Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 564 Wang Manchun committed suicide?

Chapter 564 Wang Manchun committed suicide?
Wang Manchun stepped forward to open the box, and the contents inside were displayed in front of everyone. The lone wolf was taken aback after seeing it, and she stepped forward to look through it in surprise and said, "The contents inside have been repackaged!"

"What has been subcontracted?" Ming Lou asked,
"Before, there were some delivery records to the Communist Party. The details contained everything, including medicines, food..."

"Shut up!" Minglou was furious when he heard this,
At this time, Wang Manchun was also dumbfounded, and asked Lone Wolf, "You said you were transferred?"

The lone wolf said firmly: "Yes! What I saw just now is not these!"

"After you called me, has anyone from the Ming family returned?" Wang Manchun asked,
"Even if someone comes back, I don't necessarily know!"

"After you called me, just in case, I immediately sent someone to the nearest movie theater to Ming Mansion. Chief Ming, Ah Cheng, Ah Xiang, and Ming Jing were indeed watching a movie at that time, and no one left. You said someone switched packages! Who?"

Wang Manchun already felt bad, because this time she not only disappointed Shunsuke Kuchi and Yunzi Takeuchi again, but also disgusted Minglou. Now she clearly knew that she might lose Minglou.

"That's not what I saw then!" swore the Lone Wolf,

"Lone wolf! How about this, you can take someone to search it carefully." Qi Rui said with a gloomy face at this time,
Lone Wolf and his men searched the entire Ming family this time, but found nothing.

Qi Rui asked Wang Manchun: "I asked you to come and surround the Ming mansion, did you see someone leave?"


"Lone wolf! Why did you do this? Don't you know that Deputy Director Ming is a very important official in the new government?" Qi Rui asked.

"No, Director Jiuchi, what I saw just now is very clear, this box is really full of evidence for the common cause!"

"Where are things?" Qi Rui asked,

Lone Wolf reluctantly checked the contents of the box again, and she couldn't figure out why the contents of the box changed after a while.

At this time, Minglou couldn't bear it anymore and asked furiously, "Have you guys had enough trouble?"

Qi Rui hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, Deputy Director Ming, this was a misunderstanding. Section Chief Takeuchi and I just received a call saying that we found evidence that Chairman Ming was in common with you at your home. We were also shocked at the time, precisely because If you don’t believe me, come here immediately.”

"That's right, Deputy Director Ming, you see, neither I nor Jiuchi-kun have brought anyone here, so can we not come here after hearing the news?" Takeuchi Yunzi also quickly explained,

"Chief Jiuchi! Are you kidding me?" Minglou asked,

"Deputy Director Ming, I'm not joking with you!"

"Chief Jiuchi, Section Chief Takeuchi, tomorrow I will resign all positions to Chairman Wang, and then go home to help my eldest sister with business. If you doubt me, why use me!"

Qi Rui quickly persuaded: "The new government must absolutely not lack talents like Deputy Director Ming. This is all a misunderstanding, and we will definitely deal with it."

"Don't talk about it, you never believed me, right? You actually sent spies to sneak into my house. What do you mean? Don't you do this to the hearts of the people!" Minglou became more and more angry,
"Deputy Director Ming, Section Chief Takeuchi and I just found out about Lone Wolf, and we really didn't arrange it!" Qi Rui pointed to Wang Manchun and asked, "What's going on!?"

"Teacher, Lone Wolf was arranged by Section Chief Nantian to enter Ming's house. After Section Chief Nantian died, she reported to me that she provided the information on the bank last time. Today she said that she found important common evidence, and I'm very sure, that's why I came." Wang Manchun also tried to get rid of the relationship and said,

"Wang Manchun! I think you are joining forces with this person to kill our Ming family, so we are happy! You should prepare some evidence in advance to frame us. Why are you making these non-existent things to disgust us! What can you get by doing this!? Really You're so stupid, you're still claiming to be secret agents!" Minglou pointed at Wang Manchun's nose and cursed.

Ming Jing asked with tears in his eyes: "Aunt Gui! Our Ming family took you well! Why did you do this?"

The lone wolf snorted and asked back: "Your Ming family treats me well? You drove me out more than ten years ago, and I almost starved to death on the street. I came back this time to take revenge on the Ming family. I want your family to be destroyed." of!"

Qi Rui went over and kicked the lone wolf to the ground and shouted: "Baga! You evil woman with ulterior motives! How dare you slander Chairman Ming and Deputy Director Ming! Come on! Pull this person out for me and shoot him!"

Wang Manchun didn't dare to talk nonsense, and hurriedly signaled his subordinates to follow suit. The lone wolf thought he heard it wrong, because he was also a member of the Japanese secret service, and when he was about to say something, he was grabbed by the collar of the two spies and dragged directly to the yard Here, with two gunshots, Lone Wolf ended her ugly and shameful life.

"Deputy Director Ming, this person has slandered Chairman Ming and you. I have already executed him. I'm really sorry for what happened today. Please understand, Chief Ming. We have to come when we hear the news. Please understand." Qi Rui continued Apologize,
"Deputy Director Ming, the new government needs people like you very much. We are very sorry for today's incident. We have already dealt with those who framed you. It's getting late, so we won't bother you." Yunzi Takeuchi said embarrassingly. ,

"Deputy Director Ming, I will host a banquet to apologize for your sins tomorrow! Chairman Ming must also come, I am really embarrassed today!"

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he pointed at Wang Manchun and cursed: "You are also a damned idiot! How can I have a student like you!"

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he took Zhu Nei Yunzi and walked away quickly. Wang Manchun also wanted to explain to Minglou, but he gave him a hostile look, and then helped Mingjing upstairs.

Ah Cheng said to Wang Manchun very bluntly: "Director Wang! You are not welcome in our Ming family! Hurry up and leave!"

Wang Manchun left with tears in her eyes, because she knew that she lost the person she loved the most today, because she saw determination in Minglou's eyes.

Wang Manchun drove back home by herself. She was alone in the huge house. She cried bitterly and didn't realize that there was no one behind her...

The next day, there was a news in the newspaper that Wang Manchun, the chief of No. 76 intelligence department, committed suicide by drinking a bomb at home. There were all kinds of rumors, but the most popular one was that she was a traitor and killed too many good people. If you can't stand it, you will commit suicide.

"She's too fragile!" Shunsuke Kuike said to Yunko Takeuchi, looking at the newspaper.
"Maybe she didn't commit suicide because you scolded her."

"Could it be because you offended Minglou?"

"As far as I know, Wang Manchun loves Minglou very much, and Minglou will not forgive her for what happened last night." After finishing speaking, Yunzi Zhuuchi asked, "Mr. Jiuchi, why did Lone Wolf lie to us? Good thing."

"I also wonder why she is so sure that she found the evidence, but we really didn't find anything in the Ming family, and there was indeed no one else in the Ming family at that time." Qi Rui said,
"Yes, no one from the Ming family is here, so who will replace them?"

(End of this chapter)

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