Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 542 Comrade Der Spiegel!Hello!

Chapter 542 Comrade Der Spiegel!Hello!
Qi Rui is one of the people Wang Tianfeng trusts and admires the most. In addition, what Qi Rui said is indeed reasonable. Devils will not easily trust the codebook and will definitely verify it. This is what he is most worried about.

Wang Tianfeng was also worried that the devil would not believe that he was dead in vain, and others would not be able to convince the devil, but Xiaojiu, who has a Japanese identity, might really have a way. With him in the dead, it is really possible to become the living.

"Brother Feng, do you have a place to live?"

"I'm going to live with Du Xie and the others." Wang Tianfeng said,

"Brother Feng, Poison Scorpion is a kid who likes to act emotionally and is very impulsive. He should know by now that Juntong is secretly colluding with Liang Zhongchun of No. 76 to do business. We can understand why he did this, but he finds it difficult to accept it, so you have to Explain to him well, let him understand that the money is not going into private pockets, most of it is anti-Japanese funds." Qi Rui reminded,

Wang Tianfeng put his arms around Qi Rui's shoulders and praised: "It's still Xiaojiu, you have poisonous eyes, Mingtai does have this problem, I will educate him well."

"Okay, I will contact you as soon as I have a plan."

This made sense to Wang Tianfeng, and Qi Rui felt at ease, but the details of the specific actions still need to be studied carefully. The most important thing now is not how to let the devils get the fake codebook, but how to let the devils verify it later. The information obtained from this codebook is true.

Ming Mansion

"Brother, the poisonous bee is here!"

Ming Lou got a headache when he heard that he was here, because he came to carry out the death plan, and this lunatic would do all sorts of crazy things to achieve his goal.

"Where is he now?"

"In the photo studio."

"Tell him I want to see him!"

"Brother, Yunko Takeuchi came to see me today, she wants me to spy on you just like Yoko Nantian."

"It seems that your acting skills are good. Let them believe that there are conflicts between us that can be exploited."

"Brother, hasn't Red Rose contacted you yet?" Mingcheng asked worriedly.
"Ah Cheng, don't worry, I found that Boss Zhuang appeared in a timely manner every time. I believe she will contact me at critical moments." Minglou didn't believe in Zhuang Xiaoman, but the people behind her, because Now it seems that the person knows everything about him.

"This lone wolf is at home like a ghost, and I'm really worried that she has discovered the big sister's secret."

"Did sister do anything recently?"

"She opened a safe at HSBC. If the lone wolf finds out, the devil will definitely find something when he opens the safe." Mingcheng gave the safe number to Minglou after finishing speaking.

Minglou pondered for a while, then said: "Looks like I need to tell Eldest Sister my real identity! I also have to let her know that there is a ghost spy in the house, otherwise she won't be so vigilant."

"Is this too risky? After all, my eldest sister has a hot temper, what if I can't control it?"

"Didn't you notice that the elder sister has become much more calm in her work? Didn't she already know my identity in Chongqing? Did you see any different reactions from her?" Minglou asked,

"I also found that the eldest sister seems to be much calmer than before. It seems that the underground work these years has tempered her very well."

"I think it might be that Shunfu Foreign Firm has trained her."

"So Zhuang Xiaoman already knew the identity of the eldest sister?"

"Otherwise, you thought she would provide Eldest Sister with so many strategic materials, and would do everything possible to help her secretly."

"It seems that elder brother has already investigated Shunfu Foreign Firm."

"For safety's sake, I can only choose to trust Eldest Sister!"

Minglou came to Mingjing's room and gently knocked on the door: "Sister, it's me."

"Minglou, come in."

Mingcheng waited for Minglou to go in and hurried to the outside of the room to keep an eye on the lone wolf from eavesdropping.

"Minglou, do you have something to tell me?"

Ming Lou stood in front of Ming Jing and said softly, "Comrade Ming Jing! Hello!"

Ming Jing heard this sound, comrades were immediately surrounded, and looked at Minglou suspiciously for a while, unable to speak for a while, Minglou looked at the elder sister distressedly and said: "Comrade Mingjing, I am speaking to you on behalf of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China!"

"Southern Bureau!? The CCP? Aren't you from Chongqing!" Ming Jing asked even more confused,

"Sister, I know that what I say now will make it hard for you to accept." Minglou took out a corner of a hundred French coins from his wallet and handed it to Ming Jing, and continued: "This is the missing French coin from Secretary Dong. , the other missing corner should be with you."

Ming Jing took out the other corner from her collection, which exactly matched the one in Minglou's hand, and now she finally understood that Minglou was actually her comrade, and a leader at the top.

"Sister, the situation is urgent now, I have to reveal my identity to you!"

"What happened?"

"Sister, we have devil spies around us."

"Ah!?" Ming Jing was startled,
"Sister, Aunt Gui is a lone Japanese spy. She joined the Japanese secret service when she was in the Northeast. Her former master was Nantian Yoko, and her current master is Wang Manchun. I'll tell you this because she probably already found out that you were HSBC safe!"

"Hey! What can we do, can we get rid of her?" Ming Jing's heartbeat accelerated, and he trembled when he spoke.

"Sister, don't panic, just pretend nothing happened, and you don't know Aunt Gui's identity, what to do, I will ask Ah Cheng to help you transfer the contents of the safe to the person you want to hand over."

"Minglou, let this devil's spy stay at our house?"

"We can only keep it now, otherwise we will be suspected by the super high class and No. 76. Eldest sister, you must be careful in the future and don't show any signs of her. What you did to her in the past will do the same in the future. You are also an old underground Now that you are a party member, I believe you can do it." Minglou encouraged,

Ming Jing calmed down and said, "It's up to you to say, it's about the safety of our family."

"So, tell me if there is anything in the future, don't act alone again, this is an order from the organization!" Minglou said to Mingjing with a relaxed face,
"You brat, I've been cheated so hard!" Ming Jing was very relieved that her own younger brother was actually a comrade and a superior leader, but she soon began to worry about Minglou's safety.

"Sister, you also know that we are disciplined, and you never told us your real identity."

"The problem is that you have known my identity for a long time, but I just found out!"

"After you know it, you have to be more careful! Remember to keep performing the play that should be performed, as if you don't know our identities."

Ming Lou told Ming Jing her real identity and felt a lot more comfortable in her heart. Japanese spies had infiltrated the family, so that the elder sister could know how cruel the struggle was and let her become more mature.

(End of this chapter)

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