Chapter 562
Qi Rui gave Zhuang Xiaoman a task, which is to find out the properties of Li's business in the enemy-occupied area as soon as possible. .

Zhuang Xiaoman had many things to do. At noon the next day, at the Jazz Cafe, she met with Minglou again according to Qi Rui's explanation, and told him the solution of Lone Wolf and Wang Manchun.

Before leaving, Zhuang Xiaoman gave Minglou an envelope, and said: "Mr. Ming, I have to go out in two days, and it may take a few days to come back. If you encounter any emergency, you can put it in the envelope." phone number, codes, and code words are all in it.”

Ming Lou quickly put the envelope in his pocket, and said, "Boss Zhuang, please call me when you come back, and I will host a banquet for you and Director Jiuchi, and please do me a favor when the time comes."

"Okay, I'll tell Kuchi-kun."

Zhuang Xiaoman has two things to do when she goes out. The first is to investigate the business of Li's business, and the second is to cheat the rest of the Kunshan Li Jifu Golden Gun Team. She is not going to kill them, but to kill them. Those who are pitted have a home and cannot return.

At this time, Qi Rui's elder brother Yunzi Zhuuchi was eating with Liu Rusi, Tielin and Xu Tian in Xianlesi.

"Boss Liu, Sergeant Tie, Xu Jun! This is Ms. Takeuchi Yunzi, the head of the special first class of the special advanced class. I brought her here because I have something very important to ask for your help." Qi Rui introduced,

"Hello, Mr. Zhu Nei!" Xu Tian and Liu Rusi pulled Tielin up to greet Zhu Nei Yunzi.

"If you have anything to do, just ask Mr. Jiuchi." Xu Tian said,
"Xu Jun, why did you come back?" Qi Rui asked,

"I came back from Hangzhou the day before yesterday."

Qi Rui thought to himself: You bastard, just after returning from Hangzhou, you designed the accident that the billboard smashed the traitor to death, you are really busy!
"It's a coincidence that you came back, because another accident happened in the French Concession on the day you came back. A man named Wang Dawang was accidentally crushed to death by a billboard. You should know about it?"

"I know!" Xu Tian nodded.

"I know, the newspapers have published it, this person is really unlucky." Liu Rusi also said,
"Xu Tian, ​​I know you can solve the case, don't you think these accidents are strange?" Qi Rui asked,

"I haven't paid attention to these things, can Taijun Jiuchi tell me what's wrong?"

"Section Chief Takeuchi is very interested in this case now, let her tell you about it."

"Tie Sheriff, you are a police officer yourself, have you been to the scene?" Takeuchi Yunzi asked,

"I went to the one the day before yesterday, and we also found an advertising company. It was indeed an accident from the scene, because the wind was very strong the day before yesterday, and the screw that fixed the billboard was too long was loose. Wang Dawang is indeed very unfortunate, and we are also very sorry. said Tielin,
"There have been many accidents in the concession before, the iron police chief should know about it?"

"I do know that my colleagues have inspected the scene, and their conclusions are that the deaths were indeed accidental."

"Tie Xun, Xu Sang! I don't believe you didn't see anything!" Zhuuchi Yunzi's tone became tough, and his expression turned ugly.

"Tie Sheriff, Xu Jun, one of you is a sheriff who has repeatedly solved strange cases! The other is a high-achieving student who has returned from studying in Japan! Don't pretend to be confused with us! Do you want to go to a special high school with us to tell the truth? Huh!" Qi Rui was also very angry and threatened, in fact, he reminded Xu Tian that it was too fake to say that he didn't know!
Xu Tianxin comprehended and quickly said: "Taijun Jiuchi, Section Chief Takeuchi, we do feel that something is wrong, but now it is better to have one more thing than one thing less, and besides, these cases are not all under the control of Sergeant Tie."

"Xu Sang, tell me what's wrong with these cases?" Yunzi Zhuuchi asked,

"At first, Tielin didn't pay attention, but later it was rumored that these dead people were all Han... people who worked for you, especially after being arrested by Director Akagi, I was even more sure that these were not accidents, as if they were real. A well-planned murder." Xu Tian said,
"Yoxi! That's right! Tell Mr. Takeuchi what you want to say! Tell me what you found!" Qi Ruixin said: I brought Yunzi Takeuchi here, which is enough to show that the Japanese are serious about it. The importance of this matter, this time I see that you dare not hold back, if this continues, you will have trouble sooner or later!
"Yes! Tai-kun Kuchi, Section Chief Takeuchi, I just came back, I haven't had time to investigate carefully." Xu Tian said,
"Then next, you and Chief Tie will check it out carefully, and you will find a big reward!" Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"Yes, we must investigate carefully. The other party's design of these things is very subtle. The other party should be a high-IQ killer. We will try our best to help Section Chief Takeuchi to investigate! Once I find clues, I will report it immediately."

"Not only to investigate! We must also analyze the process of committing the crime, otherwise I will punish you!" said Yunzi Takeuchi,
"Yes! I will do my best to investigate."

Seeing that Tielin was muttering all the time, Qi Rui thought to himself: The brat must be scolding me!He said with a smile on the surface: "Chief Iron, you have to work hard, and I will praise you to the board of directors if you solve this case!"

Tielin lowered his head and said nothing, he couldn't stop cursing the two devils in front of him, and thought that Brother Tian would design two accidents for them to kill them.

After Qi Rui and Zhu Nei Yunzi finished their meal, they went to see Tang Ling at Shenghui Car Dealer. After they left, Xu Tian reprimanded Tielin very angrily: "Didn't I let you do it?"

"Brother Tian, ​​these were planned a long time ago. We just had this opportunity the day before yesterday. We just acted according to the original plan." Tielin said,
Liu Rusi persuaded worriedly: "Tie Lin, Brother Tian, ​​it's time for you to stop."

Tielin ignored Liu Rusi and asked, "Brother Tian, ​​what do you think we should do next?"

Xu Tian frowned slightly and said, "What else can I do, help them investigate the case."

"Ah!? How do you check this!" It was originally done by my group.

"Don't be nervous, it doesn't matter if you tell them the details of the crime. They have absolutely no evidence to prove that we did it. Let those brothers leave Shanghai!" Xu Tian said,
"Brother Tian, ​​where do you want them to go?"

"Just leave Shanghai. I recently heard that there are anti-Japanese teams in Tianmu Mountain and Mogan Mountain. Let them find a team. I happen to have a friend in the team." Xu Tian went to Hangzhou to contact this matter, because he also It is very clear that these people will definitely have an accident in Shanghai, so it is better to go to the team to exercise.

Xu Tian is also a member of the Communist Party now. His upline is in Hangzhou, but he has not gone offline because Tielin is his development goal.

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Tian!" Tielin agreed,
Minglou was still at work, Mingcheng came in and whispered, "Brother, Mingtai is back!"

"Why is he so surprised when he comes back?" Minglou asked.

"The poisonous scorpion team left with the poisonous bee, why are they back?"

"It's still guesswork, it must be something else." Minglou knew what it was, but didn't tell Mingcheng,

"Shall we go back tonight?" Mingcheng asked,

(End of this chapter)

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