Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 547 Interception of Encrypted Telegrams

Chapter 547 Interception of Encrypted Telegrams
Qi Rui has been paying attention to Xu Tian all the time, because he is a master of assassination, and if he shows his strength, he can really kill people invisible.

Just like the bizarre and accidental deaths that Akagi Omi investigated, all of them were murders designed by Xu Tian. He belongs to the kind of high-IQ killer. any proof.

Qi Rui returned home with the money given by Liu Rusi, which was necessary, and Yunzi Takeuchi and Masami Aoyama were chatting.

"Kuichi-kun, you're back!"

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

"It's all about women's affairs, do you want to listen too?" Yunzi Zhuuchi asked,

"Just asking casually, please don't laugh at Yunzi."

"Jiuchi-kun, do you want to take a bath?" Fu Yingxue finally looked forward to him coming back, she didn't want to chat with Takeuchi,
"Wash, you go prepare hot water for me, and I'll have a few words with Yunzi."

"What does Kuchi-kun want to say to me?" Takeuchi Yunko always acted like a little girl when talking to Kuchi Shunsuke,

"Yunzi, who did you find for the extra-high class?"

"I only looked for Captain Takagi, and no one else. Mr. Fujita meant to let the Secret Service Headquarters and the Shang Mansion take the lead."

"Oh, is Mr. Fujita looking at me like that?"

"No, I think you don't seem interested in this case."

"Yunzi, it's not that I'm not interested, but I feel that this matter is not difficult at all, and there is no need to worry about it." Being too focused is not easy to make mistakes, and Qi Rui doesn't want that.

"Why do you say it's not difficult at all?"

"How difficult can it be? Didn't General Yingzuo say that he came from Hong Kong on a cruise ship, and the general sent someone to watch over him. Since that's the case, he must be under our surveillance. Once the target is found, we will give it to you." They came to conduct a general inspection of the whole ship, and they said that there were Communists among them, and they were carrying dangerous goods, and no one could escape."

"That's right, it's really not difficult to think about it that way."

"However, Yunzi, you must remember that it is impossible for the other party to bring the code book directly. I deduce that it is probably a miniature film. When the time comes, you will prepare the slide projector, take the photos and return them to the original owners. This action will be completed." gone."

"I know."

"Yunzi, what do you think of my student Wang Manchun?"

"I heard that she is very hardworking and has a high work efficiency. In less than two years, a woman was promoted to the position of director, which shows her ability. Feng Manna, who was favored by Takeshi Aoki before, is now just a small team leader."

"Yunzi, she really worked hard, especially because she was full of hatred. Her father and uncle were killed by killers. Now she hates the anti-Japanese elements. You have to make good use of her strength, and I heard Said that Section Chief Nantian gave her a spy code-named Lone Wolf, using the resources in her hands, Yunzi, your luck must be much better than Mieko's."

"Thank you Jiuchi-kun for your reminder, even if she is your student, I will have a good relationship with her."

"In addition, I want to remind you that she and Minglou were lovers before. I can see that she loves this senior brother very much, but Section Chief Nantian suspected that Minglou is from Chongqing. I checked and found out What, maybe the lone wolf can help you."

"Jiuchi-kun let the lone wolf be used by me?"

"Of course it's the best thing that can be used by you. I don't want you to leave in despair like Mieko. What you need now is merit."

"It's still Jiuchi-kun who loves me, I really envy Masami!"

"Yunzi, sometimes friendship is worth cherishing."

"I know, go take a shower, I'm going to bed!"

On March 21, Kagezuo Zhenzhao called Qi Rui to Meiguan, and when he arrived, he found that Kohinata Shiro, Fujita Yoshimasa and Bi Zhongliang had already taken their seats.

"Everyone, according to reliable information, at around two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the military command agent who escorted the codebook will arrive in Shanghai on the Polaris cruise ship!"

"General, how many of them are there?"

"Two men and one woman, according to our information, they will hand over the code book to the responders when they arrive, but we still need to track masters to carry out the stalking task, to see who is going to carry out the task of escorting the code book ’” Kagezuo Shousaki said,
"General, is the arrangement on the pier?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"Kagechi! You arrange this operation." Kagesa Haruaki said,

"Do any of you have any questions?"

"Where are Section Chief Takeuchi and Director Wang?" Qi Rui asked,

"The two of them went to work and haven't come back yet." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"What's more important at this time?" Kagezuo Shaki asked,

"I heard that HSBC has something stored by the Communist Party. They took people to search it. If they find something, those who have always suspected it can be arrested immediately."

"Oh!? It seems that the Special High School and Secret Service Headquarters are going to make meritorious service again." Qi Rui said,
"It's hard to say, this matter will be very difficult, because the younger brother of the target is Minglou, an important member of the new government."

"The person you're talking about is Deputy Director Ming's sister Ming Jing?" Qi Rui asked in surprise,
"Yes, we suspect that she is the Communist Party and uses Ming's factories and businesses to fund the Communist Party."

"She also has a lot of cooperation with Junfu Foreign Firm. I checked her twice and found no problems. If this is the case, then this person is really hiding deeply," Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi, don't worry about her, go get ready for action tomorrow." Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"Hayi!" Qi Rui said to Xiao Hinata Bailang after agreeing: "Lieutenant Xiao Hinata, what's your plan for tomorrow?"

"Director Hisaike, Section Chief Araki and Captain Chida are responsible for maintaining order on my side, and you and the Super High Section are responsible for inspection and surveillance."

"Section Chief Fujita, Director Bi, let Section Chief Takeuchi and Director Wang follow me tomorrow."

"Jiuchi, this action must not be exposed."


Takeuchi Yunzi and Wang Manchun got the information from the Lone Wolf, explaining that Jing had opened a safe in the bank, which contained a lot of property, which should be given to the Communist Party, but after they went to open the safe, there were some important business contracts. Mortgage deed and other documents, there is no money at all.

In other words, the information provided by Lone Wolf was completely wrong. Wang Manchun, who originally wanted to kill the mirror, suddenly looked downcast like a deflated ball.

That night, both Chen Jiaying and the Dispatch Army Intelligence Section intercepted an encrypted telegram, and it took a lot of effort to decipher the encrypted telegram. Kagezuo Zhenzhao got it immediately, and he immediately called Shunsuke Kuike : "Jiuchi, just intercepted a secret message from Chongqing, and our telecommunications experts have just deciphered it."

(End of this chapter)

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