Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 576 Genius Xu Tian

Chapter 576 Genius Xu Tian
When he arrived at the teahouse, Xu Tian asked for a quiet private room and ordered a pot of good tea. After the snacks and dried fruits were served, Xu Tian closed the door and returned to his seat to make tea for Shunsuke Kuchi.

Qi Rui looked at Xu Tian and really couldn't guess what he was going to do, but he didn't mean to be hostile to him at all, just like asking him to do something.

Seeing Shunsuke Kuchi looking at him suspiciously, Xu Tian said in a voice that only two people could hear: "You have helped us so much, do you need me to do something for you?"

Qi Rui was amused by Xu Tian's iron-faced appearance, and asked, "Xu Jun, what do you want to do with being so mysterious?"

"Donglin Pharmaceutical Factory bombing was done by you, right? Someone was injured on your side during the exchange of fire between the two sides. You came back in the car in the alley opposite." Xu Tian said,
Qi Rui stared at him and growled, "Mr. Xu! Do you want to die?"

Xu Tian was unmoved and continued: "Yesterday's explosion was so loud that I was awakened in a dream. Although I didn't see the fire, I also saw the red light in the dark night. I read the newspaper in the morning. Only then did I know that a pharmaceutical factory run by the Japanese was bombed, and I learned from the tabloids that the Devil’s Institute of Bacterial Weapons is behind this pharmaceutical factory, the bombing was good!”

Qi Rui thought inwardly: Xu Tian should have known what was wrong with him after helping them so many times. He seems to have discovered something when he said it so brazenly today, so he should be the first person to investigate the scene of the abandoned car. .

"go on!"

"According to the survey, this is only the scene of the abandoned car, but the wounded got out of the car early, and it should be safe now. The purpose of abandoning the car near the hospital is to tell the devil that the wounded is dead."

After answering all the questions correctly, Qi Rui asked, "When did you inspect the site?"

"After Tielin notified me, I came over as soon as possible."

"Then where did you go?"

"The Huimin pharmacy in the public concession, but I didn't go in. I just went to erase some traces that you didn't have time to erase. I can find out that others may also find out. This job must be done." Xu Tian said,
"Why did you go to Huimin Pharmacy?" Qi Rui asked,
"Because I know that Huimin Pharmacy is yours, and there is a doctor with excellent medical skills in it. If there are wounded people, this is the safest place."

"When did you know?"

"As early as when Jin Ye died, I suspected that Xiaolin's money was cheated many times, and you helped us many times, so I am sure that you are Chinese, and you are a very powerful Chinese, even rumored to the outside world. It is very godly that the God Killing Action Group and the Jellyfish Assassination Group are related."

"It's dangerous to know too much." Qi Rui warned,

"Can I call you Mr. Qi?" Xu Tian asked sincerely and expectantly.

"A lot of homework!" Now that he knows his name, it proves that Xu Tian has been investigating and being himself.

"Since I want to do things for you, I must get to know you well!"

"Are you so sure?"

"I was not so sure before because there was no evidence, but this time I am very sure!"

"Xu Tian, ​​do you really want to help me?"

"Go through fire and water!"

"Okay! You are like this..." Qi Rui whispered his plan to Xu Tian,

Qi Rui had long thought that Xu Tian would find evidence to prove everything he guessed, because he had left a lot of flaws in front of him, Qi Rui did this because Xu Tian and Tian Dan are both high-IQ killers, and Dantian is of course not suitable to be a killer , but Xu Tian is too suitable.

Some people must be killed, but because of some special reasons, people cannot know that he was killed. Suicide, accident and natural death are the best ways. Xu Tian is definitely a master in this regard.

Xu Tian asked happily after hearing this: "Mr. Qi, do you have anything else for me to do?"

"I don't need it for a while, because the cases you worked on before have attracted the attention of Akagi Omoyuki and Takeuchi Yunko!"

"Are you sure that we did it?" Xu Tian asked,

"Now that Tian Dan is not here, who else can come up with such a clever way to kill and kill instantly!"

"So you already knew about us?"

"Don't forget what Tian Dan's father does, so I naturally know something about you."

"Mr. Qi, don't worry, I won't tell Tielin and Liu Ruyan, only I know about you."

"Very good, I left an opening for you, just hoping that one day, you came too late!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Mr. Qi, you are the curator of the Jiuchi mansion, the chief of the devil's Zhongzuo agency. I don't dare to admit it without conclusive evidence!"

"That's right! I still have something to do! Just go first, and you just do what I say."

"Mr. Qi, can I find you as an informant in the future?" Xu Tian asked,


Having a genius like Xu Tian help Qi Rui feels a lot more at ease. Yesterday, many things should be ignored in order to save Xue Min's life, such as wheel marks and blood stains, etc. Qi Rui didn't take remedial measures, that is, he arranged for Fu Yingxue early Went to the pharmacy to help Chen Jiaying.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to take people to investigate secretly in the French Concession. After putting on makeup, he hailed a rickshaw and went to the small building. Seeing that Xue Min's complexion improved a lot, he asked, "How do you feel?"

Xue Min tried her best to put on a generous look and said, "I'm fine, thank you Shashen!"

"Just ask me to come in together, I'll take a look at the wound." Qi Rui said and stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, Xue Min covered his face with his hands, his feet were red with embarrassment.

"The wound is not festering, and you don't have a fever, which means that the wound is not infected and has been treated well. Even so, you should rest well and don't move around..." Qi Rui said that he had already removed all the bandages and changed them for Xue Min. She bought a new Yunnan Baiyao, and then bandaged her with a new bandage.

The wound was on the left chest, Qi Rui's bandages were naturally around it, the unstoppable shaking made Xue Min very embarrassed.

It's a pity to leave a scar on such two perfect and straight, Qi Rui comforted: "Don't worry, after the injury is healed, I will prepare some ointment for you to remove scars, and apply it for a while to ensure that there will be no scars. .”

Qi Rui covered Xue Min with the quilt and said, "This time, I will change the bandage every two days! Take care of it."

"Qi Jin, can you teach us how to make explosives?" Xue Min asked,

"Of course, but these are quite complicated, and it may take a while to fully grasp."

"We still have an unfinished task, which is to blow up a very strategically important bridge for the devils, but the bridge is very strong, and we did not blow it up twice after blowing it up." Xue Min said,
"Isn't Ouyang Lan an expert in blasting? I'll teach you guys well later on!"

(End of this chapter)

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