Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 544 Jiuchi!I don't worry about your work

Chapter 544 Jiuchi!I don't worry about your work

In the meeting room of the Special High School, a working meeting convened by the Mei Agency is in progress. Only Yoshimasa Fujita and Yunko Takeuchi from the Special High School, Shunsuke Kuike from the Kuchi Mansion, Kohinata Shiro from the Shang Mansion, and Bi Zhongliang and Wang Manchun.

Ying Zuozhen Zhao said: "Everyone, according to reliable information, there will be a major military operation in the third theater of the Chinese Army recently. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the operation, their theater will replace the new code. The task of escorting the new code is by A specific person from the Military Statistics Bureau is in charge."

"General, is this news reliable?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"It's very reliable, because this information came from inside the Military Control Bureau." Ying Zuo Zhenzhao finished speaking and glanced at Xiao Hinata Bailang.

"General, the surname Dai is very cunning, don't fall for his tricks, what a secret thing it is to escort a new code book in a theater." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"Section Chief Fujita's concerns are justified, but we have our own people who escorted the secret code, so we obtained this information."

"Since we have our own people, isn't it easy?" Bi Zhongliang asked,
"No, our people are only responsible for escorting the encrypted code to Kunming, and then handing it over to other people to Hong Kong, and then handing it over to the person in charge in Shanghai, so the things after Kunming need to be followed up." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said ,
"Does such a confidential thing need to go through so many hands?" Fujita Yoshimasa still felt that it was unreasonable to ask,
"I guess not all the escorts know the content of the mission." Kagezuo Haraaki said,
"We now know that Qi Lianna is the stationmaster of the Shanghai station, but she has not made any moves so far. Is she just waiting for this task?" Bi Zhongliang asked,
"I don't know about this for the time being. I have already sent people to Kunming, hoping to find out who sent the encrypted code to Hong Kong. As long as we know who it is, the next thing will be easy." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, is this secret code going to be sent to the third theater?" Bi Zhongliang asked.

"You are right. What we want is not to catch the person who sent the code, but the content of the code in their hands. That is to say, we must master the content of the code before it is sent to the third theater!" Zuo Zhenzhao said,

"This operation is top secret. Each of your departments must find a reliable person to take charge of this matter. If this matter is leaked, all of you will be involved." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"But General, do you have a specific plan for how we are going to do it?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"There are no specific plans as this would require us to know who is escorting the code before we can make a decision."


"You guys discuss how to do it yourself, and I will be responsible for providing you with information!" After finishing speaking, Kagesa Haruaki said to Shunsuke Kuchi who had never spoken: "Kagechi, you come back with me, I have something to tell you. "

In the car, Yingzuo Zhenzhao asked: "Jiuchi, do you think this matter is reliable?"

"General, who gave this information, I asked Xu Hongkai, and he said he didn't know about it."

"In fact, you also know the person who escorted the secret code. It is Qiao Yu, who you codenamed the Shang Mansion as Sakura."

"Qiao Yu! He finally came in handy after such a long time!" Qi Rui thought and thought, but Xu Hongkai was useless in the end, because it might involve himself in the end. Qiao Yu's flag should come in handy, For Chen Shan (the protagonist of Jingzhe, fake Xiao Zhengguo, Zhang Li's lover.) Qi Rui never let Boss Dai touch him, and he was promoted normally.

"General, Section Chief Fujita's concern is not unreasonable. There are still many capable people in the military system. Although we have an advantage in the contest with them on the surface, in fact, we are always passive when encountering individual people. I hope the general will be careful and don't fall into the trap of the military commander."

"Jiuchi, I called you alone to tell you about this matter. Recently, I asked Chen Jiaying to pay more attention to the telegrams from Chongqing. It is best to intercept the relevant telegrams."

"General, there is one more thing I don't understand. We can do it ourselves. Why do we need people from Secret Service Headquarters to participate?"

"Jiuchi, I've thought about this matter carefully. The people in the Secret Service Headquarters still know better than us the methods and methods of military command agents' actions. Besides, the new government is about to be established. We also need to have an attitude to let the people in the new government know. Their cooperation is genuine."

"General, is this operation in the third theater related to the establishment of the new government?"

"This is exactly what I am worried about, so we must obtain the secret code, and there must be nothing to affect the establishment of the new government!"

"General, have you made arrangements in Kunming?"

"It's arranged, I sent the best agents to watch them."

"That's great!"

"Kuichi, when will Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yuu come back?"

"I can arrive today!"

"Did they find any clues?"

"I just want to find traces of the jellyfish assassination team, but they are so cunning."

"We have experienced the cunning of the assassination team a long time ago. The only way to truly understand them is to sneak into them. I have already assigned someone to take charge of this matter. Jiuchi, you should focus on other things."


"Do you have any good methods for obtaining encrypted codes?"

"General, we first need to know what this code looks like."

"I think it should be a written code book."

"General! I don't think it's possible. You have to go through layers of checks along the way. It's too unsafe to carry a password book."

"That makes sense! What do you think is most likely?"

"If it was us, we should choose microfilm!"

"Microfilm!? Yoshi! Its small size is indeed the easiest to hide and carry, Kuchi, you still need to figure out a way for this matter!"

"General, I will do my best."

"It's better to let them send the code to the third theater without knowing it! Then we can find out what they are trying to do."

"General, this matter cannot be mobilized, so there is no need to arrange many people at all, and please general not let them inform too many people about this matter." Qi Rui said,
"You're right, I'll call right away when I get back."

"General, we may need to find a thief."

"The thief! Yo Xi, you are planning to let the thief steal the things first, and we will return the contents after we get the content!"

"This is just one-handed preparation. The best way is to know the target and find a reason to detain someone during the security check."

"This method is also very good!"

"General, what I'm most worried about now is that they will get into trouble if they put XZ in their bodies!"

"What you said may really exist! But I don't think it should. How do they hand it over?"

"General, I just think about several possibilities and make adequate preparations."

"Jiuchi! I'm still very relieved of your work."

(End of this chapter)

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