Chapter 561
Takeuchi Yunko said with certainty: "Jiuchi-kun, these people who died unexpectedly were all pro-Japanese elements, which are what the Chinese call traitors. This is obviously murder."

"Has the identity of the deceased been confirmed?"

"It's all confirmed. For this reason, I specifically asked Chi Muqinzhi. They are all Chinese who worked for us. He suspected that it was Tielin from the police station in the French Concession and a person named Xu Tian who did it. I heard that It was Mr. Jiuchi, you said that they were the informants of the Jiuchi mansion. Later, Akagi Senzhi sent people to watch them for a few days, and found that Xu Tian had left Shanghai, and Tielin had been patrolling the house, but he didn't find anything suspicious about him. "Takeuchi Yunzi said,
"Yunzi, doesn't Cirrus own my shares? That's when I developed them to be my informants. Before I left, I had told Tielin to pay attention to these accidental deaths. I'll take you there to ask him later. "Qi Rui said,
"Then Jiuchi-kun also helped me talk to Shenghui Car Dealer, and I can go to them for help if you're not here in the future." Takeuchi Yunzi said,
"Okay, I still have something to go today, we will go there at noon tomorrow."

"It's still Kuchi-kun who is at ease in my heart! Thank you!" Takeuchi Yunko thanked.

Qi Rui drove home directly, Song Jian was already waiting for him in the lobby.

"Brother, I have already told Mingtai."

"Where's Yu Manli?"

"Miss Yu always follows him."

"Have you explained to them what happened to the independent group?" Qi Rui asked,

"I have already told them that Dingshan Lake's armed forces are the national army task force mentioned in the newspaper. Because Fang Tianyi used to be a member of the military command, Mingtai and Yu Manli both believed it."

"Mingtai has gone home?"

"Go back, he will act according to the orders of the elder brother."

"Is there anything going on in the mansion?"

"Yi and Xianren arrested some students who were distributing leaflets. Some of them have been taken away by their parents, and some of them are still locked up."

"Go back and let them go, and warn the students in front of Yi and Xianren."


Song Jian left, Qi Rui sat on the sofa drinking tea and thinking about what happened and what will happen, he doesn't need to worry about the things in the third war zone, although Xu Tian's case is tight, but all the traitors were killed, This is the biggest doubt, and I still have to warn them later.

When Fu Yingxue came back from the pharmacy, Qi Rui greeted her and went to Zhuang Xiaoman's house. She played a big role in this action.

Zhuang Xiaoman briefly explained the situation in Kunshan and asked, "Ninth Brother, the remaining Golden Gun team is what we want. Do you have any plans?"

"These people should have saved some money with Li Jifu, and they don't have to worry about food and drink. If you want to accept them, you still have to do this..."

Qi Rui gave Zhuang Xiaoman a bad idea, which made her laugh coquettishly: "Brother Ninth, why are you so bad, you are going to cheat them on a dead end."

"Didn't you already know that I'm broken?" Qi Rui put Zhuang Xiaoman in his arms and said with a smirk,

"Ninth brother, I have already returned all the money from the Li family with the interest of the IOU. Your trick is really good. This is really a good way to make money." Zhuang Xiaoman laughed.

"Leave it with you, there are plenty of places to spend money." In the future, the business and team supplies will need to be handled by Junfu Foreign Firm, and now Zhuang Xiaoman is Qi Rui's chief financial officer.

"Ninth brother, should I send a telegram to the boss?"

"I'll send a report to the boss myself, you go and prepare."

Boss Dai was about to go to bed when his close aides came to report: "Report to the bureau, Brother Nine is calling."

"Xiao Jiu called personally?"

"Ninth brother said that he has cooperated with the poisonous bee to complete the plan and return to Shanghai!"

"Ask him about the task force!"

"Ninth brother said that he did recruit some lake bandits and anti-Japanese armed forces to form a team, and sent people to secretly train them for several months. At present, the team has about 500 people, and the weapons they use are all from the United States. Arms dealers bought them at a high price, and specially asked the Americans to help transform a few more sniper rifles."

"The guns used by Muyu and Jellyfish were originally given by Xiaojiu!" Dai has long heard that the guns used by the jellyfish assassination team have been modified. of.

"Boss, Brother Nine, do you have any orders?"

"Call back and tell Xiaojiu that he did a good job. This team is definitely a surprise soldier, but this team must be led by reliable people. In addition, tell Xiaojiu that Lao Liu has gone to Nanjing to become a station master."

Qi Rui received a call back and said to Zhuang Xiaoman: "Xiaoman, starting from this month, I don't need to pay the boss any more. If possible, I need to apply for some funds. It costs a lot to raise a team of hundreds of people."

"Ninth brother, it's easy for us to support this team, why don't we ask the boss for money?"

"It is necessary, because the number of people in this team will increase, and the consumption will be great, especially the ammunition. We can't wait until we come and ship it to us. We must ask the boss to find an arsenal to process the ammunition for us." Qi Rui said,
"Ninth brother, if the boss finds out that this team is a Communist Party, he will definitely go crazy."

"He won't know, even if he knows, I can do it."

Zhuang Xiaoman is now Qi Rui's most capable helper, and her ability is beyond imagination, especially her ability to do business makes Qi Rui really worry-free.

"Xiaoman, are you tired of managing such a big foreign company by yourself?" Because Zhuang Xiaoman has to do many things by himself, and he is very busy all day long, Qi Rui knows this very well.

"I'm not tired, but I feel very fulfilled. At least I don't have much time to think about Brother Nine."

"Look at you, you are so pitiful, you are a good girl!" Qi Rui hugged Zhuang Xiaoman and kissed her.

Zhuang Xiaoman said sadly: "Who told Brother Jiu not to belong to me alone?"

Qi Rui didn't answer her words, and said: "Xiaoman, what do you think this is?" Qi Rui took out the token of Li's business that Li Dingchuan gave,
"Huh!? Isn't this the token of the manager of the Li family! How could Brother Jiu have it?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked in surprise,

"You know this token?"

Zhuang Xiaoman took it in his hand and watched it carefully, and said: "I just found out that our Junfu Foreign Firm also has business contacts with the Li family, but there are not many cooperations at present. If we have this token, we can cooperate with Li's family." The family doesn’t need money to do any business.”

"This token is so powerful."

"The Li family was a wealthy businessman in the Qing Dynasty. His family's industries spread all over the country. Because there are many people with the surname Li, few people know that many shops with the surname Li are actually owned by the same family."

"I think it is impossible for Li Dingchuan to build such a huge business empire in just a few years." Qi Rui said,
"However, Li Dingchuan, the only young master of the Li family, is indeed very capable. The Li family, which had fallen into disrepair after being in his hands for a few years, has risen again, and now it is the target of the Japanese's all-out efforts to win them over."

(End of this chapter)

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