Chapter 563
Mingtai was acting like a baby with Mingjing, and Minglou and Mingcheng opened the door to come in. Since knowing their real identities, Mingjing didn't ask much about their affairs, Minglou was her own leader, and she also knew that she had no right to intervene.

"Mingtai is back?" Minglou asked kindly.
"Why, you don't welcome me back?" Mingtai said poorly,

"What are you talking about!" Mingcheng reprimanded with a straight face,

"Just kidding, why are you staring?" Mingtai didn't care that Aunt Gui was pretending to clean the stairs, and asked, "You two got back together again, didn't you have a very unpleasant fight a few days ago?"

"There is no overnight feud between brothers. Could it be that if I reprimand you a few times, you won't recognize me as a big brother?" Minglou asked.
"This is the best way. I stayed outside for a few days because I was worried about being affected. Since you are all right, I can stay at home with peace of mind."

"The whole family can eat together again, Ah Xiang! Aunt Gui, let's prepare dinner!" Ming Jing said in a good mood.

After dinner, Mingtai called Mingjing to his study on the first floor. Mingcheng took Mingtai and Axiang to the yard to play badminton. Aunt Lone Wolf Gui was supposed to clean up the table. After clearing the table, he listened intently to Mingtai and Mingjing talking in the study.

"Sister, you shouldn't leave things at home, it's too unsafe!"

"We are all our own people at home, so there is no danger, and I am also placed in a very safe place where no one will find me."

"Sister, if we are found out, our Ming family will be ruined!"

"Don't be alarmist. Nothing happened when I was alone at home. You three brothers are at home, as well as Aunt Gui and Axiang. If something happened, it would have happened long ago."

"Sister! Why don't you listen to me? There's really nothing I can do about you."

"I still have nothing to do with you. Even though I'm in Shanghai, I don't know how to go home. Is it so good outside?"

"Okay, big sister, I can't say no to you, you should hurry up and coax you to Mingtai, you haven't heard what my real brother said."

"I won't let you do things for those traitors and little devils, do you listen?"

"Sister, these things always have to be done by someone, just like what you do. Well, sister, it's rare for everyone to be happy today, and it's still early, why don't I take you to the movies."

"Watching a movie? I haven't watched it for a long time. Is there any good movie now?"

"Sister, don't you like Chaplin? Let's go and see him in Modern Times, shall we?"

"Okay! Call everyone to go together."

The lone wolf quickly left to clean up in the kitchen, Ah Xiang was as happy as a child when she heard that she was going to the movies.

"Mingtai, aren't you going?" Mingjing asked,

"You guys go, I've seen Modern Times several times, and besides, I have to go out to get my luggage later." Mingtai said,
"Axiang, go and ask Aunt Gui if you want to go."

"I asked, Aunt Gui won't go."

Mingcheng drove, Minglou, Mingjing and Axiang went to watch a movie, Mingtai also left home, and there was only Lone Wolf left in Ming Mansion, she immediately started looking for what Mingjing and Minglou said.

Wang Manchun was a bit depressed during this period, because she misunderstood Shunsuke Kuike's meaning last time and arrested three military command agents and was reprimanded. She took Yunzi Takeuchi and failed to find what she wanted, so she lost the respect of the Japanese.

In particular, she wanted to get rid of the bright mirror that hindered her marriage with Minglou, but she still couldn't find a chance. Almost all the information provided by this lone wolf was false. Just when she was drinking to drown her sorrows, the lone wolf called.

"Lone wolf? What's the matter with you?"

"Director Wang, I found a box in the small ancestral hall of the Ming family just now. You should bring someone here quickly, preferably a Japanese."

"What's in the box?"

"It's all evidence of Ming Jing's commonality! And Ming Lou should know about it."

"Take out the box!"

"Director Wang, what if these things leave the Ming family and Ming Jing refuses to admit it? Come quickly and find the box in front of them, and Ming Jing will have nothing to say!"

"What about Minglou?"

"He took the mirror and they went to the movies."

"Okay! I'll take people there right now."

Wang Manchun put down his phone and wanted to call Takeuchi Yunko, but after thinking about it, he called Shunsuke Kuchi: "Teacher! I have something urgent to call you."

"Manchun, what's the matter with you?"

"Teacher, my people found evidence of Mingjing's communion in Ming's house. If I go by myself, I'm afraid I will be hindered by Chief Minglou Ming. After all, he is my chief. Teacher, if you have time, can you bring someone to visit for me?" trip?"

"Oh! Are you sure you found the evidence of the mirror?"

"I'm sure it's right this time, my people are watching at the Ming family."

"Is Minglou at home?"

"Master Ming went to the movies with a mirror!"

"Okay! You take people to surround and control the Ming mansion first, and I will go there right away! But don't enter the Ming house without authorization, we will go in with Minglou and Mingjing later!"

"Yes! Teacher! I'll take someone there right away!"

Qi Rui put down the phone and said to Yunzi Zhuuchi: "Yunzi, Lone Wolf and Wang Manchun have played a role!"

"Have they found the evidence that the mirror is in common?" Yunzi Takeuchi and Masami Aoyama were on the side, and they could clearly hear the content of the phone call.

"I think it should be right this time. Let's go and see how the eldest lady of the Ming family explains it, and how Deputy Director Ming will face this situation. If my guess is right, Mingjing may still be a big fish."

When Qi Rui and Zhu Nei Yunzi arrived at the Ming Mansion, Wang Manchun had already surrounded the place with people, and after waiting for less than 5 minutes, Ming Lou and the others came back after watching the movie.

Seeing a group of people blocking the door of the house, Minglou got out of the car and asked in amazement: "Master Takeuchi! Director Kuike! Who are you?"

"Deputy Director Ming, please forgive me for coming uninvited, why don't we go in and talk about it." Qi Rui said,
"Okay! Please come in." Minglou glanced at Wang Manchun after speaking,
Wang Manchun didn't dare to look at Minglou directly, but hid behind Shunsuke Jiuchi with his head down.

Coming to the hall, Takeuchi Yunzi asked Wang Manchun, "Where is the thing?"

At this moment, Lone Wolf Aunt Gui came over and pointed upstairs and said, "The things are in the small ancestral hall of the Ming family. I'll take you to get them."

"Aunt Gui, what are you doing?" Ming Jing asked very nervously,
"Hmph!" Aunt Gui snorted coldly and brought a few spies upstairs, and after a while they took down a box.

"Chairman Ming, can you tell us what's in this box?" Qi Rui stepped forward and patted the box proudly and asked,

"This box is full of our Ming family's business secrets, what are you going to do?" Ming Jing said as he stepped forward to grab the box, but Aunt Gui avoided it.

"Oh! Business secrets? Open it and have a look, Chairman Ming, don't worry, we will never reveal your family secrets." Qi Rui motioned Wang Manchun to open it.

(End of this chapter)

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