Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 545 Will You Marry A Woman Like Me?

Chapter 545 Will You Marry A Woman Like Me?

Qi Rui has already planned everything, and Wang Tianfeng also quite approves of the overall plan. This is indeed a goal that can be achieved without sacrificing anyone, and it is safe.

This time Qi Rui pushed Shang Mansion to the forefront, Xiao Hinata Bailang also planned to prove the value and ability of Shang Mansion through this action, but Qi Rui would also take Wang Manchun with her because she was his student.

"Brother! We're back!" Song Jian and Tang Rui rushed back from Dingshan Lake to report to Qi Rui.
"How is the training going?" What Qi Rui cares most about now is the combat effectiveness of his team.

"It's improved a lot compared to before!" Song Jian said,
"Is there anyone I asked you to look for?"

"Brother, there are no more than ten people in the three bases that meet your criteria."

"My standard is indeed relatively high, how much would it be if I lowered the standard by [-]%?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"That's a lot, almost one-third of them can meet the standard."

"Brother, the rest are not bad, and the really bad ones are really bad."

"Yes, that's exactly what I want."

"Brother, reducing the strength by [-]% is definitely not worse than the devil's elite." Song Jian said,
"Now the strength is the same, I will use tactics to make them stronger!" Qi Rui is specialized in special operations, and he will definitely not face the devil head-to-head.

"Brother, if there is a chance, you still need to train them yourself."


"Brother, do you have a combat mission to send the team to Dingshan Lake?" Song Jian asked,

"Yes, there are combat missions, and the first battle is against the Wang puppet government. They must not be allowed to easily establish a new government, and they must know the fate of being a traitor."

"Great! Brother, but aren't there too few people?"

"The Black Fox commando team will also come, there are a lot of people!"

"Is the strength of the Black Fox Commando good enough?" Tang Rui asked.

"They also trained according to my training program, so it should be fine."

"By the way, big brother, big sister Ouyang wants to see you."

"Do you know what it is?"

"It should be a matter of team supplies. It is really not a trivial matter for more than 500 people to eat and drink every day."

"I've already sent someone to deliver this, don't worry, we won't starve our own soldiers."

The team has been pulled over, and the next battle plan Qi Rui has already designed. The Wang puppet government was established on March No. 30. In fact, the puppet troops in the surrounding areas have already begun to participate in the security assistance mission. Qi Rui is going to do a good job this time. Give Wang Puppet a little color and let them know what it's like to be sleepless and sleepless at night.

special committee

"Brother, there seems to be something going on between the Special High School and the Secret Service Headquarters recently. This morning, Yingzuo Zhenzhao personally went to the Special High School to hold a meeting for them." Mingcheng said to Minglou,

"Do you know what it's about?"

"I don't know. Wang Manchun also attended this meeting. She should know."

"Who else was there?"

"Shunsuke Hisaike, Yoshimasa Fujita, Yunko Takeuchi, Shiro Kohinata, Bi Zhongliang, Wang Manchun, there are no others. The person standing guard at the door is from the Mei Agency. It seems to be a top-secret meeting."

"It seems that this is a big deal!"

"Brother, they didn't call you, it seems that they really don't trust you!" Mingcheng said,
"The Lone Wolf's investigation report still played a certain role. You go and choose a more expensive gift, and I will give it to Wang Manchun."

"Brother, do you want to ask her about the meeting?"

"I can only start with her."

bell bell bell...

"Hi! Hello, I'm Minglou!"

"Director Ming, I'm Zhuang Xiaoman, do you have time to come out for a cup of coffee?"

When he heard that it was Zhuang Xiaoman, Minglou asked with a smile on his face, "How many people dream of being able to drink coffee with Miss Zhuang, now?"

"See you at the Jazz Café in half an hour."

"Okay! I'll order coffee and pastries and wait for Miss Zhuang to come!"

"See you later!"

Minglou put down the phone and said with a smile: "It seems that you don't need to buy gifts anymore!"

"If she can bring news of the meeting, it will prove that Shunsuke Hisaike is really..." Mingcheng said expectantly,
Ming Lou motioned him not to continue talking, and said: "We can't be too smart at this time, unless he allows, understand?"


If it is as expected, then Shunsuke Kuchi is probably the legendary god of killing, and he is probably one of his own!This made Minglou and Mingcheng really look forward to it.

In the jazz cafe, Minglou ordered the coffee that Zhuang Xiaoman usually likes, and ordered her exquisite pastry. When everything was ready, Zhuang Xiaoman sat opposite Minglou with a swaying and graceful figure.

Minglou pushed West Point to Zhuang Xiaoman: "Boss Zhuang! I hope you like it!"

"It looks delicious, thank you Director Ming!"

Ming Lou must have chosen a quieter corner, and made sure that his words would not be overheard, Zhuang Xiaoman said in a low voice: "Mr. Ming, please don't inquire about the content of today's special high school meeting."

"It seems that Boss Zhuang knows the content?" Minglou asked.

"I don't know, but the boss doesn't want you to get involved in this matter!"

"Okay! I obey the order, but what about my wolf? Should I continue to wait for the opportunity?"

"Now this wolf is Wang Manchun's informant, let's see if we can clean it up together this time."

"This time? Could it have something to do with the meeting!" Minglou asked.

"Master Ming, I will let you know what you need to do."

"I believe in this, because you will show up in time at every critical moment." Zhuang Xiaoman came a little later, and he would really go to Wang Manchun with a gift.

"Otherwise you will take the risk to meet Wang Manchun, Chief Ming. You must know that she is letting the lone wolf investigate your family. It seems that he is right. For your safety, she must die too!"

Minglou watched Zhuang Xiaoman eat the cake with a smile, and asked, "Red Rose, how about Shunsuke Kuike, a Japanese?"

"I'm just using his identity as a cover. Don't think too much about it, Chief Ming."

"No one in Shanghai does not know that you are his woman." Ming Lou said,
"Who told me to do this, Chief Ming won't look down on me?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked with a bright smile, not a bit unhappy.

"Of course not, I only think you are great." Ming Lou flattered,

"Then after the devils are beaten away, will Chief Ming marry a woman like me?"

"This..." Minglou suddenly realized that he had dug a hole for himself. It seemed that the thorns on this red rose became sharper.

"Hey, you men, you are all talking nicely. Who will want my broken flowers and willows at that time, especially if I have been with the Japanese. If I don't get shot by then, I will be dead!" Zhuang Xiao What Man said was miserable, but he had already finished a piece of pastry, and then he looked satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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