Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 543 Can you tell me who he is?

Chapter 543 Can you tell me who he is?

Ming Jing saw Aunt Gui's disgust again and again, but she still resisted the disgusting and friendly greeting, and discussed with the devil spy agent what to buy tomorrow morning.

This scene made Minglou and Mingcheng deeply gratified, and what worries them the most now is Mingtai.

The next day, under Mingcheng's arrangement, Ming Lou met the poisonous bee queen Tianfeng in the casino. The two were old acquaintances. OK.

But what Minglou didn't expect was that the poisonous bee didn't quarrel with him this time, but quietly waited for him to vent, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry!"

"This is not your style! Do you also feel that you are sorry for Mingtai?" Minglou asked in surprise,

Wang Tianfeng shook his head and said, "Although I dragged him into the water, I taught him how to swim!"

"Then I can't just watch you drown him!"

"You may not be able to drown now." Wang Tianfeng said with a smile,
"Are you going to give up your death plan?"

"How is it possible! I came here to tell you that my plan may change!"

"Change? Did you change the plan to be even crazier?" Minglou became even more strange, because this Wang Tianfeng has always been self-righteous, and it is difficult to change the things he decides.

"Minglou, I recognize your value and your ability, but there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about me."

"Why did you suddenly realize it? Have you been stimulated by something?"

"Hahaha... I wasn't stimulated, but I was lucky enough to meet a good brother."

"..." Minglou looked at Wang Tianfeng like a monster, because of his character no one would want to be friends with him, let alone brothers.

"Minglou, the death plan doesn't know the outcome until the last moment. In fact, I don't know where it will go in the end, especially how to convince the Japanese that the information they got is true. I'm really not sure." Wang Tianfeng said honestly,
"Your plan has a big loophole! The Japanese are not fools. Even if they get the codebook, they will verify its authenticity repeatedly before they really believe it. It is definitely not enough to make them believe it by killing a few military command agents. Simple."

"So, this plan may change."

"How did you think it changed?"

"If I could change it earlier, but you don't have to worry, someone will modify this plan to be more perfect! I believe in this very much."

"That means this person doesn't agree with your death plan?" Minglou is now particularly curious about who it is that makes this lunatic change.

"He said it's possible to achieve the result I want without dying, and maybe even better!"

Minglou immediately thought of the expert behind Zhuang Xiaoman, and asked, "The person you're talking about should be the one who assisted us in blowing up the Sakura and commanded the jellyfish assassination team to kill Yoko Nantian?"

"Hahaha... He did more than these two things. He even planned to kill Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun! He also blew up the devil's supplies, which caused Neiji Okamura's No.11 Army to postpone the Hunan-Jiangxi battle. I have given our army time to prepare, and I can’t even tell you about the great things he has done.” Wang Tianfeng said that he was as proud as he did himself.

"I remember that you were in Shanghai when you killed Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun. Did you participate in that operation?" Minglou asked.

Wang Tianfeng said with a smile: "Speaking of that action, I participated in it, but I just filled up the number. Later, thinking about it, I even shouted to cheer, but in fact I didn't do anything."

"But as far as I know, the higher-ups gave you a great credit that time!"

"I didn't ask for the reward because I knew I didn't deserve it."

"It's rare to see you poisonous bee so convinced by a person, can you tell me who he is?"

"Hahahaha... I dare not tell you who he is. If you see him in the future, you must thank him very much, because he said that he will turn the dead into the living, so you don't have to worry about the death of your thorny brother. Already!" Wang Tianfeng said with a smile,

"I guess I know who he is."

"If you're not sure, don't say it. I think you will definitely have a chance in the future. I'm done talking here. I won't stay in this place full of traitors and running dogs. I won't feel comfortable if I stay for a second! Goodbye! You just Wait for the good news."

Wang Tianfeng stood up and said again: "If I'm one step late, your brother will blow up smuggled goods. Why do you think he is so stubborn!"

"It has long been said that he is not suitable for this job, but you didn't find it yourself." Minglou laughed,
"If it wasn't for my brother's reminder, he would have ruined the smuggling line we worked so hard for!"

"He knows all this!?"

"My brother is indeed a god, he seems to know Mingtai very well."

"The more you talk about it, the more I want to know who he is!"

"Hahaha, I said that to make you anxious, goodbye!"

Watching Wang Tianfeng leave with a big smile, Minglou also laughed. The person Wang Tianfeng said not only knew Mingtai very well, but also seemed to know himself and Mingcheng very well. How could he not understand Wang Tianfeng? He gave up the dead plan.

"Brother, why is the poisonous bee so happy?" Mingcheng came in and asked,

"Am I sad? I'm also very happy." Ming Lou deliberately grinned after finishing speaking,
"Is this a consensus to cooperate? Just the two of you can cooperate?" Mingcheng asked in disbelief.

"We still have to cooperate, because this poisonous bee is not useless, at least it taught Mingtai to swim!" Minglou picked up his coat and left after finishing speaking.

Mingcheng pondered the meaning of Minglou's words with a dazed expression, because Mingtai knew how to swim since he was a child, did he need the poisonous bee teaching?

Qi Rui thought hard and repeatedly deduced Wang Tianfeng's death plan. The first step now is to let the devils know in advance that the national army in the third war zone will change the codebook, and let them know that the person responsible for delivering the codebook is the Shanghai Special Operations Group of the Military Command. .

This news can come from Chongqing and let Xu Hongkai get it. If he can get it, then the secret agent of the Mei Agency can also get it, so the Mei Agency will definitely believe in the authenticity of this information.

But how to let Wang Manchun get this news, then Wang Tianfeng has to fight like in the TV series.

Because this new set of secret codes must be sent to the command of the third theater in the end, Qi Rui repeatedly researched and designed a plan on how to use it to obtain the military information of the third theater if not sent to it.

"Xue'er, immediately telegraph Fang Tianyi's black fox commando team, Song Jian and Tang Rui, and ask them to bring the team to the Dingshan Lake base immediately."

"What kind of military action are you doing?"

"Let the third war zone fight a good battle this time!"

The third war zone is the division of the national army. Fu Yingxue asked, "Do you want them to come and train?"

"I have this idea, because we want to mature the team as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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