Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 560 It's Not A Fuel-Efficient Lamp

Chapter 560 It's Not A Fuel-Efficient Lamp

Zhuang Xiaoman didn't take away all the Golden Guns in the end, but in her heart, she hoped to take away the part that stayed, because they were all good guys with some principles who were unwilling to do things for the Japanese.

Although she didn't take them away, Zhuang Xiaoman also firmly remembered their names, because she would still try to win over these people, which was the task given by Brother Nine.

After Li Jifu died, the Li family was very busy during this period, because his death also directly affected the Li family's business. I heard that the boss of Junfu Foreign Firm came to the door in person. The Li family knew that this foreign firm had a Japanese background, so it was still a priority. received her.

When they saw their father's seal and handprint on the huge amount of IOUs, although they were 1 people who didn't believe it, they didn't dare to deny it, because the IOUs were indeed written by Li Jifu himself, and the handprints were also absolutely authentic. With the backing of the Japanese, they had to reluctantly pay back the money.

As simple as that, Zhuang Xiaoman took the arrears with interest, and returned to Shanghai with more than 60 members of the Golden Gun Team. These people will all be bodyguards of Junfu Yangxing in the future.

Qi Rui returned to Shanghai with some information, which he had discussed with Wang Tianfeng a long time ago, such as the mobilization and deployment of some national troops in the third war zone. Because of this, the Japanese army will also make corresponding adjustments and be fooled.

"Jiuchi, I thought you would stay in the third war zone for a while before coming back." Kagezuo Zhen Zhao said,
"General, many people in the Huajun know me, and also know Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu. If we didn't react quickly, they would have caught us, so we had no choice but to come back."

"Then how did you get this information?"

"I asked Yuta Toshizawa to lurk there by himself. He got all the information, because I felt that there might be a large-scale military operation in such a large mobilization of the Chinese army. I was worried about delaying the fighter plane, so I immediately returned to report to the general."

"How did you see the information after you got it?"

"General, such a major adjustment of the Chinese army is definitely not without a reason. I heard that many officers of the new government were killed, so I think the Chinese army may still have military operations to warn and retaliate against the establishment of the new government."

Kagezuo Zhenzhao laughed triumphantly and said: "Jiuchi! The establishment of the new government made many Chinese people angry, but it also gave some Chinese people hope. This is exactly what we want for a divided China. The greater the hatred, the more beneficial it is to our Great Japanese Empire!"

"The general's hard work for so long has finally paid off! Congratulations, general!"

It is precisely because of his outstanding contribution to the establishment of the Wang puppet government that Kagesa Shingaki was promoted to major general. Imai Takeo, who made the same contribution as him, did not have such good luck, and is still the rank of Dazuo.

"Jiuchi, I'm going to work in Nanjing soon. Imai Yuji, Haruki Keiyin and others will be responsible for the work of the Mei Agency in Shanghai. You have to cooperate with them. If you have anything to do, please contact me directly. Report." Kagesa Shousaki said,
"Hayi! General, you must take care of yourself and don't work too hard!"

"Thank you Kuchi! Take care of yourself too. The information you sent back is very important. I will hand it over to General Itagaki for decision."

"I hope this information can help the general!"

When Qi Rui returned to Jiuchi Mansion, Song Jian and Tang Rui had already started sorting out the work content in the agency these days, Qi Rui made some arrangements and then left, Song Jian followed and left to do the things Qi Rui explained.

Qi Rui drove to the special high school by himself to find Yunzi Takeuchi, and asked, "Yunzi, what's the situation in the photo studio now?"

"Jiuchi-kun, the photo studio has been closed for a long time, and all the military agents inside should have gone to deliver the code."

"This secret code is very important to the Chinese army, and it is reasonable for so many people to send it." Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi-kun, where have you been these days? Why isn't Masami here?"

"She also speaks Chinese very well. I wanted her to help us carry out the mission, but many Chinese people know my face, so it may not be convenient to move in the future." Qi Rui said helplessly and regretfully,

"No matter what you say, you are also a very famous person in Shanghai. You shouldn't take risks on some dangerous missions."

"Yunzi, have you seen a lone wolf?" Qi Rui asked,

"I saw it. It turned out to be the nanny of Minglou's family, a Chinese woman. The information she gave was not accurate at all. Even Wang Manchun lost confidence in her. I really don't know why Section Chief Nantian valued her so much before."

"I value her because she can sneak into the Ming mansion, that's all."

"It's true, because of Lone Wolf and Wang Manchun's own work mistakes, she has been demoted. Mr. Jiuchi, the abilities of the two people you recommended to me are worrying."

"Yunzi, I just hope you will take advantage of Wang Manchun's hatred like me."

"I understand, but they can't help us now, because I sent people to investigate Minglou and Mingjing, and they have no problems at all, especially these days when the new government was established, Minglou is very busy, and it can be described as conscientious and forgetting to eat and sleep. , and Mingjing is just a great woman who does not even get married for family business and taking care of her younger brother." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
Qi Rui was happy to see Yunzi Zhuuchi's conclusion, and quickly agreed: "The result of my investigation is the same, but Section Chief Nantian will not doubt it for no reason, so we still need to listen to the report of Lone Wolf."

"I hope she can really provide us with some valuable information!"

"Has there been no movement from the military command agents recently?"

"The new mayor of Shanghai and his secretary were randomly shot to death in the Shanghai Hotel. It should be done by Qi Lianna, the station chief of the Military Command Shanghai Station." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
Qi Rui asked in shock: "When did this happen?"

"It just happened last night. It's been less than half a month since I took office, and now no one dares to be the mayor of Shanghai!"

"Why didn't the newspaper publish this news?" Qi Rui asked,

"We are the ones who suppressed it, because this case has too much impact. Before, the task force of the Chinese Army assassinated many officers of the new government. This time, the military command assassins also assassinated important politicians. These assassins are really a headache!"

"No clues?"

"The assassination this time was carefully planned. After they killed someone in the street, they quickly fled in the chaos. We blocked and searched and found nothing."

"Yunzi, it seems that none of our opponents are cheap!"

"Jiuchi-kun, these military agents are usually hidden in the concessions, especially the French Concession, and I hope you can use the informants over there to help find them." Yunzi Zhuuchi begged,

"You can go to Tang Ling from Shenghui Automobile, you don't have to wait for me to come back."

"Jiuchi-kun, another weird accident happened in the concession the day before yesterday. A very important person was crushed to death by a falling billboard."

"Yunzi also suspects that these are carefully designed by someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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