Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 538 Minglou is Suspected

Chapter 538 Minglou is Suspected

When they came to the training base, it was the first time for the soldiers here to see the head of the regiment. Qi Rui also told more than 100 soldiers about the team's future combat scope and the establishment of base areas, the construction of the mass base and other work tasks.

Because these things will be explained in detail by more experienced political commissars, on the second day, Qi Rui began to give everyone a special operations class, and all members of the No. [-] special agent team were also present to attend the class.

"Comrades, what is special operations? I think many people are hearing this word for the first time, because our main combat mission is special operations. I am here this time to let you really understand. I hope you will listen carefully. Because I will select the first batch of special forces members according to your study and training results!"

"Does the best training result get into the special warfare team?" Zhou Daliang asked.
"Good training performance is only a condition. You must pass my assessment and meet my requirements before you can become a member of the official special operations team. Don't worry, everyone, first listen to me explain to you what special operations is!"

"First of all, I want to talk about special reconnaissance. If we want to win a battle, we must first know ourselves and the enemy. If we want to know the enemy's accurate intelligence, we need our special operations team to go deep into the enemy's rear and conduct direct contact with the enemy through visual reconnaissance or other methods. Surveillance, reconnaissance activities to obtain and verify the required enemy information, which is almost the same as scouting, but we will require more accurate and real."

"Regimental Commander, the devils and the puppet army are very strict now, how can we get to the enemy's rear smoothly?"

"The main method we use is to sneak in in advance, mostly from the ground or in the water to secretly infiltrate, enter the enemy's rear to eavesdrop, take pictures, capture prisoners, or infiltrate the local people to listen to news, etc. Of course, makeup is also a common method."

"Team leader, we all know this! Didn't the previous training include these items?" said Zhou Daliang, who was in charge of the training here,
"That's right, the training syllabus I made for you includes the training of these items. You have been training for several months, I think you should have achieved some results?" Qi Rui asked,
"Yes!" The soldiers shouted confidently,

"Okay, let's talk about special reconnaissance today. Didn't you all say that the training is done? Then I will test you!"

Next to Qi Rui's training base is the Taihu Lake. The first thing to test them is the physical fitness test. Each team member needs to complete a five-kilometer 1000-kg weight-bearing run within the specified time, and then perform a 5-meter armed swim, dive for five minutes, and shoot ten rounds of bullets Must be ninety rings or more.

As a result, none of the more than 100 people could meet Qi Rui's requirements. The members of the No. 1000 special agent team did not participate in the assessment, and they could not fully meet Qi Rui's requirements. The members of the martial arts team also failed to meet the requirements, such as diving and [-]-meter armed forces. Swim across.

"You guys really let me down, this level of training is not good!" Qi Rui said to Zhou Daliang and Lu Zhengnian,
"Leader, we will strengthen our training in the future! We will never be lazy again!" Zhou Daliang saw that his elder brother Qi Rui was really angry and hurriedly promised,

"Comrades! You must remember that the more you sweat on the training ground, the less blood you bleed on the battlefield!" Qi Rui shouted after finishing speaking: "Zhou Daliang! Lu Zhengnian!"


"I'll give you another two months. If you still can't meet my training requirements, you can go back to the army!" Qi Rui said angrily,

"Yes! Captain!"

Qi Rui thought that it would be enough to formulate the training outline by himself, but now he finds that if he doesn't send someone to watch it, he really can't do it. But thinking about it, they have trained for less than four months, and this level is actually very good, but It is really far from what you want.

"Chief Qi, isn't this too difficult?" Ma Yunfei asked.

"So, you and He Jian must work harder and train in the future!" Qi Rui said,
"Chief Jiu... Qi, what about me?" Gao Han asked,

"It doesn't matter, girl Gao Han, you don't have to participate in such special operations!" Qi Rui said deliberately,

"How can this work, I must participate! Isn't it just training, but I, a girl, have to be as strong as them?" Gao Han asked,

"That's okay, just complete two-thirds of the difficulty."

"This is the end, I will definitely pass!"

"Chief Qi, didn't you say there is a combat mission?" He Jian asked,

"I originally wanted to take you to complete a mission, but none of them qualified so I had to give up!" Qi Rui originally planned to take a few people from the No. Just train for a while.

"Chief Qi, does this operation have to meet all the requirements?" He Jian asked,

"This is the basic requirement, so you continue to exercise according to the training syllabus. I will take this time to visit Moganshan."

Led by Jiang Tong and He Jian, Qi Rui and the others came to the Moganshan training base again, but the result also disappointed Qi Rui, the training here was not as good as that at Taihu Lake.

So Qi Rui ruthlessly left Song Jian in Moganshan and Tang Rui in Taihu Lake, and let the two of them be instructors to train according to the training intensity and items set by him.

Qi Rui went to Dingshan Lake again, where Jingyun is more experienced, and the training effect is much better than the other two bases.

It was already early March when Qi Rui returned to Shanghai, and he reported to Yingzuo Zhenzhao that he had not found any clues to the jellyfish assassination team, and left Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu in Suzhou and Hangzhou, hoping that they would secretly investigate the possibility of private visits. Find clues to the underground party and military unification secret agents.

After leaving the Mei Agency, Qi Rui came to the Secret Service Headquarters to find Wang Manchun and asked, "Manchun, I heard that you have been slack at work recently. Is it because of your uncle?"

"Teacher, not all of them."

"Tell me, maybe I can help you."

"Teacher, what kind of person do you think Deputy Director Ming is?"

"Deputy Director Ming, it seems that you really love him."

"But someone advised me not to get emotionally involved again."

Qi Rui's heart moved when he heard this, didn't he remind Ming's family to be careful of spies, because only the lone wolf would persuade her like this, which means that Minglou is now suspected by Yoko Nantian and the lone wolf.

"Who advised you? I sent someone to investigate Deputy Director Ming, and found nothing suspicious. Could it be that you discovered something wrong with him?"

"So far, I haven't found anything wrong with Shige, but there must be something wrong with Der Spiegel. She transferred two banks to Hong Kong before the war, and one of them is now managed by the CCP."

"You mean Der Spiegel is a red capitalist?"

"I hope she is, but at that time the capitalists in Shanghai were transferring their assets. It is understandable that the Ming family transferred the bank to Hong Kong. What we need is Mingjing's anti-Japanese behavior in Shanghai. Teacher, I heard that the Ming family and Junfu Foreign Firm also had Can you check for me the trade relationship." Wang Manchun said,

(End of this chapter)

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