Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 575 Information Section 8 Head Mieko Sakai

Chapter 575 Information Section [-] Head Mieko Sakai
Accompanying Yunzi Zhuuchi was a man and a woman in casual clothes. They never spoke. Qi Rui found that they had been observing him secretly, so he asked, "Yunzi, who are they? Why haven't I seen them?"

Yunko Takeuchi pointed to the man and introduced: "Kuichi-kun, this is Lieutenant Sakai Kurihan, who was sent by the intelligence section of the dispatched army to investigate the bombing case. His cousin, the other is Eiko Sakai, a sniper from the advance team, and Mieko's cousin."

"Advance team?" The Japanese said that the advance team is a special force, and the captain is a lieutenant officer, indicating that the strength of this team should not be weak.

"The dispatched army has specially formed this advance team in order to deal with the God-killing Action Group, the Jellyfish Assassination Group, and the recently rampant task force. The team is full of experienced operational masters, and there are more than a dozen snipers alone." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Hello Chief Kuchi! I've heard Mieko talk about you a long time ago, please take care of me!" Sakai Kurihan bowed and said,
"Since you are Mieko's cousin, don't be so polite. Are you here from the scene?"

I heard from Takeuchi Yunko that Mieko Sakai was in the intelligence section of the dispatched army before, but I didn't expect to be the leader of the eighth section, and she also commanded a team that sounded not weak. It seems that Kenji Doi is still very important. her or her family.

"Chief Kuike, after the violent explosion and fire, we didn't find any valuable clues at the scene, so we came to the French Concession to try our luck." Sakai Kurihan said,
"Is Mieko not here?" Qi Rui asked,

"She and Asaka Sakai are investigating in Nanjing and will come over in a few days."

"Sakai Asaka? Are all of your Sakai family here?"

"Chief Kuike, Mieko left the super high school because of the Jellyfish Assassination Team and God Killing Operation. She never forgot to wash away this shame. When she returned to Japan, she started to form an advance team according to General Doi's wishes. Now the advance team has been established. , with the help of General Doi, Mieko is now the head of Section [-] of Intelligence, and the bombing case in Nanjing and Shanghai is her first case after taking office, and please support him from Chief Kuchi!" Sakai Kurihan said again Take a deep bow.

"This is our responsibility, not to mention the relationship with Mieko. Don't worry, Captain Sakai, we will do our best to assist the advance team and Section [-] to solve this case."

"Director Jiuchi, according to our investigation, someone drove a car with a special pass on the night of the explosion, passed through multiple checkpoints and entered the French Concession. Now it is confirmed that they were driving this car."

"Special pass?" Qi Rui asked in surprise,
"That's right, it is an emergency temporary pass for special affairs issued by the Gendarmerie Command, and it is only valid for one day."

"Then have you asked Colonel Tanaka?" Qi Rui asked,

"I asked, and he said that such a pass has never been issued recently, so he said they used fake ones." Sakai Kurihan said,
"It seems that the forgery is very realistic, otherwise it would be impossible to pass so many checkpoints!" Qi Rui said,
"Yes, it can be seen that the enemy knows our insides very well, and they can even imitate Colonel Tanaka's handwriting!"

"This is something I have been investigating, because General Yingzuo and I suspect that there are members of the Communist International within us." Qi Rui said,
"Is Director Hisaike going to Nanjing to investigate this matter?" Sakai Kurihan asked.

Qi Rui asked very unhappy after hearing this: "Captain Sakai investigated me?"

Sakai Kurifan apologized: "Chief Kuike, don't misunderstand, it was Mieko who told us. We just want to ask if you have any valuable clues here."

"General Hinyozuo sent people to investigate the suspects I provided. They are not a problem at all. Captain Sakai, you should check who knows about Tama's troops, because I also listened to this special team last night. Qingqi Qingyin only knew about it, since this team is so top-secret, only relevant people may know about it."

"Indeed, we only know about this army, but our enemy knows it better than us! This is indeed very strange."

"So, Captain Sakai, tell Mieko that it's best to investigate from the inside. I will lead someone from the French Concession to continue to trace the clues."

"Kuchi-kun! Did you really find nothing?" Yunko Takeuchi asked,

"Since Mieko is in charge of this case, let me share my conclusion. This is just my personal opinion, and you can use it as a reference."

"I knew you would find something!" said Yunzi Takeuchi,
Qi Rui pointed to the blood on the car and said, "I'm sure now that the wounded sent by this car are dead."


"Yes, they probably wanted to bring the wounded to this hospital for emergency treatment. It took at least three to 10 minutes to drive here from Donglin Pharmaceutical Factory. Judging from the blood on the car, they found that the wounded had lost too much blood and died. That's why I didn't go to the hospital or steal medicine." Qi Rui said,
Sakai Kurifan agreed: "Chief Kuike is right, we are sure that the people in this hospital are not lying, and I also think that the wounded person was dead when he arrived here, otherwise the person who sent her here would not give up easily .”

"They took away the body because they didn't want the identity of the deceased to be found out?" Yunzi Takeuchi asked.

"That's right! The deceased is probably someone close to us, Yunzi! Immediately investigate all the government departments to see who has not gone to work, and immediately investigate where these people are!" Qi Rui said,
"Okay! I'll check right away!"

Sakai Kurihan clapped his hands and praised: "Chief Hisaike, what Mieko said is indeed correct, we must be able to make a difference in Shanghai without your assistance!"

"Captain Sakai's reputation is too high, where are you going to go next?"

"The wounded man is probably dead, but he may still be alive, so I plan to visit some private hospitals and pharmacies unannounced to see if I can find any clues."

"Do you need me to send someone to take you there?"

"No, we have already collected the information of all pharmacies and hospitals, thank you Director Jiuchi."

After Sakai Lifan and Sakai Eiko left, Tielin brought people over. He first sent people to drive the car back, because this was the French Concession, and they wanted to give an explanation to the owner when the stolen car was recovered.

"Curator Jiuchi, brother Tian said he will be there soon, he asked you to wait for him for a while, and said he has something to tell you." Tielin said,
"Xu Jun has something to tell me, did you find any clues?"

"I don't know about this, you'd better wait for him to come and ask him."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Tian arrived on his bicycle. He put the car away and came to Shunsuke Jiuchi, bowed and shouted: "Hello, Mr. Jiuchi!"

"Xu Jun, I heard from Tielin that you have something to do with me?"

"Yes, can I take a step to speak?"

"Then go to the teahouse in front and have a cup of tea. I happen to be thirsty too."

(End of this chapter)

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