Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 559 The task force is the team trained by Xiao 9

Chapter 559 The Task Force Is Xiao Jiu's Trained Team

Similarly, the news that there is a super powerful national army contingent in the third theater has also spread throughout the country, but this has made many people very puzzled.

"Old Six! Do you know this team?" Dai asked many people but no one knew.

"Boss, I really don't know, what did the poisonous bee say?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"He said it was all done by Xiao Jiu, so I can rest assured, but I can't figure out where Xiao Jiu made this team. Sixth, they can't be a Communist Party team! "

"Boss, how could the Communist Party have such good weapons and equipment? Could it be that Xiao Jiu secretly trained it as the poisonous bee said?"

"Trained in secret?" Dai thought about it for a while, and there was a possibility, because Xiao Jiu and Zhuang Xiaoman had money in their hands, and they couldn't buy any weapons they wanted.

"Boss, last time in Dingshan Lake, there was such a mysterious team that wiped out two squadrons of devils, and it was completely wiped out. At that time, it was rumored that it was our army that had always been powerful, but this team disappeared soon. It disappeared without a trace, and the devils searched all over the place but couldn't find it. Now we can basically confirm that this team has appeared again, and it is playing a key role."

"Is it really Xiao Jiu's training? Why have I never heard of him before?"

"Boss, send a report and ask Red Rose, she may know about it."

"I sent the report, but her radio station is silent, it should be not in Shanghai."

"Boss, why are you so interested in this team?"

"Such a famous team must be ours!"

"The boss is right!"

"Lao Liu, the counterfeit banknote has basically succeeded, and your merits outweigh your faults. Wherever you fall, you will get up there. You should prepare to go to Nanjing Railway Station."

"Yes! Boss, do I have a specific task?"

"Your task is to help me find out what's going on with Xiaojiu's team, and set up the Nanjing station for me. I want to keep abreast of Wang Puppet's every move!"

"Yes! Boss, I'll start as soon as I get ready."

"Lao Liu, if this team is really cultivated by Xiao Jiu secretly, you have to persuade him well, it is best to leave the team to someone else, Xiao Jiu's safety is the most important thing."

"Yes, I will definitely bring the word."

Dingshan Lake

It was the second day after the Independence Regiment left that the devils and the puppet army tracked down Dingshan Lake. Here, the puppet army found traces of a team's activities, and it was determined by the shell casings and warheads that they were left by American-made firearms.

In the end, both the dispatched army and the Wang puppet government confirmed that there was really a well-equipped and highly mobile team active in this area, so they gave Huang Dawei the task of finding and annihilating this team.

At this time, Qi Rui had already arrived in Suzhou to meet Zhuang Xiaoman, and gave her Li Jifu's IOU. The dates of the two years before and after were all due to business transactions.

"Xiaoman, this Li Jifu's family is well-off. I've already done these two IOUs, so I say they were owed before the war."

"Brother Nine, we didn't have Junfu Foreign Firm before the war." Zhuang Xiaoman reminded,
"What I wrote is owed to you personally. When you go, bring Du Xing and Cheng Wu with you. In addition, I want you to hire all the Golden Gun Team from Li Jifu's family. It doesn't matter how much money you have!" Qi Rui ordered,

"You asked me to investigate the Li family just for the Golden Guns?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked,
"That's right, this group of people will definitely be good players after a good training. If necessary, they can use the name of Shunsuke Kuike and stay." Qi Rui said,
"Ninth brother, I will only use your identity as a last resort."

"No matter how many people follow you, take them first. I don't plan to let them join the team for a short time, but they will definitely be useful in the future."

"Ninth brother, don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

"Xiaoman, if the boss sends a report to ask you about the task force, you can say that I secretly funded and provided weapons training and training. If you want to ask who they are, you can say that they are the lake bandits, robbers and others in the surrounding area. gangs, and even New Fourth Army guerrillas.”

"Does the New Fourth Army guerrillas want to talk? The boss will definitely be unhappy." Zhuang Xiaoman said,

"Tell the boss that this team has not yet been identified. The meaning of their existence is the same as that of the Jagged Suppression Squad, which has no political stance. It is to kill devils and shovel traitors, but in fact I am in control." Qi Rui said,
"Ninth brother, it seems that you have already made up your mind!"

"The boss has plenty of money. Later, you can ask him for some military expenses and supplies. I think he will be happy to give it."

"Then how do you explain to the Communist Party?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked,
"They don't care about these things, but they understand and support them."

"I remember!"

After Qi Rui finished talking to Zhuang Xiaoman, he took Fu Yingxue back to Shanghai, because he had nothing to do next, why did he let Tan Lin go with Wang Tianfeng, that is, let him be an undercover agent, and Wang Tianfeng would tell Tan Lin what to do.

Zhuang Xiaoman drove to Kunshan with someone. The Li family was busy with the funeral. She went directly to Gong Weiting, the head of the bodyguard: "I am Zhuang Xiaoman of Shanghai Junfu Foreign Firm. I came to you because I want you to take me with you." These brothers of yours come with me."

"Boss Zhuang, we are still being paid by the Li family." Gong Weiting refused,
"I have inquired that you were hired by Mr. Li with a lot of money, but he has passed away now. I will add [-]% to what Mr. Li gave you! You should come with me."

"Boss Zhuang, this is not about adding money."

"Since you said that this is not a matter of adding money, then we will say that there will be no extra money. Do you know who is the backer of Junfu Foreign Firm?"


"Nagachi Toshisuke, the official of the Japanese Kuchi Mansion in Shanghai, is the one who admires you very much. He asked me to invite you over. Everyone, the Japanese are not to be messed with. You should think about it."

"But we don't want to do things for the Japanese."

"Don't worry, I am the boss of Junfu Foreign Firm. Your salary will be increased by [-]% or [-]% every month. All of you will leave to me!" With two huge IOUs in his pocket, Zhuang Xiaoman said confidently,
"It's true that the money was given a lot, so it's easy for us brothers to discuss it."

"I'll wait for you for two days!"

After Zhuang Xiaoman left, most of the bodyguards expressed their interest, because adding [-]% ​​to the original salary would be a fortune from God.

"Are you all willing to go to Junfu Foreign Firm?"

"Isn't it just escorting the car, it's not much easier than here! Brothers go to Shanghai to eat, drink and have fun. It's not just us. These days, if you have money, you don't spend it."

"Yeah, captain, maybe one day he will be killed like the master, what are you doing with the money, you don't go! I will go!"

"That Shunfu Foreign Firm is opened in Japan, so I won't go there."

"That's right, the master donated a destroyer to save his family property, and he was scolded as a traitor all day long. If we do things for the Japanese, we will not be drowned in spit."

(End of this chapter)

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