuki were also present.

Seeing Shunsuke Hisaike sitting down, Kagesa Akira said: "Everyone, the Sakura incident has already alarmed the Emperor, and it has also had a very bad impact on the establishment of the new government. His Majesty ordered that the attack must be detected." and give retaliation ten times and a hundred times to the resistance organization!"


"Director Sakata, your people went to the explosion site first, so please tell us what you found!" said Kagezuo Haruaki,
Sakata Nosuke asked his assistant to explain the on-site investigation report in detail, followed by the Special High School and the Secret Service Committee to make reports, but all he got was the gloomy face of Kagezuo Shakiaki.

"Chief Jiuchi, you should tell them something!"

(End of this chapter)

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