Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 549 Little 9!Let Mingtai and Yu Manli follow you!

Chapter 549 Little Nine!Let Mingtai and Yu Manli follow you!

The cipher codes of the microfilms are all fake, and making two of them will make the devil think that one of them must be real.

Qi Rui looked at it and said: "It doesn't matter to us, we should be able to understand it by deciphering both kinds of cipher codes."

"Now I can only watch it when the time comes, Jiuchi, when are you leaving?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked,

"I'll leave tomorrow." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he told Yunzi Zhuuchi: "Mr. Takeuchi, don't disturb that photo studio, and don't tell the Secret Service Headquarters."

"I know."

"General! Our plan this time will definitely succeed!"

"Kuike! Be careful."


After Qi Rui went back, he still handed over the Jiuchi Mansion to Yi Yuxian for management. This time he left Shanghai, besides Song Jian and Tang Rui, he also brought Tan Lin and Fu Yingxue with him.

The five people pretended to be casual and asked Zhuang Xiaoman to send a truck to take them out of the city. The drivers were Jiang Tong and Li Xiaonan who had put on make-up. When they were fifty miles away from the city, Qi Rui stopped the truck.

"Ninth brother, what are we going to do?" Tan Lin couldn't help asking,
"Old Tan, I have a very important task for you."

"Ninth brother, what mission?"

"Old Tan, do you know poisonous bees?"

"I know, didn't I see it last time?"

"Follow him to the headquarters of the third war zone. If you have anything to do, you can contact me." Qi Rui said,
"Ninth brother, what are you doing?"

"Let's go kill some traitors."

"Brother Nine, why don't you let my sister-in-law go with the poisonous bee? It would be great if I followed you to kill the traitor." Tan Lin was suffocated for a while, and if he used himself, he was arrested pretending to be an underground party.

"Old Tan, you are a member of the national army, they are not, what should you do if they don't understand the rules." It's not that Qi Rui doesn't want to take Tan Lin with him, but this guy always looks down on the Communist Party.

"What rules are there!"

"They know how to get along with the chief of the national army. At least you have a military rank. They are nothing, and they can't handle the things I entrusted. Old Tan, this task is very important. I really don't feel relieved if I entrust it to others. please!"

"Yes! Brother Jiu, I'll just go."

After waiting for a while, they saw four people coming from a distance, the leader was Wang Tianfeng, followed by Mingtai, Guo Qiyun and Yu Manli.

Wang Tianfeng recognized Qi Rui from afar and shouted: "Xiao Jiu!"

Seeing that Wang Tianfeng really brought out the poisonous scorpion team, Qi Rui smiled and said, "Brother Feng, do you want the photo studio?"

"Then what else is there, the matter over there has been handed over to Blackberry!" Wang Tianfeng said,

"No tail?"

"No, I left Shanghai very smoothly."

"Okay, I'll let Lao Tan follow you, let him contact me if there is anything." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, you go with us."

"I can't go, I have to convince the devil that the secret code is real, so send it according to my request, and then I will act according to the original plan."

"Xiao Jiu, the devils will know the content of your actions after intercepting the telegram, what should they do if they ambush you?" Wang Tianfeng asked,
"No, because we are fighting in a small team, even if they know, they will just wait and see, because once we are ambushed, won't the third theater doubt the reliability of the secret code? At that time, you can implement your previous plan, because by then the devil will definitely believe that the secret code in his hand is true."

"Xiao Jiu! The lives of the four of us were given by you. Since you have taken action, I will let the three of them follow you." Wang Tianfeng said,

"Follow me? Are the three of them willing?"

"Who dares to disobey my order!"

"Okay! Then follow me!" Mingtai, Yu Manli, and Guo Qiyun are all strong. This time, they really need action masters. The three of them are qualified, because they trained according to the training outline designed by themselves. from.

Wang Tianfeng called Mingtai, Yu Manli and Guo Qiyun over to introduce him: "I've met Brother Nine!"

"Ninth brother!" Mingtai shouted perfunctorily,

Yu Manli yelled clearly, but she didn't know who it was in front of her, but she seemed to have a good relationship with the officer.

Guo Qiyun had recognized Song Jian and Tang Rui a long time ago. Instead of shouting, he called Wang Tianfeng aside and said in a low voice, "Sir, those two are Japanese spies from Jiuchi Mansion! One is called Shifang Accelerator, the other It's Yuu Uchiha!"

"That's right! I forgot to ask you to lurk in the Jiuchi mansion, forget it, you should follow me to the third theater headquarters!" After finishing speaking, Wang Tianfeng urged: "Remember what you said just now, don't follow Anyone say."

My own people! ?Sure, Guo Qiyun firmly believed that his chief would never betray the party and country, so he quickly agreed: "Yes!"

Wang Tianfeng came back to Qi Rui and said, "Xiao Jiu, let Mingtai and Yu Manli follow you. Guo Qiyun is my assistant, so let him follow me. With Lao Tan, I am safe."

"Okay! Then we will wait for the news."

"Xiao Jiu! Take care, if this matter is completed, brother will be yours for the rest of his life!" Wang Tianfeng laughed and left.

Tan Lin left reluctantly, and Guo Qiyun suddenly found that the Ninth Brother behaved like Shunsuke Kuike, but he really didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he should obediently listen to the officer and pretend that he didn't know anything.

"Mingtai, Yu Manli, I am a colonel, and I am also your officer. Remember to follow me and obey orders, otherwise I will discipline you well."

Mingtai curled his lips and muttered: "If you want to discipline me, you have to have that ability!"

"What did you say?" Qi Rui asked when he heard what he said,
"It's nothing, I said that I must obey orders and obey commands!"

This Mingtai still owes a beating, Qi Rui sneered and said: "I know you are not convinced, I will let you know if I am capable when I get to the base."

"Get in the car! Let's go!"

In the car, Fu Yingxue whispered to Qi Rui, "What are you doing with them?"

"They will definitely be our own people in the future. Let them exercise this time. This Mingtai has many problems. I have to take good care of him for Minglou."

"Okay, I'll help you too!" Fu Yingxue also laughed out loud.

The truck also contained Qi Rui’s modified firearms, most of which were slightly modified twenty Springfield (Springfield) sniper rifles. Qi Rui also manufactured twelve crossbows and an auspicious suit. Time is limited and he can only make so many.

Arrived at the Dingshan Lake base area before dawn, Qi Rui was still Qijin this time, Song Jian and Tang Rui became Song Bao and Tang Long again, Fu Yingxue used her real name, her appearance was made up to be ugly, and she carried a With a Springfield sniper rifle, an M1935 pistol in his waist, and a Taidao on his back, he looks very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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