Chapter 557

Killing a traitor and rich businessman Mingtai felt that it was not easy, but the head of Qi asked as if he was facing an enemy: "Head, does this family named Li Jifu have bodyguards?"

"There must be. His family's bodyguards are all martial arts masters hired by Li Jifu with a lot of money. They also specially invited Japanese as instructors for military training. Because of the money, almost all of Li's bodyguards use mirror boxes with glue handles, so this This bodyguard team is also known as the golden gun team." Qi Rui said,
(The mirror box with glue handle is a kind of shell gun, but because the production volume is relatively small and the rare is more expensive, the owner feels very awesome. The performance of this gun is not better than other shell guns.)
What Li Jifu wants is to bluff people, so he spent a lot of money to build this bodyguard team. In addition, his more than 100 people have never suffered a loss, so he is somewhat famous in the local area. It is called the Golden Gun team because this bodyguard team is more local. , Li Jifu was willing to spend money on them.

Another famous thing is that the more than 100 members of the golden gun team are almost all sharpshooters, and they were all fed by Li Jifu with bullets. Qi Rui checked their information before coming. To be honest, another reason for him to come is this golden gun. Team.

"Then what shall we do?" Gao Han asked not only martial arts masters but also more than 100 sharpshooters on the opposite side.

"I have arrangements for this. Our task today is to kill Li Jifu. As for the rest, someone will do it."

Qi Rui started planning this operation more than ten days ago, and he has thought of everything he can think of. There are four reasons why he came to kill Li Jifu this time. First, he donated a destroyer to the devil to save his assets. He deserved to die [-] times just for this one.

The second is his Golden Gun team, Qi Rui's follow-up targeted plan, and the third reason is to get money from the Li family, and this Qi Rui has already planned it.

The fourth reason for killing him was because he promised to provide funds to the Wang puppet government, because of this he was already on the assassination list of the military command.

"How do we kill so many bodyguards?" Ming Tai asked,
"Don't be intimidated by what I just said. These bodyguards have not encountered any serious situations in the past few years. They are very lazy now. Li Jifu is the key protection object of the Japanese and the Wang puppet government. They have no What pressure, this is our opportunity." Qi Rui said,
"Do you have to kill him?" Yu Manli asked.
"Yes, there is another reason for killing him, that is, the Wang puppet government also wanted to invite him to an important position. Although he didn't agree, he promised to support the puppet government in terms of funds." Qi Rui said,
"Leader, do you have an action plan?" Mingtai asked.

"This is the map of the Li family, you all have a look." Qi Rui put a set of drawings of the big house on the table.

"Mingtai and Yu Manli are here to meet me outside. Xue'er and Gao Han are here to cover them. I will try not to make any noise. Once we succeed, we will leave the city overnight." Qi Rui pointed to the specific location and said,

"Just you going in alone?" Mingtai asked,

"If there are too many people going in, they will be alarmed! I can only go in by myself."

"Didn't you still talk about getting his family's money before?" Mingtai asked,

"Even if all five of us go in, how much money can we take away, and still delay things, don't worry, I can get Li Jifu's money." Qi Rui smiled,
"I thought we were going to rob the house." Mingtai said,
"I don't dare. They also have a team of golden guns. I don't want to be beaten into a sieve." Qi Rui continued to laugh,
"Are you really okay?" Fu Yingxue asked a little worriedly,
"I'm not sure I won't come, don't worry." Qi Rui said and patted the back of Fu Yingxue's hand lightly.

At night, all five of them came to Li Jifu's mansion in night clothes and special backpacks. The height of the courtyard wall was marked on the previous map. After arriving, they found that the courtyard wall of Li's house was almost as tall as the Forbidden City. Even Qi Rui's stealth skills couldn't improve at all.

Qi Rui brought the powerful crossbow this time, and he made a batch of it just for this operation.

Qi Rui put the flying claw chain in the crossbow and fired it at the high wall. The head of the crossbow was made of fine steel shipped from the United States, and it was nailed into the wall with a bang.

Qi Rui tugged hard and there was no problem. He climbed up the high wall along the rope, and then came to Li Jifu's bedroom along the ridge with a cat waist. He never made any sound.

There were four bodyguards on duty outside Li Jifu's bedroom door. Because it was the third watch of half a month, the four of them were already tired. Two leaned against the wall and took a nap, and the other two sat on the steps, smoking and chatting in low voices.

Qi Rui didn't want to kill them, he used his ability to hang the purple golden bell upside down, hooked his feet to the back eaves, hung upside down, and used an ultra-thin assistant to open the back window that only allowed one person to enter.

Like a civet cat, Qi Rui entered Li Jifu's room without making a sound. When he came to the bed, Qi Rui covered Li Jifu's mouth with his left hand, and at the same time cut his throat with his assistant.

Li Jifu twitched a little and then remained silent, the woman next to him was still sleeping soundly, Qi Rui left a note after killing someone, which read: Fate of being a traitor!
After killing someone, Qi Rui did not leave. Instead, he found Li Jifu's seal and stamped it on two blank sheets of paper. He also found Li Jifu's handwriting and put it in his arms. Haven't had any trouble, and it's been pretty smooth.

This is exactly what Qi Rui expected. Li Jifu's bodyguards are indeed very powerful, but they can't help but have been safe and sound for the past few years, because no one dared to attack the Li family with them, so these are on duty at night. Most of the bodyguards are simply on the job, and most of them are sleeping.

Qi Rui took off the flying claw chain and put it away, jumped to the ground, and then took Mingtai, Yu Manli, Fu Yingxue and Gao Han out of the city. They did not go through the city gate, but descended from the city wall to the ground with ropes.

"Captain, Yu Manli and I came here for nothing!" Mingtai said.
"If the bodyguards of the Li family are alarmed, then we must have a bloody battle. Do you insist on such a situation?" Qi Rui asked,

"Based on your skill just now, leader, the chance of such a chance seems to be very small!"

"We have to plan for the worst in any action. Didn't this Brother Feng teach you?" Qi Rui asked,

"But I didn't do anything!"

"You can do this job today!" Gao Han retorted,

"Mingtai, Yu Manli, why don't you understand Head Qi's painstaking efforts? He asked you to come to let you learn. This opportunity is very rare, and others can't come if they want to." Fu Yingxue said,

"I admit this, but I feel a little regretful that I didn't do it." The design of killing Lin Xiaoqi Mingtai was convinced, and the skill of killing Li Jifu was even more admirable.

(End of this chapter)

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