Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 574 It seems that I owe a lot to God of Death

Chapter 574 It seems that I owe a lot to God of Death
Although Minglou is abroad, he still knows some things about the domestic military command, and even his rank can also learn some little-known things.

He had heard that there was another Xiaojiu besides the Eight King Kongs. Not long after this Xiaojiu's special training, the files were sealed up for the reason of his country's death in the line of duty, and there was no such person in the military command anymore. Jiu didn't die at all, but changed his name and surname to carry out the secret mission given by his boss.

Minglou knew Zheng Yaoxian, Xu Baichuan, Xu Zhengyuan, especially with Chu Mingguo, the third eldest of the Eight Great King Kongs. This little Jiu had never even met Chu Mingguo, but he definitely had this person, especially with the fourth and fourth King Kong. The relationship between the sixth child is very good.

After reading the archives, Minglou discovered that Shunsuke Kuchi had done some things as Qi Rui's Chinese, but these things he did did not harm the interests of the Chinese people, on the contrary, they were included in many major cases after the fall of Shanghai. his shadow.

What made Ming Lou most suspicious was the time when the sixth son Zheng Yaoxian was shot. If no one secretly helped, how could the two seriously injured people leave Shanghai after recovering from their injuries? Think about it. Because he owns Huimin Pharmacy, and Chen Jiaying is a doctor of medicine.

Minglou guessed that Shunsuke Kuchi was Xiaojiu was also a whim, but with his ability, he already thought that Shunsuke Kuike might be his own, or there were some things that couldn't be explained.

In the afternoon, Qi Rui called and heard that Xue Min hadn't woken up yet, so he had to give her an infusion to ensure her nutritional supply, so that she might recover quickly.

In the morning of the next day, Xue Min finally woke up, a little weak but able to open her mouth to eat, Leng Yue fed her a few mouthfuls of millet porridge.

With some strength, Xue Min asked, "Where is this?"

"This is the residence arranged by Shashen for us. It's a small western-style building in the French Concession. It's very safe."

"Is the mission completed?"

"It's done. All the Tama Shanghai detachment were killed. The deputy commander, Major Kobayashi Kenji, was on the two returning trucks. The explosion was very powerful. I heard that all the devils in the backyard were killed, and the pharmaceutical factory was also burned. Covered and burnt clean." Leng Yue said,
"Is anyone else hurt besides me?"

"No, thanks to the timely response from the jellyfish assassination team, we all evacuated back safely. It was God of Death who rescued you. He saved your life."

"He also has medical skills?"

"Indeed, because yesterday he came to give you an infusion, and said that you were fatal, and the bullet almost hit the heart."

"Did he perform the operation on me?" Xue Min suddenly found that he didn't ask anything except the bandages on his upper body.

"That's right, he came to check on your wound yesterday, and I didn't see any disrespect in his eyes other than concern." Leng Yue said,
"Will he come today?"

"Should be, because you may also need an infusion."

"It would be almost impossible for us to complete this operation without Shashen, thanks to him!" Xue Min said with a complicated expression,

"Captain, not only our mission is thanks to him, but his blood is flowing in your body, you should thank him very much."

"Did he give me a blood transfusion?"

"You've lost a lot of blood. If you didn't have blood transfusions, you might have died a long time ago."

"It seems that I owe a lot to God of Death."

"Let's eat something more."

"I don't want to eat, I don't have any appetite." Xue Min looked down at his upper body again, and asked, "Don't tell me that he scrubbed my body so clean!"

"Haha, it's Lingling who made you nervous. She and Ouyang Lan watched over you all night, and they both went to bed."

"Where's the fox?"

"She went out to buy newspapers."

After a while, Liu Ruyan came back wearing a new cheongsam, holding many newspapers in her hand, and seeing Xue Min staring at herself with open eyes, she said pleasantly, "Sister! You're awake! We're so worried!"

"If there is any news in the newspaper, read it to me."

"These newspapers controlled by the Japanese can't be read at all. I bought a few tabloids here, and the news published on them is the best." Liu Ruyan laughed,

"As long as the news is true."

Leng Yue looked at it and shook her head and said, "These are not as accurate as the information given by the Killing God."

"Oh. What did he say?" Xue Min asked with great interest.
"The headquarters of the Tama Army in Nanjing was also bombed, and many people died. Unfortunately, Takeo Kida is still alive, but Shashen said that he will not live for a few days, because the task force has already targeted him."

"Great! Killing God really did what he said!"

"Elder Sister, Killing God saved your life." Liu Ruyan said,

"I see, why do you all remind me of this? Did he say something?"

"I didn't hear what he said, but I can see that he cares about you very much." Liu Ruyan said,

Xue Min felt shy when he thought about being stared at by this man, but on the surface he pretended not to care and said: "He is just a benevolent doctor, don't talk nonsense."

"Sister, the God of Killing is indeed as powerful as in the legend, and Xiaolan wants to worship him as a teacher." Liu Ruyan said,

"The bombs and incendiary bombs he brought are indeed very powerful. If Xiaolan is asked to make such powerful explosives, he would have to load half a truck!" Leng Yue said,
"It would be great if Xiaolan could make this kind of bomb, so we won't have any regrets." Xue Min said,
"Is what Eldest Sister is talking about the devil's No. [-] Bridge?" Leng Yue asked,

"Yes, if we had such a time bomb, the bridge would have been blown up long ago, and we would have been able to stop the army of devils from crossing the bridge, and so many people would not have died in vain!"

"When the God of Death comes, let him teach us, we can't do without it!" Liu Ruyan said,

"Sister, the newspaper said that an abandoned car was found with blood stains on it. The devils already know that we have wounded, and they are investigating all the pharmacies and hospitals. I don't know if it will affect Shashen."

"Did the killing god perform the operation on me here?" Xue Min asked,

"I don't know. It was very clean when we came here, and there was no trace of surgery."

"Sister, don't talk so much, you should rest for a while, and wait until the god of death comes when you have enough energy." Liu Ruyan smiled,

Qi Rui is now leading people to check the abandoned car and found the owner. It turned out that the car was lost by a French businessman.

"Kuichi-kun, is there still no clue?"

"No, this car was abandoned near the hospital, but we checked the hospital carefully, and they did not treat anyone with gunshot wounds. We also checked, and their hospital did not lose medicine for gunshot wounds." Qi Rui said,
"Anything found around the car?"

"No, there is no blood or footprints on the ground. The wounded man seems to have been transported away by some means of transport!" Qi Rui said,
(End of this chapter)

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