Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 537 Special Operations Squad

Chapter 537 Special Operations Squad
Qi Rui didn't want Cheng Jinyun to meet Mingtai at first, but he forgot a link. Cheng Jinyun was captured by No. 76 agents during the operation. Because of time constraints, there was no time to report to the organization, so Uncle Li ran to the photo studio for help.

Because Uncle Li helped Wang Tianfeng before, and cooperated to blow up the Cherry Blossom, both Guo Qiyun and Mingtai agreed to save people. At [-] o'clock in the evening, Mingtai entered the Moonlight Bar as a lecherous swinger, pretending to strike up a conversation with Cheng Jinyun.

Cheng Jinyun saw Uncle Li's ring and knew that this man came to save him. Mingtai gave Cheng Jinyun a pistol under the guise of magic tricks. At the back door of the bar, Yu Manli killed two 76 people with a dagger. Agent No. [-] waited for Mingtai to come out.

After a shootout in the bar, Mingtai and Cheng Jinyun killed Liang Zhongchun's brother-in-law Tong Wu and his men, and they escaped smoothly under the support of Yu Manli and Uncle Li.

When Liang Zhongchun arrived with his men, the killer had long since disappeared. Ten people died at the Secret Service Headquarters, and the captured suspect was rescued. Qi Rui remembered this incident when he heard about the Moonlight Bar incident.

"Cheng Jinyun of Uncle Li's team has been exposed, let her leave Shanghai quickly." Qi Rui said to Fu Yingxue,
Normally, such a situation had to be evacuated, so Fu Yingxue quickly called Tang Ling and asked Tang Ling to inform Uncle Li in code words, saying that this was an order from her superiors.

Qi Rui transferred Cheng Jinyun away for the good of Mingtai, because this young master of the Ming family still likes to act emotionally, and Cheng Jinyun is not a very mature fighter, too much entanglement between them would be harmful instead of beneficial. Cheng Jinyun, the two elder brothers of the Communist Party, can never turn to Cheng Jinyun to instigate rebellion.

At present, Miao Dao is not the top person in charge of the Shanghai underground party, but what he said is indeed very important, especially Cheng Jinyun was indeed captured by the No. 76 agent, which seriously threatened the safety of Uncle Li's team, because she is a nurse, It happened that the independent regiment lacked such talents, so Cheng Jinyun was temporarily sent to the Dingshan Lake base.

The next day, Fu Yingxue received the news that Cheng Jinyun had safely arrived at Dingshan Lake.

"Very good, I think this lesbian is the most suitable for such a job." Qi Rui said,
"Rui, why do I feel that you are making a fuss over a molehill this time? As far as I know, Comrade Cheng Jinyun's traitor spies have all been killed. Why do you have to let her go?" Fu Yingxue felt that such a trivial matter should not have happened. Qi Rui was worried.

"Because she was seen by Mingtai." Qi Rui said honestly,
"Minglou's younger brother Poison Scorpion?"

"Yes, Mingtai is the leader of the poisonous scorpion team of the military command, the young master of the Ming family. He was doted on by Mingjing since he was a child and grew up. He is very popular with women. He loves each other when he meets one." Qi Rui said,
"When you see one, you love the other, you know that!" Fu Yingxue laughed.

"Of course I know. I met him at Wang Tianfeng's training base. At that time, he had all eyes on Yu Manli. Now that he sees the beautiful and brave underground party Cheng Jinyun, this kid must be tempted." Of course Qi Rui understands, the pretender He has seen it twice,

"You know him very well!"

"I really know him very well, because I have studied him carefully."

"Then does he still like Yu Manli?" Fu Yingxue asked with interest.

"I don't have that kind of thinking anymore." Qi Rui briefly talked about Yu Manli's life experience and encounters,

"Just because of Yu Manli's experience, Mingtai doesn't like her?"

"This is indeed a tragic life experience that a young master like him cannot accept." Qi Rui said,
"Then does Yu Manli like Mingtai?"

"Deeply in love! And she loves very humblely, knowing that she is in love with a man who is not worthy of her at all."

"Then did she tell Mingtai?" Fu Yingxue must have sympathized with Yu Manli and asked,

"No, she didn't dare to say it, because she was very smart and knew that saying it might be a farewell."

The plot of Yu Manli's sacrifice has touched many people, including Qi Rui, so no matter whether Mingtai accepts Yu Manli or not in the future, he hopes that Yu Manli can live strong, and there will always be someone who truly loves her. The man appears.

"Mingtai deserves a beating!" Fu Yingxue said angrily.

"You can't blame him, after all, he is the young master of a big family, and he is very clear that Yu Manli's life experience will not be accepted by the sister Mingjing." Qi Rui said fairly,
After thinking about it, Fu Yingxue realized that this was the case, and sighed, "Yu Manli is so pitiful."

"I hope she will be happy in the future. She cannot change the past, but we may be able to change her future, because now she is already an anti-Japanese hero!" Qi Rui said,
"Are you planning to absorb her into the organization?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"Absorbing into the organization is something that will happen later, but our team needs an action master like her, Xueer, and I'm going to train a few special combat troops right now. The number of each team doesn't need to be too many, and they will carry out some raids and assassinations." , reconnaissance, rescue, direct combat and other combat missions."

"Do you understand all this?"

"Of course, I'm an expert!" Qi Rui's reward last time was specialization in special operations, and he has long wanted to form several special operations teams, because the current team size can only be so.

"What about Mingtai?"

"Mingtai has his own way to go." Mingtai still needs to ask Minglou's opinion on how to arrange it, Qi Rui dare not make the decision.

At this time, Mingtai had already returned home, and he was in a good mood after killing so many traitors and spies. Minglou and Mingcheng had already guessed that Tong Wu and others were killed by him, and they felt that one day this kid's muzzle might be shot. Pointing to his chest.

Originally, the military command had an important task for the poisonous scorpion team, which was to obtain information on the deployment of the Japanese army in the third war zone, but with Qi Rui, they would not be needed at all. As the chief of the Jiuchi Mansion, he could easily obtain this information .

In order to see the training situation of the three bases, Qi Rui sent the No. [-] special agent team to Suzhou to assassinate a high-ranking official of the Wang puppet government, and then left the mark of Muyu.

Immediately after hearing the news, Shunfu Jiuchi took Song Jian and Tang Rui to Suzhou, first went to the special high school to check the body, and confirmed that it was Muyu's mark disguised to start the investigation.

That night, Qi Rui, Song Jian and Tang Rui met with He Jian of the No. [-] special agent team after putting on makeup, and the four rushed to the Taihu Lake training base, which is on the west bank of Taihu Lake.

"Ninth brother, what is your identity to meet the soldiers this time?" He Jian asked,

"I am Qi Jin, the head of the independent regiment, and the two of them are my guards Tang Long and Song Bao." Qi Rui said,
"Brother Nine, did you do anything to bring us all here?"

"That's right, this time we're going to show the soldiers what special operations are!"

"Ninth brother, I don't even know what special operations are!" He Jian said with a smile,
"I will teach you! Because we have few people now, we can only conduct some special operations missions!"

"Is there a combat mission this time?"


(End of this chapter)

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