Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 546 Multiple Accidents

Chapter 546 Multiple Accidents
Qi Rui returned home and was about to eat, when suddenly Liu Rusi called and asked anxiously, "Is this Mr. Jiuchi? I'm Liu Rusi from Cairus."

"Boss Liu, what's wrong with you?"

"Taijun Jiuchi, help! Tielin and Xu Tian were arrested by Chimu Qinzhi in the public concession."

"Did they do something wrong?"

"I don't know exactly what's going on, please help Taijun Jiuchi, I will repay you even if I go bankrupt!"

"Now they are in the police station of the Ministry of Industry, right?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, there it is."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Xu Tian is a talent. He was originally sent to the base area with Tian Dan, and he probably came back with a mission. found something.

Qi Rui called Song Jian and Tang Rui to drive to the police station of the Ministry of Industry in the International Concession, and went directly to Chi Muqin.

"Chief Kuike, why do you have time to come to my place?" Akagi Osama asked in surprise when he saw Shunsuke Kuike.
"Director Akagi, I heard that you arrested a few people, I want to ask why you arrested them."

"I have arrested too many people. I don't know who Chief Jiuchi is asking?"

"The French Concession patrolled Tielin and the others."

"It turned out to be them, how did Chief Kuchi know them?" Chi Muqinzhi asked,

"Because they are informants of our Jiuchi mansion, you can check the records if you don't believe it."

"Are they your informants? But now I suspect they were involved in several murders."


"Let's take a look." Akagi Osama handed some files to Shunsuke Kuike.

Judging from the file, what they did was all trivial matters. Qi Rui didn't understand why Xu Tian would do these things: "Director Chimu, are you sure you did all of this? Tielin is on patrol, and Xu Tian is just a small Accountant, did you make a mistake?"

"Chief Kuike, please read these again." Osamu Akagi gave some more files,
After reading it, Qi Rui said with a sullen face: "Director Akagi, can I interrogate them?"

"of course can."

The dossiers given by Akagi Osamu for the second time were accidental incidents, but in every accidental incident, Japanese and traitors died, once or twice were accidental, so many times it makes people suspect that someone carefully designed the accidental scene, Akagi suspects Tielin and Xu Tian because some of the things they stole have appeared at the scene of the accident.

Seeing Shunsuke Jiuchi, Xu Tian hurriedly shouted for injustice. After interrogation, both Xu Tian and Tielin gave very reasonable explanations.

"Director Chimu, did you hear that Tielin is on patrol, and these things in their hands are stolen goods seized by thieves." Qi Rui said,
"I asked them where the thief was, and they actually said let him go!"

"If we catch all the thieves back, the cell won't be able to fit in at all! Besides, what they stole is nothing from before." Tielin said,
Qi Rui knew that these accidents were all planned by Xu Tian. Every assassination looked like an accident, but in fact it was all through careful calculation and arrangement. Only a genius like Xu Tian could do this, and he concealed it. It's also very good, Qi Rui judged that those thieves should have been arranged in advance, but he still remembered that Tielin had found a group of people.

"Director Akagi, is it too far-fetched to say that the accident was designed by them based on these?"

"I really don't have any evidence to prove that these accidents were carefully planned by someone, but if they let them go, the director of Jiuchi will guarantee it."

"They are indeed my informants, and the guarantee is fine. If you can really prove that these accidents were done by them, I will personally send them to you." Qi Rui said,
"Chief Jiuchi, I have also investigated them. I don't think Tielin has this ability, but this Xu Tian has studied in Japan, and I heard that he is a high-achieving student."

"But don't you know he's dizzy?"


"Yes, I know he is dizzy." Qi Rui said,
"Chief Jiuchi, if I find out something, I won't be polite to them." Akagi Omiyuki said,
"I will kill them with my own hands!" Qi Rui said,
"That's good. Since it's an important person from the head of the Jiuchi agency, I dare not give it to you. Take it away!"

There is indeed no evidence to prove that Xu Tian and Tie Lin did it. Since he is the informant of Jiuchi Mansion, he will not detain him anymore, let alone Jiuchi Shunsuke personally came to ask for someone.

After Shunsuke Kuike took him away, Akagi personally investigated and found out that Xian Lesi had Shunsuke Kuike's shares, and it was Liu Rusi who found him. No wonder he came here in person, it turned out that it was for money.

Back in Xian Lesi, Xu Tian bowed deeply to Shunsuke Kuchi and said, "Thank you, Chief Kuchi, for your help."

"Xu Tian, ​​did you say that was really an accident?" Qi Rui asked,

"I think it's just an accident."

"A car accident for no reason, an inexplicable fire, you will slip and fall to your death after taking a bath, and you will fall into the water and drown if you catch a fish. Do you really think these are accidents?" Qi Rui laughed secretly in his heart: Oh God!Xu Tian, ​​you and Tian Dan are really a family, both are high-IQ killers, but you are too frequent.

"Chief Jiuchi, these may be natural disasters and man-made disasters, which cannot be resisted by manpower. It may be because they have done too many evil things and suffered retribution." Liu Rusi said,

"Boss Liu, haven't you paid me a dividend for a few months?"

"It's all saved for you, and I don't dare to lose a penny of yours!" Liu Rusi handed over the money she had prepared long ago.

Qi Rui glanced at Song Jian, he went over to take the money,

"Xu Tian, ​​these accidents do look like retribution. Although it is said that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil, everything must be reasonable. You must understand that there are heaven and earth outside this world, and as long as you do it, it will leave traces. It's not so easy to fool, you should stay away from these accidents in the future, and I won't be able to get you out if you are caught by him again!"

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he took Song Jian and Tang Rui away from Xian Lesi, and Tielin greeted Shunfu Jiuchi's family with his mouth behind his back.

"Brother Tian, ​​did Shunsuke Kuchi see something?"

Liu Rusi always disapproved of them doing these things, but now she is Tielin's daughter-in-law, marrying a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog, what he wants to do is support, this time it really scared her, she thought Tielin I can't come back, I didn't expect that Shunsuke Kuchi is really good, and he is willing to help this favor.

"Let's be more careful in the future." At this moment, Xu Tian was even more sure that Shunsuke Kuike was one of his own, because what he said couldn't be more clear, he just let himself calm down for a while, and now Akagi Omiyuki has been eyeing them.

"Brother Tian, ​​what are you afraid of? They don't have any evidence. Rory has said so much, it's inexplicable!" Tielin said,
"Tie Lin, don't do anything while I'm not around, remember!"

"Brother Tian, ​​where are you going?"

"I'm going to Hangzhou for a trip, maybe a month or two, you must not act without authorization! Everything will be discussed when I come back."

(End of this chapter)

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