Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 535 They Made Me Feel Fearful

Chapter 535 They Made Me Feel Fearful

Qi Rui called Wang Manchun here because he heard that she was anxious to find him, and guessed it was because of Minglou.

"Teacher, I do know about this, but we can't leak the secret!" Wang Manchun swore to the sky,
Qi Rui frowned and asked: "I definitely believe that you will not leak the secret, but is it possible for Deputy Director Ming to leak the secret?"

"Teacher! It's impossible for my senior brother to leak the secret, because he participated in the design of the entire plan."

"Manchun, it is precisely because he participated in the design of the entire plan that it is even more terrifying, because he knows where the defense is weakest."

"But, teacher, my senior brother just came back from abroad, how could he be a member of the God-killing Action Team."

"It seems that you know everything about the meeting."

"Uchiha Yu led people to control No. 76, I heard from him."

"Manchun, you are my student, I naturally believe it, but I don't know Minglou very well, I heard that you were once lovers and also your senior brother, so I want to hear you talk about him."

"Teacher, I promise my brother won't. He is also dedicated to working for the new government."

"Well, I believe your judgment is not based on your feelings for Director Ming, I hope it is your rational judgment." Qi Rui said,
"Teacher, I am very sensible."

"I'm just asking, because I don't doubt Director Ming, Man Chun, you go back and assist Uchiha Yu to thoroughly investigate No. 76, and you must find out the leaker." Qi Rui said,
"Teacher, before Yuu Uchiha left, my elder brother ordered me to start an investigation!"

"Any suspects?"

"not yet."

"Then go back and check."

Then Qi Rui led people to toss around the Secret Service Committee and No. 76 for several days. He led the Jiuchi mansion up and down to be serious, responsible and meticulous. In fact, he took this opportunity to know many secrets of the Secret Service Committee and No. 76. This is his plea. The true purpose of the investigation.

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"General, I haven't found anyone suspicious, have other departments found any?" Qi Rui asked Yingzuo Zhenzhao,

"No, it's really weird. Now it looks more and more like the God-killing Action Team did it. It's the same as before, no clues can be found anyway. Jiuchi, how do you feel now?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked,

"General, to tell you the truth, the God-killing Action Team terrifies me. They really appear everywhere like those code names. It feels like they have more advanced technology than us." Qi Rui said in a low voice. head.

Kagezuo Zhenzhao also sighed and said: "Jiuchi, I also feel the same as you, because the blasting experts I found couldn't explain how those explosive devices were detonated, but someone said that it was probably because the first After the first car is detonated, the strong blast wave will detonate the second car, and so on, but to do this requires precise calculations, and the person who can do this is definitely a blasting expert.”

"General, this is a far-fetched explanation, but it is indeed possible. In any case, we will only know the truth if we catch them."

"Jiuchi, you have worked hard these few days, go back and have a good rest."

"General, you have to take care of yourself!"

Qi Rui went home and had a good sleep. The sleepless nights and meals were for the Japanese to watch. He really didn't sleep well these days. When he woke up, Fu Yingxue had already cooked him a sumptuous dinner.

"Hurry up and eat! Hurry up and make up for it, I've lost a lot of weight." Fu Yingxue took food for Qi Rui with distress.

"Did He Jian give Uncle Li the documents he stole back?" Qi Rui asked,

"Don't give it to him, just hand it over to the organization through our channel."

"Are there no casualties?"

"There can be no casualties. The explosion directly killed all the people on the train, and no one survived. Our people immediately evacuated after confirming that there was no chance of anyone surviving."

"Well, I have surveyed the scene, and our people are indeed well-trained now. If you are not an expert scout, you will not be able to see how many people there are." Qi Rui praised,

"That's not all training according to your training outline. I believe that after a while, it will become a team capable of fighting well." Fu Yingxue has been helping Qi Rui with food, her face is full of love, she is getting more and more Finding out that your lover is really strong.

Qi Rui has just returned to Shanghai. It took him only one day to understand the military command's smash plan, and he made the required explosive device overnight. Sometimes Fu Yingxue really wonders what Qi Rui's head is made of, and how it feels like Like a prophet.

"More than 500 people are still a bit small, and an independent regiment needs at least 2000 people, so that we can fight some large-scale battles."

Since Qi Rui successfully and perfectly commanded the battle in Wuhu, he is very much looking forward to the next time, because he feels that the slaughter of hundreds of little devils on the battlefield is the real satisfaction of relieving hatred.

"You can't become fat if you eat one bite, as long as the team's reputation is established, you still have no soldiers." Fu Yingxue said,

"Xue'er, you're right! When you're almost done with training, you have to go out and fight a few more actual battles to make your reputation first."

"We have provided the best weapons and equipment, and with you as a ghost commanding, I have great confidence in this army!"

"Hahaha. Do you love your husband and me very much?" Qi Rui smirked after speaking.
"I really love it!" This carload of traitors and high-ranking devil officials was taken away in one pot. Needless to say, the impact on the new Wang puppet government was huge, and all this was because of Qi Rui's secret planning, and Fu Yingxue was too lazy to praise and affirm the organization. I told him.

Qi Rui’s modification of the plan to smash this time has changed the story of the pretender. The most important point is that Mingtai did not meet the underground party Cheng Jinyun. With Yu Manli.

From now on, Qi Rui has started to study how to change the death plan, so that Wang Tianfeng, Guo Qiyun, Yu Manli and the elder sister don’t have to die. Qi Rui will let the damned die for them, because after careful study, Qi Rui found that it is not impossible .

At the Jazz Cafe, Zhuang Xiaoman met with Minglou again.

"Boss Zhuang! Thank you for your help this time! This is my return gift, please accept it with a smile." Ming Lou also brought a gift box this time, which contained real gifts.

"Director Ming is too polite. I have a lot of things to trouble you in the future." Zhuang Xiaoman's foreign firm really needs the help of Minglou, the Chief Inspector.

"I am very willing to serve Boss Zhuang, and I am very willing to make friends with Chief Jiuchi." How could Minglou not help Zhuang Xiaoman, his own person, he had already told Mingcheng.

"I think Mr. Jiuchi is also very willing to make friends with Director Ming. He told me."

"Really! Then I will host a banquet and ask Boss Zhuang to help me invite Director Jiuchi!"

"There is no reason for Director Ming to hold a banquet. I have already arranged it. Here is the invitation card!" Zhuang Xiaoman really took out a beautiful invitation card from her bag, and she put the invitation card on the table and pushed it to Minglou stepped forward, and tapped the invitation three times with his thumb.

Minglou took the invitation and put it in his pocket knowingly, and said, "I will be there on time!"

(End of this chapter)

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