Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 573 You Could Be The Legendary Little 9!

Chapter 573 You Could Be The Legendary Xiao Jiu!

Next, the Gendarmerie, Special High School, Secret Service Headquarters, including the Japanese garrison will have a clear idea of ​​what actions they will take. It will be very difficult for them to catch Chi Tiecheng, who knows Shanghai's streets and alleys and underground drainage channels like the back of hand. .

"How many people attacked here?" Shunsuke Kuike still had to ask,

"There are a dozen of them, Mr. Jiuchi. They are probably all hidden in the French Concession. I heard from Yunzi that you are familiar with that area." Qingqi Qingyin said,
"Okay, I'll send people to guard the checkpoints entering the French Concession, and I will also personally lead people to the French Concession to mobilize all the informants."

"Jiuchi-kun! General Kagezuo also sent news that the headquarters of the Nanjing Tama Army at the Army Central Hospital was also bombed, and the casualties were also heavy. According to the power of the weapons and explosives used, it is speculated that it was the task force. The explosives used are the same as those used to bomb the Sakura!"

"Could it be the task force that bombed the Sakura!?"

"The current guess is that the ammunition found at the scene is all ammunition used by American-made weapons."

"What about here?"

"It's not very clear here, the fire has affected our survey site." Qingqi Qingyin sighed looking at the fire that was still burning.
"Mr. Qingqi! Please let me know if you have any news!"

Qi Rui and Song Jian drove away from the scene. The fly in the ointment of this plan was that Xue Min was injured. On the way to drive her to the pharmacy, he passed a few devil checkpoints, but it went smoothly because of the special pass. Fearing that the devils will investigate, there are not many people with such a pass.

"Brother, the power of this bomb is too great." Song Jian said,
"The bombs to be blown up are gas bombs and bacteria bombs. They are not very powerful. I am worried that the leakage of poison gas and bacteria will affect the people around."

"Fortunately, there are no common people living around this factory."

"This is a top-secret unit, and the surrounding residents have long been driven away by the devils."

"Brother, after Ying Zuo left, almost no one in the Shanghai intelligence department has a higher rank than you. They shouldn't suspect you, right?"

"There are no guarantees, so you must not be careless."

Through Qingqi Qingyin, I learned that the sixth brother in Nanjing also succeeded. This is something worth celebrating, because the difficulty of blowing up that side is higher than that of this side. The sixth brother is the sixth brother, and his strength is absolutely strong.

Qi Rui asked Yi and Xianren to lead people to block all the intersections leading to the French Concession, including the water surface, because according to the time it is speculated that Chi Tiecheng and the others had already returned to the French Concession.

Qi Rui called the cake shop in person, Chi Tiecheng answered the phone, and she answered the call to Qi Lianna herself. Qi Rui gave her the address of the small building, and asked Leng Yue, Liu Ruyan, Tong Lingling and Ouyang Lan to take care of it. Xue Min, and informed that there will definitely be a big manhunt in the near future, so that Shanghai Station will stop all actions.

Leng Yue and the others arrived at the small building, Xue Min hadn't woken up yet, but her pulse was much stronger.

Tong Lingling helped Xue Min wipe the blood off her body, and found that she only had bandages on her upper body and asked, "Elder Sister has no upper body clothes! Could it be that God of Death took it off?"

"It's no surprise that you can do surgery without taking off your clothes." Leng Yue said,
"Didn't the eldest sister have been seen by that killing god!" Tong Lingling exclaimed,
"I don't care about medical treatment. In foreigners' hospitals, all births are delivered by male doctors." Liu Ruyan seemed to understand very well.
"Elder sister, what do you think would happen if she knew that she was stared at by a man?" Tong Lingling asked with a smirk.

"Just look at it, at least the eldest sister is still alive. In yesterday's situation, I thought I would never see the eldest sister again." Leng Yue said,
"Nonsense, big sister will definitely not die so easily!" Tong Lingling said,

"If there is no killing god, the elder sister is really dangerous. It's a pity. Such a round and beautiful face will leave a scar in the future." Liu Ruyan said,

"Killing God is really careful, these medicines and gauze bandages are all ready, and I have saved a lot of money!" At this moment, Leng Yue suddenly remembered the scene where Killing God fell to the ground with his arms around her waist yesterday,
"Wow! There are two beautiful clothes inside and out!" Liu Ruyan picked up the clothes and praised,

"This killing god is really powerful. I wish I could take him as my teacher!" Ouyang Lan couldn't make a bomb with such a small size and such a large power, and the same goes for an incendiary bomb. Now she very much hopes that she can be with this She is the only one who understands how big the gap is in killing theology.

"Killing God's marksmanship is also very good, and he's very manly, I found that I like him!" Tong Lingling smiled tenderly,
"Then you should have been injured yesterday, and let the God of Death look at your body, so that you can make a promise with your body." Liu Ruyan smiled,

"Don't talk nonsense! Liuhuhu, you want to be naked by the killing god!" Tong Lingling blushed when she heard this,

"Stop making trouble, let the captain have a good rest, Ruyan and I will go shopping for some things, Shashen is really generous, these people are enough for us to spend half a year." Leng Yue said,
The beauties in Xue Min's team were all doing what they were supposed to do like normal people, but the Secret Service Committee was extremely busy, and Minglou never stopped calling.

"Brother, both Nanjing and Shanghai were targeted at the Japanese Army's Bacterial Weapons Research Institute. The exact news is that the Sakae 1644 Bacterial Unit was bombed! The deputy commander, Major Kobayashi Kenji, was killed in Shanghai, and the entire Shanghai detachment was killed." Ming Cheng Come in and whisper the report,
"Great, do you know who did this?" Minglou asked,

"Nanjing speculates that the special task force did it, and Shanghai has already speculated that it was the jellyfish assassination team. But according to the witnesses, it seems that they saw a few women."

"How many women? Could it be that Blackberry led someone to do it!"

"Brother said that Qi Lianna, the head of the Shanghai station, led people to do it?"

"The only person who can mobilize the jellyfish assassination team is the boss, and I don't even have the right to do so."

"Could it be that one?" Mingcheng asked in a low voice,

"You mean the one behind the red rose?"

"Because the power of the explosives used in this explosion is almost the same as that used to blow up the Sakura! And the one who provided the explosives last time was Red Rose."

"It's really possible, because apart from the boss, he is probably the only one who can mobilize the jellyfish assassination team!" Minglou nodded and said,

"And this is a simultaneous operation in Nanjing and Shanghai. The attacks were all carried out at three o'clock last night."

"The station master of Nanjing Station is now the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian!" Ming Lou said,
"Brother, Shunsuke Kuike went to Nanjing two days ago!" Mingcheng said excitedly,

"Could it be him!" Ming Lou never believed that a woman who hated Japan like Zhuang Xiaoman would commit herself to a Japanese devil. Could it be that Shunsuke Kuike is really that mysterious and legendary killer!
"Brother, I have inquired, Shunsuke Kuike was not at home last night."

After hearing this, Minglou ordered with a sullen face: "Ah Cheng, who asked you to investigate him, stop now!"

"Understood!" Mingcheng knew that if his investigation was discovered, Shunsuke Hisaike might also attract the attention of interested people.

"Go to the secret service headquarters immediately and ask Bi Zhongliang, Wang Tianmu and others to intensify the search!"

"Yes! I'll go right now."

After Mingcheng left, Minglou looked at Jiuchi Shunsuke's file and suddenly said, "Could you be the legendary Xiaojiu?"

(End of this chapter)

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