Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 558 The blow is not small

Chapter 558 The blow is not small
Qi Rui and the others returned to the base at ten o'clock. Jing Yun and Wang Wenyuan's team had already returned before them. Before dark, four teams came back, Song Jian, Li Nancheng, He Jian, and Tang Rui.

When they came back, they reported the operation process to Qi Rui. These teams used different beheading methods. The simplest ones were Jing Yun and Wang Wenyuan's team, which completed the beheading operation with only one shot.

Both Xiao Wu and Wang Wenyuan used modified sniper rifles with silencers to snipe the targets. One target was sniped by Wang Wenyuan in the street with his soldiers showing off his power, and the other was sniped by Xiao Wu from a long distance when he gave a lecture to recruits.

The purpose of Song Jian's murder was to take a few cronies to find a good friend to stay outside, but Song Jian's team made dumplings, and all but the women were beheaded.

Tang Rui led his men straight into the commander's room in the middle of the night. They not only killed a regimental commander, but also killed two battalion commanders and several guards by the way.

Li Nancheng learned in advance that the target led the team out of the city for inspection, and set up a small ambush halfway, killing the target on horseback and a few puppet soldiers who were chasing. Well, this puppet army did not dare to pursue.

At this time, Huang Dawei, the commander-in-chief of the puppet army's first group army, had received bad news continuously. In two days, one of his subordinates died, one brigade commander, five regiment commanders, and four battalion commanders.

"Have you found out how they all died?"

"Report to the commander, Brigadier Lin was killed by someone pretending to be a Japanese, but the scene looked like suicide. I heard from the Japanese that this method is very similar to the God-killing Operation Team."

"Just because he can speak Japanese, he is the Killing God Action Team! Didn't it mean that this Japanese is not good at speaking Chinese, and his mind is full of Killing God Action Team. It seems that the Japanese have been scared out of their wits by the Killing God."

"Commander, Li Jifu's death was very strange. Someone actually sneaked into his bedroom and killed him. The Golden Gun Squad became a display."

"What do the guys from the Golden Gun say?"

"They say that people must be peerless masters, otherwise it would be impossible to come and go without a trace."

"Peerless master! It's just an excuse to shirk responsibility. The golden gun team has been too pampered for the past two years! Where are Li Jifu's children?"

"They're all busy with funerals."

"The son inherits his father's business, and they must do what his father promised, and send someone to knock a few words."

"Yes! Commander, but we have lost so many officers and the morale of the army has been shaken."

"To shake the morale of the army, shoot them on the spot! In addition, all the officers of each unit will be promoted to a higher level, the battalion commander will be promoted to regimental commander, and the company commander will be promoted to battalion commander. Let all units strengthen their vigilance and strictly check the anti-Japanese elements, especially the Communist Party!" Huang Dawei ordered,
The Wang puppet government in Nanjing has already received news about this matter. Wang Jingwei and his traitors are like eating cockroaches and flies. The new government has only been established for a few days.

plum organ

"General! According to reports, the task force of the Chinese Army has successively beheaded and killed eleven senior officers of the First Army, including a major general, five colonel commanders, and four battalion commanders, while the other party only killed four people. .” reported Imai Yuji,
"I've read the report, and it seems that the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team also participated in this operation!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, how do you know that they also participated?"

"To kill Lin Xiaoqi, one man and two women can speak Japanese, and they are very fluent. They directly pretended to be special agents of the special high school to meet Lin Xiaoqi, and took a letter written by him. Don't you think this method is very similar to killing Lin Xiaoqi? Is it the God Action Team?"

"It's a bit like that. The jellyfish assassination team must have gone, because three of them were killed by snipers, all with modified guns and bullets, and they were all killed by one shot." Imai Yuji said,
"Both the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team responded to this beheading operation. It seems that there is really a big operation in the third theater!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, this may be a very good opportunity. Maybe we can get accurate information from the jellyfish assassination team and the killing god action team from the telegram!"

"But we have not yet received the second telegram."

"Perhaps they waited for the beheading to be completely over before sending a second telegram."

"Imai, you have to keep an eye on the telegram from the third war zone for me, and I want to know the content of the telegram as soon as possible."


"Kagechi doesn't know what he's doing now." Kagezuo Zhenzhao was looking forward to the news from Kuike Shunsuke, because he should be in the third war zone right now.

Dingshan Lake

Fang Tianyi and Li Xiaonan brought back all the special operations teams. Of the ten teams, only six successfully completed the mission. The teams of Huo Qizhong and Tan Zhuohui lost four soldiers. Two of Lu Zhengnian's teams were seriously injured. People are wounded to save comrades in arms.

Fortunately, Fang Tianyi and his men arrived in time when they heard the gunshots, otherwise Lu Zhengnian and the others would definitely not be able to come back.

Qi Rui also listened carefully to their reports. The casualties in the operation were due to the lack of carefulness in their actions. However, Qi Rui still praised them. They were able to escape after being discovered, which showed that their ability to act was already very good.

All the soldiers thought that there would be a big battle to be fought, but to their disappointment, Commander Qi ordered the troops to retreat to Mogan Mountain and Tianmu Mountain immediately.

"Chief Qi, why did you withdraw?" Fang Tianyi asked incomprehensibly at first.

"When the puppet army comes back to their senses, they will definitely bring their troops to find them, and there will definitely be an army of devils to encircle and suppress them together. Dingshan Lake is such a big place, it can't hide so many of us, so we have to move quickly. "

It's not that Qi Rui doesn't want to fight, but it's because he can't engage in small-scale battles now, which may affect the plans of Wang Tianfeng and the third war zone. The purpose of this gathering is to train and train. The special warfare teams have been established, and Qi Rui's goal has been achieved. .

"Leader Qi, it's so easy for our two independent regiments to get together, it's a pity not to have a good fight!" Fang Tianyi said regretfully,
"Captain Fang, there will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future, and there will definitely be joint operations. You should hurry back to Tianmu Mountain, and I will also transfer the independent group to Mogan Mountain."

"Moganshan is a bit small, so I'm afraid it won't work. Why don't you come to our Tianmu Mountain? If you go further, you will find Huangshan and Jiuhuashan. They are all within our range of activities."

"I let them stay in Moganshan to support Suzhou, Hangzhou, Huzhou and other places. It won't take long to come to Shanghai, but the two places you mentioned are indeed more suitable as bases. If there are more people, they will definitely go there. "

Qi Rui asked Li Xiaonan to take the team to Moganshan, and the people from the No. [-] special agent team stayed because they had more important tasks.

The Wang puppet government had just been established. In the three days before and after the Ching Ming Festival, senior officers of the puppet army were successively killed. This news was vigorously publicized in Chongqing and Yan'an. What Yan'an publicized was also a heavy blow from the actions of the National Army Task Force. Wang puppet government.

(End of this chapter)

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