Chapter 536
Zhuang Xiaoman went out with the gift box in her car and left. Minglou got in the car and opened the invitation. There was a note inside, which said: A spy code-named Lone Wolf will come to your house as a servant in the near future, just be careful It will be of great use in the future.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Mingcheng asked when he saw Minglou's expression suddenly changed solemnly,
"Red Rose reminded us that a servant will come to the house in the near future, and I haven't heard that my eldest sister has any idea of ​​hiring a servant!"

"Could it be that Red Rose's information was wrong? I didn't hear the eldest sister say that she wants to hire a servant." Mingcheng said,
"Ah Cheng, I don't think Red Rose's information is wrong. The eldest sister is kind-hearted. It is not impossible for a spy to win her sympathy and stay here. We still have to be more careful." Ming Lou warned,

"Yes! Brother, don't worry, for the sake of Mingtai, I have already packed everything that should be collected."

Minglou tore up the note and said, "I'm a little worried, let's go home and have a look."

When the two returned home, they really saw a person they really didn't want to see, Mingcheng's adoptive mother, Aunt Gui. When Minglou saw this woman, she immediately remembered Zhuang Xiaoman's reminder. It turned out that Aunt Gui was the lone spy wolf!
If it hadn't been for this reminder in advance, Ming Lou would not have believed that this old woman was actually a spy, because there would be no mistake, otherwise how could there be such accurate information.

Aunt Gui begged Ming Jing to keep her, and the kind-hearted eldest sister was very embarrassed, because she knew how much Ah Cheng hated this woman in her heart, and the childhood shadow she left on Ah Cheng cannot be erased.

Hearing that Minglou also persuaded himself, Mingcheng said unhappily: "Brother, can we not mention this, anyway, I don't agree with her staying."

"Ah Cheng, do you still remember the reminder given by Zhuang Xiaoman?"

"She's a lone wolf!?" Mingcheng was stunned. Zhuang Xiaoman had already reminded her in advance that this should be right.

"Shh..." Minglou said in a low voice, "Who else would there be if it wasn't her? Red Rose made it very clear, just be careful, and keep her for future use. So, if you continue to resist on the surface, it's time to act." If the play is going to be performed, you just need to know that if you don't agree with Eldest Sister, you won't keep her."

"I see!" My adoptive mother is actually a spy wolf!Mingcheng immediately knew what to do.

Just like the plot in the TV series, Mingcheng is very resistant on the surface. Mingjing, Minglou and Mingtai all persuade him, and Lone Wolf tries his best to please Mingcheng, but he never tells Aunt Gui to stay.

"Brother, what exactly does Zhuang Xiaoman mean?" Mingcheng didn't understand why Zhuang Xiaoman let a spy stay by Minglou's side. Didn't he keep a thunder by his side?

"It's not that she has any ideas, but the person behind her must have a specific plan. I guess he wants to use this spy to make a countermeasure. I guess he will notify us of the specific actions when the right time comes."

"So let's do what the note says!"

"That's necessary. In fact, it's not a bad thing to have a spy in the family. It's just how to remind the elder sister."

"Eldest sister already knows your identity in Chongqing, so tell her directly." Mingcheng said,
"Well, I really need to remind her as soon as possible. The spy's entry into our house proves that they have suspected my eldest sister and me. The Japanese have not forgotten that she went to the black market to buy gunpowder, and the Japanese still don't trust me. Our future The work will be very difficult, but fortunately we are not fighting alone, Zhuang Xiaoman gave us a surprise!" Minglou said happily,
"Brother, the explosives used in this explosion are so powerful. The person who made the explosives must be an expert in explosives. We don't know how many experts Zhuang Xiaoman has behind him."

"I have sent a report to Chongqing to inquire about this matter, the boss will reply to me tonight, be careful with Aunt Gui." Ming Lou said,
At this time, Minglou and Mingcheng are not having a good time at home, because now they not only have to beware of Mingtai, but now they have another spy wolf.

At the specified time, Mingcheng received a telegram from Chongqing, and he directly gave the telegram to Minglou for him to translate it himself.

Minglou translated the telegram and said: "Ah Cheng, the boss is very satisfied with this action, and told us not to take the initiative to contact Red Rose, but also told us to do our best to help Junfu Foreign Firm."

"As you can imagine, Junfu Foreign Firm's business is very tricky!" Mingcheng said,
"How about Liang Zhongchun?"

"Everything is under control."

"By the way! Ah Cheng, I asked you to check where Uncle Li and the others got their explosives. Did you come?"

"Uncle Li can't say it."

"Ah Cheng, the explosives used by Uncle Li are similar in power to the explosive device given by Zhuang Xiaoman?"

"Judging from the power of the explosion, it's pretty much the same!"

"Could it be that the explosives used by Uncle Li and the others were also given by Zhuang Xiaoman?"

"No way!"

"It seems that I need to find a chance to meet Uncle Li!" The more Minglou thought about it, the weirder it became. Could it be that Zhuang Xiaoman also has dual identities.

At this time, Qi Rui had just finished making out with Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Ninth brother, how do you know that there will be spies in Viper's house?"

"It's not easy. Sister Mingjing went to the black market in Suzhou to buy explosives and was caught by No. 76 agents. Liang Zhongchun from No. 76 dared not provoke Minglou, but Fujita Yoshimasa and Nantian Yoko from the special high school would not have any scruples. They must investigate." Qi Rui said,
"If the Ming family is determined not to use this woman, there will be no danger."

"That would make the Japanese more suspicious, and it would be good for them to stay."

"So you can rest assured that you can't find any Japanese?"

"Well, Minglou and Mingcheng will definitely not be found. Sister Mingjing is inexperienced. I asked you to remind them to protect her."

"There is one more thing I don't understand. Ninth Brother, why is Wang Manchun still kept? Ever since Mingtai and Yu Manli killed Wang Fuqu on New Year's Eve, this woman has become even crazier."

"Keep it, maybe her life alone can save four people." Qi Rui wants to revise the plan of action of the dead time plan. The lone wolf and Wang Manchun are very important. Send the information to the devils and let them find out by themselves. It has two meanings completely, so Qi Rui wants to modify the plan of the dead time into the plan of the living time,

Dead time is one of the five in Sun Tzu's Art of War. It means to deliberately spread false information, let our personnel who falsely defected to the enemy know and pass it on to the enemy, and the enemy will execute the false defector after being fooled. He planned to sacrifice himself, but Qi Rui didn't allow it. He hoped that Wang Tianfeng's goal would be achieved and everyone would live, because they were all elites, so it would be a pity to die like this.

"Can she change four lives? Which four?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked,
"In short, they are all party-state elites and anti-Japanese heroes, so keep her for so long just for that day!" Qi Rui had already thought of Wang Tianfeng's death plan from the moment he met Wang Manchun.

(End of this chapter)

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