Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 550 Establishment of the Special Operations Squad

Chapter 550 Establishment of the Special Operations Squad
Qi Rui didn't carry his own weapons. Song Jian helped him carry a sniper rifle and a Taidao, and Tang Rui helped him carry a crossbow, bullet bag and two box guns. A guard had to look like a guard.

The soldiers of the three bases all knew the regiment leader Qi Jin, but they didn't know Fang Tianyi of the Black Fox Commando. Knowing that he was also the leader of the independent regiment, Fang Tianyi brought Shangguan Jingju, Wang Wenyuan, Xu Erzhu and others over to say hello .

Qi Rui had a conversation with Fang Tianyi and the others, and told them that there was a combat mission recently, but he wanted to know exactly when the battle would take place.

Seeing a team of hundreds of people, and the weapons in everyone's hands are original foreign goods, Mingtai asked curiously: "Sir, who are these people?"

"You just need to know that they are all anti-Japanese teams."

"Leader! You've come!" Jing Yun, Zhou Daliang and the others surrounded him.

"How's your training going?" Qi Rui knew that each of them had lost a layer of skin these days.

"I promise to satisfy the leader this time!"

"I want to select members of the special operations team from these fighters, have you got everyone ready?"


"Then do you have any satisfied players in your heart?"

"Leader, we train with them every day, so we know it well." Zhou Daliang said,

"Well, since I'm guaranteed to be satisfied, in this way, you all pick out the fighters you think are good, but each person can only pick ten people at most, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the fighters must be willing to follow you .” Qi Rui said,
"You can only pick ten people, right?"

"Yes, you can only pick ten people at most. Let's go and gather at the training ground." In the future, the special operations team will also be commanded by them, so Qi Rui hopes that they all have the ability to lead the team.

Zhou Daliang, Li Nancheng, Lu Zhengnian, Jing Yun, Huo Qizhong, and Tan Zhuohui all went to pick people.

When Qi Rui saw He Jian, Ma Yunfei didn't go and asked, "Why don't you two go?"

"Is there anything else we have to do?"

"Of course, the two of you must each lead a special combat team, go pick it, and it's best to pick all the powerful ones."

"Head, didn't you say that you also want to pick people, what should we do if we have picked the best ones away?" Ma Yunfei asked,
"You don't have to worry about me. I can just pick a few people who are better than you. If you don't believe me, just try." Qi Rui dared to say that it was so natural, and he was confident in his heart, because he had Fu Yingxue, Song Jian, Tang Rui, Li Xiaonan, Gao Han, Ming Tai and Yu Manli.

The purpose of bringing Li Xiaonan here is to let her be the political commissar of the team, because she has studied in Yan'an and has certain experience.

"Head, who are we following?" Jiang Tong and Cao Meng asked, they still knew they couldn't lead the team, so they didn't dare to choose anyone.

"You and Xiao Wu can follow whoever you want, who do you think is better?"

"We think the captain is amazing."

"Jing Yun?"

"Well, the vice-captain is actually quite good, but Jing Yun is better in terms of brains, he is more thoughtful about things." Jiang Tong said,
"Then you go with him. You already have a tacit understanding with each other, and you are indeed suitable for being together." Qi Rui said,
Ouyang Jianping and Dr. Li were in Shanghai. Gao Han didn't see that Qi Jin was Qi Rui who was sitting far away and didn't speak. In a group?"

Gao Han heard Qi Rui's voice and shouted in surprise: "!" She was looking at Qi Rui while shouting,

If Qi Rui doesn't want Gao Han to recognize her, she won't be able to recognize him, because he can manage and control his eyes with micro-expressions. Many times a person's eyes cannot be concealed, but he can.

"It's okay, I can hear my voice." Qi Rui smiled,
"Ninth brother, I thought Qi Jin was the chief sent by you."

"Didn't you encourage me to set up this regiment?"

"Ninth Brother, aren't you from Chongqing?" Because Gao Han has already discovered that most of the people here are New Fourth Army guerrillas.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from here, you should have known about it long ago, right?" Gao Han naturally followed his eldest sister Ouyang Jianping to ask,
"So, we have not always been like-minded, then I must be on your side, or I should be the leader of this regiment."

"Ninth brother, you are too surprising! This make-up technique is too amazing!" Gao Han sighed after watching for a long time without realizing that it was Qi Rui,

"Ninth brother, you are so surprising! This makeup technique is too amazing!" Qi Rui repeated her words imitating Gao Han's voice, and even stunned Gao Han: "Ninth brother, I will obey you, I Definitely follow you!"

"I knew it! I'm relieved to have you in my team. Those good things will be yours as long as you remain undefeated." Qi Rui pointed to the Springfield sniper rifle, the Japanese sword, and the strong crossbow.

"Ninth Brother, I will definitely do my best. By the way, is the one who was cut off by the knife a godsister?" Gao Han asked,

"That's for sure!"

"Who is that beauty?"

"Her name is Yu Manli, and she is a member of the Military Command Scorpion Team. Do you dare to compete with him?"

"Then why don't you dare, what do you want me to beat her into?"

"You girl, she's not our enemy, so stop here."


Mingtai now pays attention to the people here, but Yu Manli is very calm looking at the murderous soldiers around and guessing who they are, never knowing that there is such an armed force near Shanghai.

"Manli, what kind of weapons do you think these are? They are all dressed in rags. Why do they look like guerrillas of the New Fourth Army?" While speaking, he suddenly saw a girl, Cheng Jinyun!
Mingtai knew that Cheng Jinyun was an underground party, and if he saw her here, he was 100% sure that this was a Communist Party team, but how could Chief Wang have anything to do with the Communist Party members.

Qi Rui didn't expect that Mingtai would come here. Brother Feng wanted to give it to him, and he also wanted to train and train this young master. The girls here are all prettier than Cheng Jinyun, and they are all powerful. Let's see who he likes.

Everyone picked out the person and came back, asking: "Head, you have chosen!"

Qi Rui stood up and asked, "Are you all willing to pick your comrades along?"


"Very well, since you have made the decision, you are not allowed to go back on your word. If you are with someone now, you will not be able to transfer teams without special circumstances." Qi Rui said,

"I also have a few people here. Anyone from each of your teams can come out and challenge by name. If you win! Have you seen this American sniper rifle with a scope? Whoever wins in marksmanship will be rewarded. If he wins by force, he will be rewarded with a Japanese sword! Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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