Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 553 The Belated Telegram

Chapter 553 The Belated Telegram

Qi Rui was very surprised that Cao Meng won the No.2. After asking, he found out that he was one of the machine gunners that Jingyun focused on training. grades.

For this reason, Qi Rui also specially tested Cao Meng's light machine gun shooting, and all the bullets in a magazine hit the target, which made him very satisfied. It is very important to know that the fire support of the machine gunners of the special operations team is very important.

Wang Wenyuan won the third place, and Fang Tianyi won the fifth. It is not a surprise, because all ten of them entered the top fifty, and there were nearly a hundred people in the competition, which also shows that the basic quality of the members of the Black Fox Commando Team is still very good. Excellent.

The next step is for the fighters who have not formed a team to compete. Qi Rui followed and observed the whole process, because he needs to know the strength of the fighters as a whole, which is very important for arranging combat missions in the future.

The results of the top [-] were not as bad as expected, basically the same as the results of the [-] or so of the previous [-] people, and the overall level of the fighters also made Qi Rui very satisfied.

Qi Rui was also treated equally. The top five also rewarded sniper rifles, swords and strong crossbows. Don't underestimate the strong crossbows made by Qi Rui. He is made according to the strong crossbows used by modern special forces. There is a flying claw chain that can be nailed into the cement red brick. This is the necessary equipment for special operations, and it is also a sharp weapon for Qi Rui to study the devil's gun tower.

"Very good. I saw that the overall level of our fighters is very high. I am very satisfied. Soldiers who have not been selected for the special operations team should not be discouraged. I am here to guarantee that all our fighters in the future can become special fighters, because all you have The training you receive is to make you such a fighter, keep on training! Strive to be qualified to join the special operations team as soon as possible!"

After Qi Rui encouraged the fighters who were not selected, he grandly introduced Comrade Li Xiaonan, the political commissar of the independent regiment. Many guerrilla fighters had heard of her, and some knew her. In the future, Li Xiaonan will not return to Shanghai without important matters. Qi Rui This decision was announced with her consent.

The next step is for each team to prepare for the confrontation final three days later, and Qi Rui will follow the modern special forces competition.

During these three days, Qi Rui told all the teams about the main missions of special operations, actual combat cases, etc. During the break, he told the soldiers preparing to be snipers how to make auspicious suits, how to disguise themselves according to the surrounding environment, etc. Knowledge.

Similarly, Qi Rui also told everyone the main responsibilities of assaulters, machine gunners, scouts, and blasters.

He didn't neglect the other fighters, Qi Rui, and spent two days teaching them the three-three system tactics.

"Comrades! On the battlefield, the use of tactics is very important. If you use tactics well, you can make up for the shortcomings in other aspects as much as possible. If you use tactics skillfully, you can win more with less. This is our independent regiment. basic operational thinking.”

"Each of our combat teams consists of three people. Three combat teams form an infantry squad, and three infantry squads can become a combat group. This requires our fighters to be more flexible in combat, so that one of our combat groups can fight outside the country." The effect of the skirmish line of a battalion of the army."

Qi Rui knows the three-three system because our People's Liberation Army has used this tactic so well. There was a military miracle of four soldiers taking down two artillery positions of the Indian Army. Therefore, Qi Rui highly respects this tactic in this era. It's a pity that he I have not formally learned it, so I can only let everyone practice and adapt in training and combat according to my own understanding.

In the past three days, Qi Rui talked a lot to the soldiers, and each special warfare team also trained according to the new learning. Qi Rui personally guided the teams when he had time.

On the day of the finals, the first event of the special warfare team was enemy reconnaissance. A team was required to sneak into a hypothetical enemy camp to find out information, but the team members could not attack and could only avoid the "enemy".

Once found by the enemy, a ticket must be handed in. Each team member carries three tickets. If the tickets are gone, the team member will be declared dead. If four members of a team die, the team will fail and be eliminated.

The "enemy army" Qi Rui, who is also in charge of guarding against the enemy's reconnaissance mission, has arranged three special operations teams. Their task is to catch the team that reconnaissance the enemy's situation, and the team that gets the most fines wins.

Qi Rui was a bit disappointed by the final result of the competition, because none of the teams that had conducted the enemy detection competition succeeded.

In order to prove that this is not an impossible task, Qi Rui personally selected ten people including Song Jian, Tang Rui, Fu Yingxue, Yu Manli, Gao Han, Mingtai, Jiang Tong, Jiang Xing, and He Jian to carry out the enemy reconnaissance mission and let Fang Tianyi Squad, Zhou Daliang Squad and Jingyun Squad are responsible for anti-penetration enemy investigation.

As a result, under Qi Rui's careful and ingenious arrangements, Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue, Jiang Tong, Song Jian, and Tang Rui did not lose a ticket, and the other five people were only found twice, and the last ten people completed. Complete the enemy reconnaissance mission and reach the safe area to win.

This is the first time for the soldiers to see this kind of training method. Not to mention interesting, it can really exercise their actual combat ability. This is much more fun than the boring training before.

Therefore, all the soldiers participated in this kind of confrontation training very enthusiastically, including the Black Fox Commando. Fang Tianyi learned a lot from this regiment leader Qi.

Afterwards, Qi Rui personally led people to operate armed boat swimming, armed cross-country, armed rock climbing, rescue of our captives, special shooting and other projects. Qi Rui didn't have high requirements for these projects, he just asked each team to master the essentials Just train frequently in the future, because there will definitely be related tasks in the future.

The last item is Qi Rui's focus, that is, each combat team trains the decapitation operation. This item is similar to reconnaissance of the enemy's situation, but this time it can carry armed weapons to attack the enemy personnel.

Because there is no gun for the exercise, Qi Rui asked that the side that first finds the enemy shouting wins, and finally finds the enemy headquarters to carry out the task of capturing and beheading the enemy chieftain.

In order to improve the training effect, Qi Rui arranged for four special warfare teams to conduct defensive confrontation training, and the person who found the most enemy troops and seized the most tickets was rewarded heavily.

In this way, Qi Rui focused on training the beheading operation at the Dingshan Lake base, because the next combat mission was to behead the commanders of the puppet army in nearby towns.

Qi Rui trained No. 12 days in Dingshan Lake. He received a telegram from the Third Theater Command with a new code, asking the task force to carry out assassination missions against the puppet army commanders of the Wang puppet government in various places.

And this day has already exceeded Qi Rui's scheduled date. Originally, Wang Tianfeng had planned to carry out this action on March 29, and the purpose was to add obstacles to the Wang puppet government.

As a result, the Wang puppet government was formally established on March [-]th, and it was April [-]rd that Qi Rui received this order.

(End of this chapter)

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