Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 552 Mingtai who didn't enter the top 5

Chapter 552 Mingtai Who Didn't Enter the Top [-]

Song Jian had already handed over all his belongings to Tang Rui. He picked up the Springfield sniper rifle and loaded a bullet first, and then started with Qi Rui nodding his head.

"One! Two! Three!" Qi Rui shouted and spread out his hands, two sparrows fluttered their wings and flew up.

Song Jian and Xiao Wu's speed was almost the same, and he fired a shot without taking aim, and a sparrow was shot down, and then Song Jian yelled: "Bird head!"

Song Jian shouted and the bullet was loaded at the same time, and the second time the bullet was fired, the second sparrow was hit and fell to the ground abruptly.


"It really hit the bird's head!"

"Really, the bird's head is gone!"

"This marksmanship is too good!"

"I didn't expect to have such marksmanship! It's simply amazing!"

"Today is an eye-opener! Just my marksmanship is incomparable to others, and this is too shocking."

Someone went to pick up the two sparrows that Song Bao had shot down. Qi Rui smiled at Xiao Wu and said, "Xiao Wu, you lost!"

Xiao Wu nodded and bowed to Song Bao: "I did lose, I admire you!"

"Xiao Wu, you are very good. In fact, we were tied. Although I hit the bird's head, the bird's front half was smashed. I just took a chance." Song Jian laughed.

"That's why you won, because you know you can hit the bird's head, and I can only hit the bird's body." After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu returned to the team and said to Jing Yun, "I'm sorry, captain, I couldn't give our team a win. Get a good gun."

Jing Yun smiled awkwardly and comforted him: "We are being reckless, we should hold our breath and take a look before making a move."

Qi Rui said to Song Jian: "Go and rest, no one will challenge you anymore!"

Indeed, anyone who is sick will challenge him. Song Jian's marksmanship is as it should be. He has been training under the supervision of the Japanese since he was a few years old. It is good for a kid to pull out a marksmanship casually, let alone training He who has lived for more than ten years.

Qi Rui is very satisfied with Song Jian. This time he finally knows his true level. Since he is so good, Tang Rui must be no different.

As a result, no one dared to challenge the head of the guard, and the rest were all women, and no one was willing to challenge, because it would be more embarrassing if they lost.

"Why, no one dares to challenge the people around me? I am included, you can challenge me too!" Qi Rui said loudly,
"Captain, I can see that you didn't want to give us these equipments!" Zhou Daliang said,

"Do you all think so?"

"Leader, your people are too powerful, we are better than that! You are not lying to us, are you?" Li Nancheng also asked with a smile,

Qi Rui pointed at them with his finger and said: "You bastards are rotten! I'm the leader of your regiment, how could I lie to you!"

"Song Bao! Tang Long! Go and open the box!" Qi Rui ordered,

Song Jian and Tang Rui carried two wooden boxes in front of everyone, and then opened them. Inside were twenty brand new Springfield sniper rifles that had been remodeled and equipped with scopes.

"Did you see it! There are twenty Springfield sniper rifles here, all with scopes, anyone who can meet my requirements will get one! Am I lying to you!?"

"Leader, then we will definitely work hard! But can your guards stop arguing with us?" Zhou Daliang asked,
"Okay! I didn't intend to let them participate."

"Regimental Commander Qi! Can our Black Fox Commando team participate?" Fang Tianyi and the others were all slobbering. There were no sniper rifles in the weapons given before. Xu Erzhu, Fang Tianyi, and Wang Wenyuan's marksmanship are all very good. Before having this sniper, they would be like a tiger with wings added.

"of course can."

"Captain, how can we get this gun?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"Captain Fang, you also choose ten people, and I will arrange a big competition later. The top five fighters in the big competition will each get a Springfield sniper rifle, and the top three will also get a Devil Sword And a strong crossbow!" Qi Rui announced,

"Leader Qi, then we will not be polite!" Fang Tianyi felt that the few people on his side were still very hopeful.

"Don't be polite, whoever has the ability wins! This is our rule here!"

Now everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized, and the captains of each team began to cheer up the players.

At this time, someone raised his hand and asked, "Leader, can those of us who don't have a team participate?"

"Don't worry, everyone. There are twenty sniper rifles here. I will definitely let them find their real owners. Let those who have teams compete first, and those who are willing to participate will compete again. The twenty winners among you Two teams will be formed, I will let Song Bao and Tang Long be your captains, and then the final will be held in three days!" Qi Rui said,
"Okay! Agreed!"

Fang Tianyi carefully selected ten fighters, because they practiced according to the training outline during this period, and everyone's strength has improved a lot, like Fang Tianyi, Xu Erzhu, Wang Wenyuan, and Shangguan Jingju are all very powerful.

The next assessment is the same as before, 1000 kilometers of cross-country running with weight, 25 meters of armed swimming, 150 meters of pistol target shooting, 300 meters of rifle target shooting, and [-] meters of fixed target shooting.

This competition is divided into two batches, the first batch is all teams together, and the second batch is no team formation, Fang Tianyi's fighters can also participate.

Qi Rui was the referee in person. At this time, Mingtai was much more honest, because he had also seen the marksmanship of Xiao Wu and Song Bao. He definitely couldn't do it, but now he still feels that although he can't compare with them , but he will definitely get the top few, so he also wants to participate, and Qi Rui agreed to his request.

As a result, Mingtai didn’t even make it to the top [-]. Is he so weak? He also trained with the training outline formulated by Qi Rui. It’s really different. The training outline of the Hunan training base was formulated by Qi Rui to take care of everyone. However, Qi Rui in the three bases conducts devil training according to the requirements of the special forces, and the intensity is much stronger than that of the training camp.

Mingtai's shooting might have been okay if he hadn't gone through the five-kilometer weight-bearing cross-country run and the one-thousand-meter armed swim. His strength in shooting after so much physical exertion was greatly reduced, so he didn't even make it into the top [-].

He Jian, Ma Yunfei, Zhou Daliang, Li Nancheng, Jing Yun, Cao Meng, Jiang Tong, Jiang Xing, Xiao Wu, Tan Zhuohui, Wang Wenyuan, Xu Erzhu, Fang Tianyi all entered the top twenty.

Four stood out from the fighters, namely Dong Sheng, Yuan Xiaoli, Xia Erga, and Feng Dali. Among them, Dong Sheng won No.5, Yuan Xiaoli won seventh, Xia Erga and Feng Dali won No.13 and ten respectively. four.

The top five are Jing Yun, Cao Meng, Wang Wenyuan, Xiao Wu, Fang Tianyi, Jing Yun is so strong because he has learned martial arts since he was a child, and he is also a commander, he trains harder than anyone else.

Under his leadership, other members of the martial arts team also trained very hard, but Zhou Daliang and the others were a bit old, and Jiang Xing and Jiang Tong's marksmanship was almost meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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