Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 556 Killing Traitors Is That Simple

Chapter 556 Killing Traitors Is That Simple

Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue, and Gao Han were all dressed in casual clothes, and they all had gloomy faces when they came to Lin Xiaoqi's office.

"Three princes, who are you?" Lin Xiaoqi was confused and asked,
"Are you Brigadier Lin Xiaoqi?"

"I am, may I ask what are the three princes doing?" Lin Xiaoqi could see that the person was not kind, because the three came here with murderous intent,
"I'm Kitakura Rintaro from the Special High School, and I'm here to ask you something."

"Excuse me, my lord."

"Look what this is!" Qi Rui said as he took out an information bag from the briefcase in his hand and threw it on Lin Xiaoqi's desk.

After Lin Xiaoqi opened it, his legs trembled in fright and he said quickly, "Taijun, this is someone who framed it, and I definitely didn't write it."

"Really!" Qi Rui took out some documents written by Lin Xiaoqi from Lin Xiaoqi's desk after finishing speaking, and said, "See for yourself, isn't this handwriting yours!?"

"Taijun! I swear I didn't write this. Someone imitated my handwriting. Please check it out!" Lin Xiaoqi was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.
The guards outside didn't know what happened in the office, so they heard a Japanese questioning Brigadier Lin in blunt Chinese. The Brigadier repeatedly denied what he had done, and after waiting for a while, suddenly there was a gunshot in the office .

The company commander of the guard company rushed into the room with people, and saw Lin Xiaoqi holding his own gun in his right hand, and he was shot in the temple. The three Japanese stood opposite him, all with regretful expressions.

"Three princes, what's going on?"

"Your brigade commander Lin secretly colluded with the military commander, this is evidence! He was worried that we would take him away and shoot him, but we didn't have time to stop him." Qi Rui gave the information bag to the company commander of the security company and said,

The commander of the guard company compared the notes and found that they were exactly the same. At that time, he was stunned and asked: "Taijun, this... what should we do?"

"I'll report it to the command of the dispatched army, and you will also report it to Commander Huang later, so that he can send someone to deal with this matter. You'd better keep it secret, and don't spread the matter without the permission of Commander Huang, because This matter has a great impact." Qi Rui solemnly exhorted,
"Yes! I listen to Taijun."

Qi Rui made a call with the phone on Lin Xiaoqi's desk, chatted in Japanese for a while, and then said to the two female young assistants: "General Itagaki told us to go to Shanghai to investigate the military spies who contacted Lin Xiaoqi, let's go."

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he said to the company commander of the guard company: "We still have urgent business to go to Shanghai, and I will leave the matter here to you!"

"Yes! Taijun, I will contact Commander Huang immediately."

After Qi Rui and the others came out, they drove away. The company commander of the guard company called Huang Dawei. He heard that Lin Xiaoqi had colluded with the military commander and said that Huang Dawei didn't believe what he said. After asking the name of the Japanese officer who went there, he immediately called to inquire. As a result, there was no special high school. Such a lieutenant named Kitakura Rintaro.

The company commander of the guard company was ordered to lead a team to chase after the man, but found a car outside the city. After checking, it was a car just lost by a local wealthy businessman. It was obvious that the man had already run away, so they had to go back and report.

Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue and Gao Han have arrived at the office of Shin Kong Bank.

Ouyang Jianping asked in confusion: "Xiao Jiu, since you have already figured out how to kill Lin Xiaoqi, why did you let Mingtai and Yu Manli come over?"

"Because I will take them to another assassination mission at night."

"Then what if they go to kill Lin Xiaoqi?"

"Mingtai's ability to act is still good. He won't mess around without a plan of action. I just want them to think about it." Qi Rui said,
"What if they pretended to be devils too?"

"If they go, we can also meet and bring them back."

"Who is Mingtai, worthy of your cultivation?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"He is the younger brother of Viper. Eldest sister should know about Viper, right? You are about the same age." Qi Rui said,
"Is he Minglou's younger brother?" Ouyang Jianping, Minglou, and Wang Tianfeng are all in the same class, and they really know each other.

"That's right, I brought you a good training session, and hope to join our team in the future."

"I see."

"Eldest sister, give us the backpack you brought, and find a chance to leave in the near future."

"Where are Mingtai and Yu Manli?"

"Let's go find them."

Putting on Qi Rui's special backpack, Ouyang Jianping sent the three of them to their residence in Mingtai and then returned to the office.

Mingtai and Yu Manli saw that it was Head Qi, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Because I know that you will not be able to complete this task at all!" Qi Rui said,
"We haven't done it yet!"

"You have no chance, because we have already killed Lin Xiaoqi." Qi Rui said as he put his backpack on the bed,

"Chief Qi, how did you kill him? This is too neat!" Yu Manli asked,
"It's very simple, knock him unconscious, and then let him commit suicide with his own gun. Of course, I helped him." Qi Rui said lightly,

"Then how did you get away?"

"We just pretended to be the special agents of the Japanese Special High School, and Lin Xiaoqi committed suicide in front of us!"

"Is this method too nonsensical? Could it be that Lin Xiaoqi's subordinates are all idiots? You say they are Japanese spies!"

Qi Rui threw the ID to Mingtai, and then asked in Japanese: "Now you will suspect that I am not Kitakura Rintaro?"

"What about the evidence of Lin Xiaoqi's collaboration with the enemy?"

"He has a private letter with a secret agent of the military command. He wrote it himself. He can't prove that it wasn't written by him." Qi Rui said,
"Imitation from notes?" Mingtai asked,

"That's right, I happen to be able to! I just happen to have his handwriting again!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Head, why did you let us come after you planned it long ago?" Mingtai asked unhappily.

"Letting you here is to exercise your ability to design action plans. You can think of assassination by sweeping the grave, because Lin Xiaoqi will indeed accompany his wife to sweep the grave, but it's too risky to do so, it's our way , If you have a better way, we won't make a move, and we have to rush back to the base if the time is urgent."

"Leader Qi, what shall we do next?"

"Tonight we are going to kill another traitor. His name is Li Jifu. He is the biggest rich man in Kunshan City. It is said that he donated a destroyer to the Japanese. We will ask him for some military expenses tonight and get rid of him." Qi Rui said,
"I donated a destroyer! So rich, is it true?" The cost of a destroyer is higher than that of an aircraft. A destroyer costs at least 800 million yen, while a Zero fighter is only 21 yen.

"So, this person must be killed, and some military expenses must be obtained from him."

(End of this chapter)

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