Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 539 I will help you settle it!

Chapter 539 I will help you settle it!

Wang Manchun asked to check Mingjing, and Qi Rui readily agreed: "Some time ago, there were materials transported from Shanghai in the base area of ​​the Communist Party. We have secretly investigated several times but there is no result. It seems that it is necessary to investigate deeply. Manchun, I agree. Help you continue to investigate Der Spiegel."

"Thank you teacher."

"Manchun, because Minglou is an important official of the new government after all, you must be cautious in everything you do, plus the relationship between you, once Minglou finds out that you are checking the mirror, your relationship may never be the same again. Redeem it, so let the teacher help you investigate this matter."

"Teacher, I'm actually in a lot of pain."

"I understand you, so if there are any clues that can be provided to me, it is more appropriate for me to investigate this matter."

"Thank you teacher for your concern!"

"It's really hard for you."

Mingcheng also brought back important news from the special high school. He found an investigation report from Nantian Yoko, which clearly stated that Minglou may be from Chongqing, and that Mingjing was designated as the Communist Party. The last sentence Ah Cheng can use .

"It seems that this lone wolf is much more powerful than we imagined. Red Rose told us to be careful before, but she still found something, and I don't know what Red Rose and the others have planned next." Minglou said,
"Brother, this lone wolf is too much of a threat to us, what shall we do next?"

"Red Rose said that this wolf is of great use. Now I can only wait for Boss Zhuang to invite me. At home, we will continue as usual, because even though we know that Aunt Gui is a lone wolf, we can't get rid of it now."

"I see."

The next day, Zhuang Xiaoman asked Minglou to meet at the old place.

"Mr. Ming, it's best for you to stop all actions recently, and let the special high-level class and No. 76 investigate. We have already arranged everything."

"The Lone Wolf's investigation has already appeared in the special high school, saying that I am from Chongqing, and my eldest sister is a Communist Party member. If this continues, we will have accidents sooner or later. What are your plans?"

"Mr. Ming, the lone wolf is just making a conjecture with a strong desire for meritorious service. I believe you will not leave any evidence for her, so you can relax in the next thing and just do your superficial work well."

"Can't you reveal something?"

"I don't even know the specific plan, how can I disclose it to Chief Ming." Zhuang Xiaoman laughed,

Ming Lou also sighed with a smile: "Boss Zhuang really has a master behind him."

"Mr. Ming should have seen that I was just running errands to spread the word. Don't worry, Mr. Ming. The person behind me has never miscalculated. Now the special high school is secretly investigating your Ming family, so now you better do nothing. Don't do it! Don't give the Scorpion team any quests either."

Having said all of this, Minglou couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only stop all actions as Zhuang Xiaoman said. This is indeed the best way to protect himself.

Qi Rui went to Chi Tiecheng's cake shop to buy a cake, and assigned the jellyfish assassination team the task of assassinating Yoko Nantian, and informed them in detail of the time and location of the assassination for them to prepare.

On March [-]th, Nantian Yoko suddenly received a call from Lone Wolf, saying that there was a very important intelligence report, and she was invited to meet in a shopping mall not far from the Super High School.

Nantian Yoko thought that there was evidence that Minglou was a member of Chongqing, so she immediately drove to see Lone Wolf. She got out of the car when she arrived at the agreed shopping mall, when a bullet entered her temple and killed her.

The news of Yoko Nantian's assassination quickly spread to the Mei Agency, the Special High School and the Secret Service Headquarters. Just as they rushed to the scene, Tan Lin in the Japanese Army Hospital dressed as a doctor and Fu Yingxue dressed as a nurse entered the advanced ward. The traitor Xu He was killed by injecting potassium chloride into his arm lying on the hospital bed.

When the devil found out that Xu He had died, Tan Lin and Fu Yingxue had already driven away from the hospital. Qi Rui had carefully considered the task of killing the traitors. Tan Lin and Fu Yingxue could speak fluent Japanese. Xu He's attending doctor could easily complete this assassination mission by staggering the treatment time.

When Mingcheng heard these two good news, he breathed a sigh of relief. The traitor was eliminated, and his biggest threat, Yoko Nantian, was also sniped, and according to the on-site investigation, it turned out that the jellyfish assassination team did it.

"It seems that the people behind Red Rose are very high-ranking!" Minglou said to Mingcheng,

"Brother, this is a bit strange!" Mingcheng said,
"You're saying that our people should have killed the traitor Xu He in the hospital, but their action time coincided with the killing of Yoko Nantian." Minglou also noticed this.

"Brother didn't you suspect that Zhuang Xiaoman also provided explosives to the Communist Party?"

"Let's just treat it as a coincidence! Because we can't ask about this matter, I hope it's the same as what we think!" Minglou smiled happily after speaking, because these two actions are enough to prove Zhuang Xiaoman's ability to act .

"That means they are likely to have dual identities as well?"

"Triple identities are also possible." Minglou thought of Shunsuke Kuchi when he said this.

Qi Rui helped Minglou solve the biggest trouble, and ordered Uncle Li's team to stop some underground activities, because the devils would definitely go crazy for a few more days.

Special Higher Course

Fujita Yoshimasa asked Takeuchi Yunko who had just been transferred back: "Are you sure that Yoko Nantian was killed by the jellyfish assassination team?"

"Judging from the bullets, they should have done it. In addition, no one heard the gunshots. Only the jellyfish assassination team used such modified sniper rifles before." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"Takeuchi, have you finished your work?" Yunko Takeuchi was not in Shanghai during this time, but was transferred to other places by Kenji Doi to perform tasks, and she had just been transferred back by Yoshimasa Fujita.

"It has been handed over to other people to do it!"

"Takeuchi, Section Chief Nantian reported to me before that he suspected that Minglou of the Secret Service Committee was a member of Chongqing, Mingjing was a member of the Communist Party, and that Cheng could be used. I suspect that Nantian's death had something to do with the Ming family. You come to investigate."


When Yunko Takeuchi received the task, Shunsuke Kuchi was the first thing she thought of. She came to the Kuchi Mansion without even turning on the phone.

"Yunzi! When did you come back?" Qi Rui asked in surprise when he saw Yunzi Zhuuchi.

"Kuichi-kun! It seems that you miss me very much!" Yunko Takeuchi gave Shunsuke Kuike a very intimate hug as he spoke.

"Yunzi, have you completed your mission?"

"It's basically finished. Because of Mr. Nantian's affairs, Mr. Fujita transferred me back. You have to help me."

"Of course, is there any suspicious target?"

"Section Chief Fujita said that Section Chief Nantian Yu Sui had been suspicious of the Ming family before, Hisachi-kun, do you understand them?"

"I'm investigating everyone in the Ming family, and I even sent people to spy on them, but the hospital and Section Chief Nantian have nothing to do with them."

"Kuichi-kun so sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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