Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 578 Is it self-defeating?

Chapter 578 Is it self-defeating?
Two days later, Takeuchi Yunko returned to Shunsuke Jiuchi and said, "Jiuchi-san, the staff of the dispatched army is missing a senior staff officer, and he has been missing for two days."

"It's not the right time to be missing for two days. The person we are looking for has been injured, but we still have to hunt for this person, because he is probably a member of the God-killing Action Team." Qi Rui said,
"I have ordered to search for this person. I heard that he bumped into a girl in Hongkou two days ago, and he disappeared after that." Yunzi Zhuuchi said,
In the past two days, Qi Rui didn't see Sakai Lifan and Sakai Eiko, and he didn't find out where the Sakai advance team was stationed. There was no news from the sixth brother in Nanjing. Qi Rui could only inquire from Takeuchi Yunzi, and said: "Yunzi, this case is not in charge of Section [-] of Intelligence. We should listen to Mieko's opinion on how to investigate."

"I communicated with her before I came back, and she hopes that we will go to Nanjing together tomorrow."

"There are still so many things here, is there anything important to go over there?"

"It is said that some clues were found in the Central Hospital. Mieko hopes that you, an expert on traces, can take a look, because she said that she seems to have met an old opponent."

"Who? The jellyfish assassination team or the god-killing operation team?"

"There are signs of the participation of the jellyfish assassination team in Shanghai, and the same is true in Nanjing, because snipers with modified guns have been found."

"According to our investigation, the killers of the jellyfish assassination team are mainly jellyfish and herding fish. Could it be that the team has expanded now? Okay, I'll arrange things in the mansion and we will go together."

Qi Rui looked at his watch while talking, and saw that he was about to eat, when the phone rang.

"Hello! I'm Shunsuke Kuike!"

"Chief Jiuchi! I'm Xu Tian. The police station found the body of a man with a gunshot wound on his chest less than 1000 meters away from the abandoned car. If the judgment is correct, it should be the person you are looking for."

"Xu Jun! We'll be there right away, you and Sergeant Tie keep an eye on the scene!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he signaled Yunzi Zhuuchi to put on his coat quickly,
"Yami, let's go out for a while, you can eat first."

"Jiuchi-kun, Miss Yunzi, leave after eating!" Fu Yingxue hated Yunzi Takeuchi a little bit during this period, because she always came to the house and made it inconvenient for her to move.

"Yami, we found a new clue, we have to go and have a look."

Qi Rui and Zhu Nei Yunzi drove to the place Xu Tian said in the French Concession, and saw a corpse dug out from the ground, Xu Tian explained: "This corpse seems to have been buried very hastily, only covered with a thin cover. A thin layer of soil was dug out by the patrolling patrol."

Qi Rui went forward to inspect the corpse and said: "He was shot in the chest, and he should be alive when he was buried, because there is obviously mud in his mouth and nose."

Takeuchi Yunzi carefully identified the corpse and exclaimed: "Jiuchi-kun, this is the staff officer who disappeared two days ago!"

"Ah! What's going on here?" Qi Rui stood up to look at the surrounding environment, and asked Xu Tian: "Xu Jun, how long do you think this person has been buried here?"

"It should mean three to five days."

"But this person appeared two days ago, so the time of the person injured in the bombing will not match."

"Tai-kun Jiuchi, I think there is a possibility. This person was not dead when he was buried. At that time, he was in a state of suspended animation because of his serious injuries. His companions thought he was dead. Because the situation was very critical at that time, they put him in a state of suspended animation. He buried it in a hurry, or he thought about moving the body later."

"You mean that he came back to life after being buried, but he was unable to move because of his serious injuries, so he suffocated to death." Qi Rui said,
"It looks like this from the scene."

"Xu Jun's words are very reasonable, and my conclusion is the same, but it's useless for us to say anything now, let's leave it to the doctor for an autopsy." Qi Rui said,
"Chief Jiuchi, please go through the formalities with us first, and you can transport the corpse back." Tielin came over and said,
Zhu Nei Yunzi sent someone to go through the procedures with Tielin, Qi Rui asked: "Yunzi, why haven't you seen Captain Sakai these two days?"

Yunzi Takeuchi said with twinkling eyes, "I don't know too well."

Qi Rui felt bad from her expression, maybe Sakai Kurifan had already noticed Huimin Pharmacy, otherwise Yunko Takeuchi would have nothing to say.

Zhuuchi Yunzi asked her subordinates to go to the post-mortem examination. She wanted to find out what was going on and asked, "Jiuchi-kun, do you want to go with me to the staff headquarters?"

"Let's go there tomorrow morning, then we will ask everything we want to know, and we may not see many people when we go now." Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi-kun, if he was buried on the day of the bombing, who was it that appeared at the staff headquarters two days ago!" Yunko Takeuchi said doubtfully,

"Yunzi, the figure of this man is very ordinary. Do you think it is possible that someone pretended to be him and stayed in the staff headquarters for two days in order to obtain important military information?"

"Kuichi-kun! I can't wait for a minute, I'm going to the staff department."

"Then you go, I'll go and prepare. Didn't you mean that we have to go to Nanjing tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll go to the staff to have a look."

Qi Rui went home without going anywhere and asked Fu Yingxue, "Xue'er, is there someone watching the pharmacy recently?"

"Yes, Akagi Okino personally came to inquire about some situations, is there anything wrong?"

"Sakai Kurifan and Akagi Osaka are likely to be eyeing the pharmacy. After you go tomorrow, let Jiaying sister do everything as usual, as if nothing happened." Qi Rui warned,

"Rui, Sister Jiaying asked the wounded how they are doing today."

"It's out of danger."

"Rui, Yunzi Zhuuchi is too much of a hindrance." The one who was injured this time was someone else, if it was Qi Rui, it would definitely be bad, so Fu Yingxue didn't want him to take another risk.

"I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of her."

In the early morning of the next day, Qi Rui drove to the special high school, and Yunzi Takeuchi was talking to Sakai Kurifan and Sakai Eiko, and they all shut up immediately when they saw Kuike Shunsuke coming.

"Did I hinder you?" Qi Rui asked,

"No, Kuchi-kun, we are waiting for you." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Captain Sakai, have you found anything?"

"Nothing was found, but the matter of Nakasa Noto is very strange, and we are discussing what is going on."

"Is Nakasa Noto the dead staff officer?"

"Yes, the doctor's autopsy report has come out, saying that the time of death of this person is about sixty hours."

"Jiuchi-kun, Noto has been in the staff department for the past two days, many people can prove that, and someone was with him on the night of the bombing." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"So that means his death has nothing to do with this case?" Qi Rui asked,

"Not necessarily, or the other party wants to divert our attention, but this is so stupid and not like something they can do, which makes me very puzzled." Sakai Kurihan said,
(End of this chapter)

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