Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 534 Mysterious Man

Chapter 534 The Mysterious Man
Qi Rui told Yingzuo Zhenzhao again, and this time he showed the slides so that everyone present can easily understand the key points of the bombing.

"Kagechi! If you have any questions, just ask them directly!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"Everyone, this is a very meticulous sabotage operation, and the impact is very serious. The other party knows the itinerary of our special train. I want to ask, who knows this itinerary!"

"Jiuchi's question is also mine. Our publicity specialists are on a cruise ship, so why did they know in advance that we are actually arranging a special railway train!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao also asked angrily.

At this time, Minglou stood up with a guilty expression on his face and said, "General Yingzuo! Everyone, I have ordered Director Wang to strictly investigate the intelligence networks of the two intelligence departments I am in charge of. We must have insiders of anti-Japanese elements!"

Ying Zuozhenzhao snorted and said, "Deputy Director Ming! You really need to check it out!"

"General! I admit that I cannot escape the responsibility for this incident!"

"General! Everyone! This matter is not so simple! Now I want to know who knows the itinerary of the special train?" Qi Rui asked.

"Kagechi, they all know it!" Kagezuo Zhen Zhao said,
"I believe in everyone here, but who else is there besides you! I hope you can submit a more authentic and reliable list, because I suspect that there may be people from the God-killing Action Group among these people!" Qi Rui said ,
"Kiichi! Do you mean that the bombing was done by the God-killing Action Team?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"I suspect that the God-killing Operation Team has a basis. Planting explosives requires someone who is very familiar with the special train. The last time it was the God-killing Operation Team that hijacked the Sakura. In addition, the bombing this time is very strange."

"What does Director Kuike mean by being weird?" Sakata Nosuke asked,

"It seems that General Sakata didn't understand what I said just now, so let me remind you again, who can tell me how the explosive device in the six-car carriage was detonated!" Qi Rui believes that so far no one can make the same explosion as himself Such a mechanism explosive device, even if they are dead, they will never find anything.

Everyone finally discovered this key problem, and they couldn't think of how to detonate it. Now they will show their ignorance, so they are all silent.

"Because of this case, it reminds me of the previous dock bombing case. At that time, we did not find any clues. We also conducted internal investigations and found no anti-war elements. Then how did the dock explode? We always I thought it was detonated by someone, but now it seems that it is not, someone installed a similar explosive device in advance to detonate the pier! Just like the cherry blossom special train!"

Kagezuo Zhenzhao suddenly remembered what Jiuchi Shunsuke said, and felt that it was indeed very similar, and said: "What Jiuchi said makes sense! The wharf bombing case has always been an unsolved case, and now it seems that the method is indeed the same!"

"That's why I said that this bombing case was probably done by the Killing God Action Group, but what I still don't understand is how these explosive devices were detonated! Who knows the blasting experts, let them study it and give me a reasonable explanation!" Qi Rui said.

"Jiuchi, I have asked the blasting experts to study it." Kagezuo Zhenzhao said to the people present: "Everyone, after you go back, you should immediately investigate all the insiders! Be sure to find him! Because like Jiuchi The person mentioned is likely to be a member of the God-killing Action Team! As long as we find him, we may solve these mysteries!"


"Wait!" Qi Rui glanced at Wang Tianmu and Bi Zhongliang and asked, "Both directors, do you also know about this?"

"Chief Jiuchi! I only found out about this today! I'm here to report the results of the investigation!" Wang Tianmu hurriedly said,

Bi Zhongliang quickly proved: "Director Jiuchi, Director Wang really didn't know that he went to the explosion site!"

"That is to say, Director Li Bi is responsible for this matter on the 76th?"

"Yes, Director Wang and I are responsible for this matter!"

"General! Let Director Wang and Director Bi rest in the Mei Agency for a few days. No. 76 is the key investigation unit! I will lead people to investigate in person!" Qi Rui said,
"Don't you need to check the Hisaike Mansion?" Sakata Nosuke asked,

"Chief Sakata, Kuchi didn't know about this plan at all. He just came back from Chongqing the day before yesterday." Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"Where was Kuike Nakasa when the bombing happened?"

"I took my men to arrest the stationmaster Blackberry Qi Lianna in the French Concession!" Qi Rui said,
"I can testify that this is indeed the case!" Fujita Yoshimasa and Nantian Yoko said in unison,

"I also guarantee that everyone in my mansion was there yesterday!" Qi Rui continued,
"Jiuchi, just as you said, you go and investigate No. 76 and the Secret Service Committee yourself!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said to Minglou after finishing speaking: "Deputy Director Ming, please cooperate with Chief Jiuchi!"

"Yes! I will fully cooperate with Director Kuike!"

"Let's break up!"

"General! Can I also go back and assist Director Jiuchi in the investigation?" Bi Zhongliang asked,
"You should stay according to Chief Jiuchi's wishes. If you are here, it may affect Jiuchi's investigation!"

"Then we will disturb the general!"

Qi Rui called the Mei office and asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to take a team to No. 76 and the Secret Service Committee. He went to the Secret Service Committee first in Minglou's car.

In the car, Minglou said shamelessly: "This time, Jiuchi has worked so hard!"

"Deputy Director Ming, this is what I should do. Can you let me squint for a while, I haven't slept all day and night!" Qi Rui closed his eyes after finishing speaking, and thought to himself: If I hadn't modified the smash plan, I guess Now you have failed!
"Ah Cheng! Drive slowly, let Director Jiuchi take a good rest!"

"Yes!" Mingcheng obediently slowed down the speed of the car, even the rickshaw was faster than his car.

Minglou secretly watched Jiuchi Shunsuke, who was really sleeping with his eyes closed. Zhuang Xiaoman was his woman, and she helped him manage Junfu Foreign Firm. Xiaoman was here from beginning to end, which meant that she was directly under the command of the boss.

Shunsuke Kuike!Could this enigmatic man be the expert behind Zhuang Xiaoman?

When we arrived at the special committee, Song Jian had already sent people to control the place, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

Song Jian saw Qi Rui coming, and rushed to meet him and reported: "Curator! We have controlled this place according to your order!"

Qi Rui nodded and said to Minglou: "Deputy Director Ming, ask your people to give me a list of insiders, and I will interrogate them one by one!"

"Ah Cheng, hurry up and do it!"

What followed was a very boring interrogation, during which Qi Rui called Wang Manchun and asked, "Are you also an insider?"

(End of this chapter)

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