Chapter 577

Qi Rui was still wondering where the other girls had gone, and when he looked back, five girls including Qi Lianna were all peeking into the room through the crack of the door.

Seeing the five heads squeezed together, Qi Rui secretly smiled and asked, "What are you doing! Who is sick and needs me to treat it?"

Qi Lianna stood up straight and came in and said, "It's okay, I just dare not disturb you to bandage Captain Xue."

Ouyang Lan was eager to learn and asked: "Killing God, will you really teach us how to make that kind of bomb?"

Qi Rui smiled and said: "Of course, you can kill more devils if you learn it. I have no reason not to teach you."


"Killing God, what do we need to do in Shanghai Station?" Qi Lianna asked,
"Don't take any action in a short period of time, because the devils and the puppet government will frantically arrest anti-Japanese fighters these days, you just stay at home quietly and be a lady."

"Killing God, when will you teach me how to make that kind of bomb?" Ouyang Lan still asked worriedly,
"You are an expert in blasting. You can make such a bomb by giving you the best gunpowder. I promise you will learn it when you leave Shanghai." Qi Rui promised,

"Thank you sir!"

"Then take good care of Captain Xue. I won't be here for the next two days. I think Station Master Qi will take good care of you."

The girls were a little bit reluctant to leave the God of Death. They all surrounded Xue Min. Liu Rusi imitated the God of Death and said to Xue Min: "Come on! Let me check the wound for you."

"You bad girls!" Xue Min shyly covered her face with a quilt, and the girls were all amused.

Qi Rui found Mingtai and Yu Manli after leaving Xiaoyanglou. Mingtai would wait for news at the place arranged by Qi Rui during the day, and would return to Ming Mansion on time at night. Qi Rui didn't dare to ignore this kid. Dare to do anything.

Seeing this elusive officer, Ming Tai came up and asked, "Mr. Qi! Did you do the bombing?"

"You don't need to worry about this, now I will give you a task that must be completed." Qi Rui said and put the long box in his hand on the ground,

"What mission?" Mingtai and Yu Manli asked happily,
Qi Rui took out a photo of a Japanese officer in charge and handed it to them, saying: "This Japanese staff officer drives to the Chiyo Japanese restaurant in Hongkou every day for dinner. Tonight, you must hit him in the chest with a three-eighth cover and kill him. Remember! You can only shoot once, but you can’t hit the heart, and then bury it in the designated place, remember to bury it shallower.”

What Mingtai and Yu Manli heard was a little foggy. It would be easy to leave if they were killed, but they had to take the body away and bury it. Mingtai didn't understand, and asked, "Sir, would you like We killed this Japanese in Hongkou and still take him away?"

"I didn't tell you to kill him in Hongkou, and I didn't ask you to leave with the body. How you act is all up to you. As long as this task is completed well, I will consider letting you join my special forces." Qi Rui said,
"Sir, what do you mean by hitting him in the chest and killing him, you can only fire one shot, but you can't hit the heart?"

"You can only shoot once, but he must be shot in the chest. As long as he is not shot in the heart, he will not die immediately. You can suffocate him to death." Qi Rui said,
It is much more confident to be able to play Mingtai freely, so I stand at attention and salute: "I promise to complete the task!"

"Sir, will this devil definitely go here today?" Yu Manli asked,
"He goes here every day. We have been watching this person for a long time. We wanted to get some useful information from him, but he was very careful and never brought out the documents. Some of us were injured when we went to bomb the Devil's Bacterial Research Institute. Now the devil The whole world is looking for this person, do you understand why you killed him?"

Mingtai understood the intention and asked: "Then why is it this devil?"

"Because the devils have always suspected that there is a ghost inside them, this lieutenant will come out every night, because I didn't expect that someone would be injured in advance, and I blame me for not thinking about this level, so now your task is to disturb the devil's thinking. It is best to let the devil make sure. The wounded are already dead, so it will save a lot of trouble."

Qi Rui did this mainly because of Chen Jiaying and Huimin Pharmacy. The devil must think that the person died after being sent to the hospital. The appearance of this corpse may be superfluous, but it is also very likely that the devil will think that the injured person is indeed dead. .

"Sir, I have a question that I don't understand." Yu Manli said,

"You want to ask that almost two days have passed since the bombing, is the time when the devil's staff officer just died?"

"That's right, this staff officer must be working in the staff headquarters these two days. How could the devil think that he was the injured person that night?"

"The God-killing action team is very magical in the eyes of the devils. Doing this will make them feel weird. This is what I want."

"However, there is a fundamental difference between a person's death for three days and one day's death. Devil's forensic autopsy can find out." Yu Manli continued,

"If a wounded person is buried alive, I ask you to bury it shallower for the convenience of being discovered, and secondly, it is possible that the shallower person can live for a day or two longer, but you have to remember that buried Get some mud into his mouth and nose from time to time, just like inhaling it when breathing." Qi Rui reminded,

"It's so complicated!"

"Sir, how is the wounded now?" Ming Tai asked,

"Didn't he be buried by you! Remember, if everything is the same as the information I provided, you will follow the plan, otherwise you will adapt to the situation. Do you have any questions?"

"No problem! Sir, weapons."

"In this box, take a look first."

"Sir, can we go to the task force after completing this mission?" Mingtai asked,

"You don't need to go back to the task force. You are the young master of the Ming family. The battlefield in Shanghai is more suitable for you. As long as you complete this task, I will find you a suitable identity!"

"Yes! Resolutely obey the commander's arrangement!"

That night, Qi Rui and Yu Manli dressed up as Japanese expatriates and waited outside the Qiandai Japanese Food Store to see the devil's staff officer in the photo. Yu Manli was knocked down by a car on purpose, and Mingtai stepped forward to ask the officer to send him to the hospital.

This day, the staff officer really thought that he accidentally hit someone with his car, so he let Mingtai and Yu Manli get into the car without saying a word. As you can imagine, the driver soon became Mingtai.

The two took the stunned staff officer to a remote place, found a tree to tie him up, and then shot him with the bullet given by Qi Rui 50 meters away. This position is where Xue Min was shot, so the man will not die immediately .

The bullets of Sanba Dagai have very good penetration. The bullets Qi Rui gave to Mingtai reduced the propellant, so the bullets would stay in the wounded body. Mingtai suffocated the devil’s staff officer to death, and then put them into his mouth and nose After getting some soil to bury it, the body was covered with a thin layer of soil. After that, the two pushed the car into the Huangpu River, and the task was completed.

(End of this chapter)

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