Chapter 551

Qi Rui has Song Jian, Tang Rui, Fu Yingxue and Gao Han beside him, and Li Xiaonan has also practiced, but he is not as good as others, so Qi Rui did not count her in, but let her take care of some clerical work, Register the list of each agent team and each person's strengths and weaknesses.

Qi Rui beckoned Yu Manli to him and said, "I've seen your strength, and it's not bad. If someone challenges you later, would you be willing to fight?"

"Your subordinates should follow the orders of the commander." Yu Manli still hasn't figured out who the commander is, and what purpose Wang Tianfeng sent her here is even more confused, but no matter what the purpose is, she must first integrate into the team. Since it is the chief who obeys his orders.

Qi Rui smiled approvingly and said, "Don't call me Commander here, call me Captain Qi."

Qi Rui's warm smile warmed Yu Manli's heart, and she quickly agreed: "Yes! Captain Qi!"

Mingtai was kept hanging by Qi Rui, and others ignored him, he also wanted to show off his ability and asked: "Chief Qi, what about me?"

Qi Rui squinted at him, shook his head and said contemptuously: "Your strength is far behind, watch from the side first, I don't have anything good for you to lose."

Mingtai became impatient when he heard this: "Chief Qi, how do you know I can't do it!"

Qi Rui just wanted to give him a good blow. He had to let him know what it means to be someone outside. A person who has only been trained for about a year wants to compare with someone who has been trained since childhood. Even if you are a genius, the feeling when you shoot the gun is not the same. It can be practiced in a short time.

"You can't do it at all, I advise you to watch from the sidelines first, if you can tell me so confidently that you can do it after their challenge is over, and that you are sure to win the best, I, the leader of the team, let you come when."

"Okay! That's what you said!" Mingtai stood aside with a slumped face, with disdain still in his eyes.

"Leader! I'll challenge this brother first!" Xiao Wu stood up and pointed at Song Jian.

"Don't you have a good sniper rifle?" Qi Rui asked,

Xiao Wu said embarrassedly: "Then I want to compete with him!"

"Haha, okay!" Qi Rui said to Li Xiaonan: "Give them the wooden knife and let them compare."

Song Jian and Tang Rui's martial strength is second only to Qi Rui, and Xiao Wu's guns, bows and arrows are very strong. Song Jian may not be able to win if he is better at marksmanship, but he is far behind Xiao Wu in martial strength. The two of them did not exceed ten moves. Xiao Wu Wu was defeated.

It was obvious that Xiao Wu's force was far from Song Bao's. He felt a little embarrassed and asked, "I want to compete with him in marksmanship!"

"Song Bao, then you can compare your marksmanship with him!" Qi Rui knows that both Song Jian and Tang Rui's marksmanship are very good, but Qi Rui really doesn't know what level they are, because he has never had a chance to compete with them. I have really competed, and I have seen it a few times, and it is the level of a hundred shots.

"Head, I don't need to let him?" Song Jian asked,

"Of course!"

Song Jian came to Xiao Wu and asked, "Tell me, how do you compare!"

"Shall I ask a question?" Xiao Wu thought that the marksmanship of these people in Dingshan Lake was the second, and no one dared to say the first question.
"You are the challenger, so of course you are the one to come up with the topic." Song Jian said,
"Then I won't be polite." Xiao Wu looked at the surroundings and said, "How about it, can I have someone catch a few sparrows?"

"Is it so troublesome?" Song Jian asked,

"It can be seen that you are very strong. Compared with what to shoot, shooting a moving target should not show your real marksmanship. We can shoot live animals to determine the outcome." Xiao Wu said,
"Okay, listen to you, then catch more sparrows and bring them back, and no one will be injured." Song Jian urged,

Everyone was talking about it, because the frightened sparrow flies very fast, that is, it will fly away without a trace in the blink of an eye. It is indeed very difficult for Xiao Wu to come up with this topic. Many people who think they have good marksmanship do not dare to think about it think.

Xiao Wu came up with this question because he has practiced hunting with bows and arrows since he was a child. He is very familiar with the habits of birds and beasts, and knows under what circumstances it is most difficult to hit the target. Only in this way can everyone know the state of his marksmanship.

There were a lot of sparrows around, and the fighters caught more than 20 sparrows after a while, and put them all in cages for later use.

"How many?" Song Jian asked.

"How many can you hit?" Xiao Wu asked,

"I can shoot..." Song Jian looked at the Springfield sniper rifle in his hand that had been modified by his elder brother Qi Rui and said, "I haven't shot it before, I guess I can shoot two."

"Then let's release two! Ask the leader to release and call two numbers at the same time. We can only shoot after two numbers." Xiao Wu said,

Qi Rui stepped forward and grabbed two sparrows from the cage and asked, "Which one of you will come first?"

"The challenger comes first!" Song Jian said,
"Xiao Wu, get ready! You can shoot when the sparrows are released three times. I'll tell you to get used to it first." After speaking, Qi Rui yelled at the usual counting speed, and asked, "Is this okay?" ?”


"Get ready!" Qi Rui raised both hands flat, with the palms facing upwards. He doesn't know how to throw sparrows, but he will hit his palms to let the sparrows he caught in his hands fly away by himself.

This is the rule for everyone to see the competition, which is the most fair.

Xiao Wu took out Qi Rui's modified [-] sniper rifle T-shaped rifle and prepared to load it.

"This is too difficult. The first sparrow may be easy to hit, but the second sparrow will probably fly away without a trace after the bullet is reloaded." Some people understood the difficulty and said,
"Yeah, the second bird is probably gone long after the first shot."

"If this can hit two birds, this marksmanship is also amazing."

"The main thing is that there should be no mistakes in the speed of loading the second bullet."

"A strong player has a strong player! I have heard that Xiao Wu is good at marksmanship, maybe he can really do it."

"But I just heard from the regiment leader's guard that he can hit two. I'm afraid it's not easy."

"The head's guards are definitely not weak, let's just watch."

Qi Rui has already started to shout at this time: "One! Two! Three!"

When Qi Rui finished shouting three, he opened his palms, and the two sparrows suddenly spread their wings and flew up freely. The sparrows were knocked back and forth to the ground.

Hundreds of people all cheered, this marksmanship is simply amazing, you must know that the second bird was basically a black spot at that time, some people didn't even see where the second bird was, and they were still shot by Xiao Wu down.

Everyone looked at Song Bao, because no one believed that he could do it.

Song Bao scratched his scalp and praised: "Amazing!"

Xiao Wu said with some pride: "It's your turn!"

Song Jian sighed softly, and said with a look of confidence: "Then I'll try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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