Chapter 555
At Qi Jin's request, Fang Tianyi did not take the special forces team to carry out the beheading operation, but stayed with his independent regiment to wait for other combat missions.

"Captain Fang, you came just in time. I was just about to tell you about the mission." Qi Rui brought Fang Tianyi to the miniature sand table he made.

Although the sand table is not big, it is not well-made. Fang Tianyi is not a layman who can see that the size and proportion of the sand table are very accurate at a glance, especially the location and deployment of the devils and puppet troops.

"I made one randomly in a hurry, just so that everyone can understand the enemy's deployment and our combat intentions and tactics." Qi Rui said,
"Leader Qi is humble. This sand table has everything that should be there, and it is clear at a glance. This is not something ordinary people can create."

Fang Tianyi is absolutely in admiration for this commander Qi Jinqi these days, because so far this is the most powerful commander he has ever seen with the widest range of knowledge, especially proficient in special operations,
"Thank you, I'll talk to Commander Fang about the mission now. The main task of our remaining combat troops this time is to bring back the various special operations teams. After all, they killed the commanders of the puppet army, so they will definitely be punished." When the puppet army and devils are chasing you, your independent regiment is responsible for the response operations in this area..."

Qi Rui explained clearly to Fang Tianyi on the sand table that Li Xiaonan led his own independent regiment fighters to complete the other missions. Qi Rui had already told her in detail.

"Regimental Commander Qi, don't worry, we promise to bring the special operations team back safely!" Fang Tianyi also thought that it should be the guarantee of the mission,
"Don't fall in love with devils and puppet soldiers, and remember not to lure them to Dingshan Lake, you just need to get rid of them." Qi Rui warned,

"What if they find Dingshan Lake?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"It doesn't matter. When the time comes, you can discuss with Political Commissar Li, and she will tell you what to do next. I have already arranged everything. Please rest assured, Captain Fang." Qi Rui said,
"Okay! I'm sure you can rest assured about the arrangement of Commander Qi. Are you also going to perform the beheading mission?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"I have other important things to do, and I will come back as soon as possible."

"Take care, Commander Qi!"

Mingtai and Yu Manli put on makeup and came to Kunshan City. There are also devils stationed here. There is only one squadron, and the rest are basically puppet troops, because the devil's large force has been transferred to southern Zhejiang by Seishiro Itagaki.

"Mingtai, have you thought about what to do?" Yu Manli asked.
"We first need to know whether Lin Xiaoqi has a regular work and rest time, and then we can formulate an assassination plan."

"Didn't Captain Qi say that it would be difficult to snipe him?"

"Manli, there are only two of us, it's best to kill them by sniping."

"But we didn't bring a sniper rifle."

"Chief Qi said that if you need anything, go to Shin Kong Bank to find a manager from Ouyang Jianping." Mingtai said,
"Mingtai, do you think this Chief Qi is strange?" Yu Manli asked,
"You mean he might be a Communist?"

"He's the head of the New Fourth Army Independent Regiment. He's the Communist Party, so he probably didn't run away, but how did he know Mr. Wang, and he seems to have such a good relationship."

"I also thought about it. Isn't it the united front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party now? Is it possible that Commander Wang specially asked the two of us to learn? This commander Qi is definitely a military genius. I don't think there is anyone he doesn't understand." Mingtai He said with deep emotion,

"I learned a lot this time."

"Me too, this regiment leader seems to know us very well."

"I feel the same way, so we must complete this task."

"Then let's go to Shin Kong Bank now."

Ouyang Jianping had already received the telegram from Qi Rui, and he took them to the office after matching the code words.

"Sister Ouyang, we want to know everything about Lin Xiaoqi."

"Lin Xiaoqi is a brigade commander of the Wang Puppet First Group Army. He has four or five thousand troops stationed in Kunshan. He is very careful. Every time he travels, he will bring a company of guards for protection, and every time he hides in the crowd Among them, it is almost impossible to snipe."

"Is he not riding?"

"His car is bulletproof. He seems to be very afraid of being shot. Every time he gets in and out of the car, there are people blocking him."

"Chief Qi is indeed right. It is almost impossible to kill him." Mingtai said worriedly.
"That's right, there is only one way to kill him, and that is to kill him at close range, but he has a company of guards around him, so it's hard to get close to him." Ouyang Jianping herself is a master of action, she also thought about it How to assassinate this Lin Xiaoqi.

Ouyang Jianping also asked Qi Rui if he would assist Mingtai and Yu Manli, Qi Rui told her not to worry about it, he had his own way.

"Mingtai, didn't Commander Qi tell you to pretend to be a devil officer and spy?" Yu Manli reminded.

"It's okay to pretend, as long as we evacuate safely after killing someone."

"Yes, Captain Qi has repeatedly told me to put your own safety first. He doesn't want you to die with him, because it's not worth it." Ouyang Jianping said,
"Sister Ouyang, does this Lin Xiaoqi go out every day?"

"I seldom go out, and spend most of my time at his headquarters, and I have a specially hired cook for meals."

"Does he like women?"

"Don't even think about it, he and his wife have a very good relationship and live together." Ouyang Jianping said,
"This is really difficult!" Mingtai felt ashamed at this moment.

"Don't act rashly, I will use my identity to help you investigate again, isn't there still time?"

"Leader Qi only gave us three days. It would be best to kill him on April [-]th. Where is his hometown? Shouldn't he visit the grave?" Mingtai asked.

"He's not a local, his wife is a local, but I haven't heard that he has this plan, and maybe he didn't announce it for safety. I'll help you find out."

"Can we find a way from his wife?" Mingtai asked,

Ouyang Jianping persuaded: "Mingtai, our principle of doing things is not to hurt the innocent. His wife is just an ordinary woman, and even if she goes out, she will be protected by guards."

"Then I'd like to ask Miss Ouyang to help us find out if this Lin Xiaoqi will go to the grave. If he does, it will be great, so that we can try to kill him."

Ouyang Jianping arranged accommodation for Mingtai and Yu Manli, and prepared weapons and equipment for them. At this time, Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue, and Gao Han had already arrived in Kunshan, and went directly to Lin Xiaoqi's headquarters.

"Report to the brigade, there are three Japanese officers outside who want to see you."

"Three Japanese officers?"

"Yes, one man and two women. The man's name is Kitakura Rintaro, and he is a lieutenant officer, and the two women are major ranks."

"Lieutenant! Major! Come in!" The Japanese squadron leader here in Kunshan has the rank of lieutenant, and Lin Xiaoqi hurriedly sent a tidy and respectful welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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