Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 554 Beheading

Chapter 554 Beheading
April 4, 5 was Ching Ming Festival. Although the Wang puppet government had been established, Qi Rui wanted to send away all the people who should be sent away, so he immediately began to issue beheading tasks to the special operations teams.

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"General! We have deciphered the secret message from the third theater!"

"What content?"

"It is to let the task force lurking in various places carry out an assassination operation on the officers of the new government. The code name of this operation is beheading! It is said that it is to cooperate with the large-scale military operations that will follow, and it is also to show the new government some color." Imai Yu governance report.

"The task force lurking in various places! Could it be them!"

"Who is the general talking about?"

"Didn't the Asada Regiment of the No.15 Division be attacked by a powerful Chinese army before, and they haven't been found until now. Could the task force mentioned in the telegram be them!" said Kagezuo Shakiaki,
"General, should we inform the new government to make some preparations in advance?"

"Stupid, informing them now will make the third theater suspect that the secret code has been leaked. We don't do anything now, just pretend we don't know about it, because what we want to know is the large-scale military operation that the third theater said! You understand ?” Kagezuo Shousaki said,
"Then this may cause great losses to the officers of the new government. Will this affect the officials of the new government?" Imai Yuji asked,

"The number of the task force will not be too many. It makes sense for them to kill some senior officers, Imai! Do you think it is so easy to assassinate senior officers? Since they defected to the new government, they have been worried about being assassinated every day. This operation is just right to see Let's see if the army of the new government can be of great use! If they can't even deal with some killers, what can they do!" said Yingzuo Zhenzhao,
"Hay! General, I understand!"

"What happened to the three military agents under the surveillance of Secret Service Headquarters?"

"They have returned to Hong Kong and they seem to be fine."

"Well, it's best to be like this. I have already notified General Itagaki of the dispatched army. He has secretly mobilized the army to stand by. This time we must annihilate the Chinese army in southern Zhejiang, so that we will not let go of so many spies in vain!"

Dingshan Lake Base

Qi Rui has finished arranging the combat missions of each special operations team, and said to all the special operations team members: "Everyone! This is the first combat operation of our independent regiment! And you are all first-time combatants. I hope that all our teams can Fulfill your mission perfectly and return in triumph!"


"Everyone! The first battle is with me! Every battle is sure to win!" Qi Rui waved his fists to encourage the special forces team members present.

"I have the first battle! Every battle is sure to win!" All the commanders and fighters shouted in unison,

"I hope as many of you will come back as you go! Remember!?"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Use what I taught you flexibly! Choose the simplest and most effective method! Kill traitors and running dogs while ensuring your own safety! Return immediately after completing the task! Never love to fight and kill!" Qi Rui still didn't feel at ease.


"Go and get ready to go!"

Nine special operations teams set off, and Qi Rui gave them three days to complete the assassination mission.

"Leader, are we not going?" Ming Tai asked,

"do you want to go?"

"Yes I do!"

"But I'm worried that your strength is not enough!" Qi Rui frowned and shook his head,
Mingtai has grown a lot these days, as if he has changed himself, because he suffered many blows in the first three days of his arrival, and he couldn't beat enough people in rounds of force, like Jing Yun, Cao Meng, Jiang Tong He couldn't beat Jiang Xing and the others, let alone Song Jian and Tang Rui.

The most embarrassing thing for him is that he can't even beat a woman. The woman who taught him is Fu Yingxue. Qi Rui wants Mingtai to get rid of his hostility. Only in this way can he think about problems in many aspects normally.

This is not all because he is a man who can be made, after all, his strengths outweigh his flaws, and he is definitely a master after being trained.

Qi Rui also observed Mingtai for two days. There are so many excellent girls here. Sure enough, he didn't have much interest in Cheng Jinyun, which should be the reason why he only saw Cheng Jinyun once.

Another important reason is that Qi Rui attaches great importance to Manli, and he carries it with him no matter what he does, and he even taught her a set of short knife fighting skills in private.

Yu Manli was already good at short sword skills, but after Qi Rui's instruction, her strength increased greatly, which made her feel her own importance.

Wang Tianfeng kept stimulating her with reminders of her past, while Qi Rui tried his best to make Yu Manli forget about the past, and praised her to the soldiers as an anti-Japanese heroine.

Qi Rui's actions did help Yu Manli regain some confidence, but it will take a long time to completely erase the humbleness deep in her heart.

"I have indeed seen many deficiencies in myself these days, and I have been working hard to correct them!" Mingtai was very smart to see that Chief Qi was carefully training him,
"I remember when you came here, you thought that the people here in Dingshan Lake were just a bunch of mobs, just guerrillas made up of mud legs. Do you know who they are now?" Qi Rui asked,

"Understood! Captain, I will never be arrogant and arrogant again! I hope that the leader can also give me tasks, and I promise to complete them!"

"I know that you like to use your brain when doing things, which is very good, so I plan to give you a more difficult task!"

"Regimental Leader Qi, don't worry, no matter how difficult the task is, I will do my best to complete it!"

"Mingtai, there is a brigade of puppet troops stationed in Kunshan. Their commander is Major General Lin Xiaoqi. He is under the command of the traitor Huang Dawei, commander of the First Group Army of the Peaceful Founding Army. Your main task is to kill him!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"This man is very cautious, and there is always a guard company around him to protect him. How do you plan to kill him?" Qi Rui asked,

"My marksmanship is also good, and I have also trained sniper rifles. I can find opportunities to snipe him." Mingtai said,
"I think you may not have a chance, can you think of other ways?"

"Leader Qi, I may not be able to think of a solution now, but I may find a way after I finish the investigation."

"Don't you speak Japanese?"

"Yes, I do speak Japanese."

"If I were you, I would consider pretending to be a devil's spy, but you need to decide how to do it yourself. I can let your life and death partner Yu Manli cooperate with you." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, we promise to kill him!"

"After arriving in Kunshan, if you need anything, go to Xinguang Bank to find a manager named Ouyang Jianping, and she will help you." For this operation, Qi Rui had already asked Elder Sister Ouyang to investigate in advance.

"Pay attention to safety! I don't want to bring your corpses back to Brother Feng, so go and prepare."

After Mingtai and Yu Manli left, Fu Yingxue asked, "Rui, will you let the two of them go?"

"I'm afraid the two of them are enough, we secretly follow suit."

"Report! Captain Fang is here!"

"Bring him here quickly, I happen to have something to do with him."

(End of this chapter)

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