Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 579 I Can't Kill You!

Chapter 579 I Can't Kill You!
Before the action, Qi Rui didn't expect Xue Min to be injured at this level, so he didn't make any preparations. For the safety of Jiaying, he had to divert the devil's attention, so he came up with a remedy.

Qi Rui is a specialist in Chinese and Western medicine, how could he have never imagined that the devil could find out that the time of Noto's death was not correct, so far everything has actually been within his expectations.

"Where can't you figure it out?" Qi Rui asked,

"According to what we know about our opponents, they should be considered exhaustive! Otherwise, why haven't we eliminated them until now? You must know that they have committed so many major cases that cannot be investigated under our noses." Sakai Kuru Fan said,
"Captain Sakai, what exactly do you want to say?" Qi Rui asked pretending not to understand what he wanted to express,

"Jiuchi-kun, Noto doesn't look like a member of the God-killing Action Group. He is just an ordinary staff member. Three days ago, he was designed and killed by two young men and women dressed as Japanese overseas Chinese. The purpose should be to make us think that The wounded in the bombing have died, but they should know that this approach is impossible to succeed, what I don’t understand is why they still do it.” Sakai Kurihan said,
"That's why we set up doubts to disrupt our reconnaissance direction, or maybe we want to cover up some truth." Takeuchi Yunzi said,
"Then have you discovered anything recently?" Qi Rui continued to ask,

"We checked all the pharmacies and hospitals and found nothing, but to be honest, the Huimin pharmacy in the public concession was very suspicious before." Sakai Kurihan said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Chief Kuike, I I didn't know Huimin Pharmacy was yours."

"I heard from Chen Jiaying about this matter. Someone knocked on the door to ask him to see a doctor that night, but she dared not open the door at night as a woman." Qi Rui said,
"Yes, we investigated for a few days and found that this is indeed the case, because the car stopped not only at Huimin Drugstore, but also from the public concession to the French Concession, but because it was three in the middle of the night It was too late, so no one opened the door for them."

Qi Ruixin said why I didn't know this happened, could it be Xu Tian's help again, he followed Sakai Kurifan's words and said: "It can be seen that they are very anxious, so it can be judged that the injured are seriously injured. They drove outside Ren'ai Hospital, but they didn't enter the hospital because I judged that the person was probably dead at that time."

"Chief Jiuchi's thoughts are very reasonable. I have also consulted some doctors and experts. Indeed, if the bullet hits a vital part of the upper body, it will not last long without timely treatment. The blood on the car is also It can be proved that the injured also lost a lot of blood, which is also likely to cause the death of the injured."

"But where did the corpses go? Did they really bury them nearby?" Yunzi Zhuuchi asked,

"What happened to Noto?" Qi Rui asked,

"We really can't figure this out."

"Everyone, do you still remember the incident where the Yongle Grand Ceremony was stolen?" Qi Rui asked,

"At that time, someone dressed up as Yuu Uchiha entered the Pujiang Hotel. He killed four people from the task force, including Fukada Yumon and Shimizu Kazuo, and took away the Yongle ceremony." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Chief Hisaike means that the previous Noto is not real?" Sakai Kurifan asked,

"No!" Qi Rui suddenly thought of something and said,
"Has Director Kuike remembered anything?"

"Immediately search around the buried corpse! Another possibility is that the injured did not die at the time!"

"Jiuchi-kun, are you saying that the person at that time did not die, but was hidden in a nearby house!?" Takeuchi Yunko exclaimed,

"Because the car was abandoned near the hospital, we thought they were looking for the hospital, but there is another possibility that they hid the person in a nearby stronghold, because the patrol room and our investigation are relatively tight, and they have no way to deal with the injured. The wound, you can only watch him die, that's why it took two days to bury it!" Qi Rui said,
"This is simply unbelievable! Is it really possible?" Based on the above, Sakai Kurihan came to the conclusion that Noto was shot and did not die at the time, but was placed in the surrounding houses. The person who appeared in the staff department was probably not himself.

Qi Rui sighed and said: "We are facing the Jellyfish Assassination Team and God Killing Action Team, nothing is impossible!"

"Why are you so sure it's them?" Sakai Kurifan asked,

"Let Ms. Yunzi tell you about this, I'm going to the French Concession to look for clues immediately!" Qi Rui got up and left, walked to the door and turned around and asked, "Yunzi, we probably won't be able to go to Nanjing today."

"It's okay, I'll give Mieko a call!"

"Chief Kuike, let's go with you." Sakai Kurihan said,

Song Jian was driving, Qi Rui was sitting in the back seat, Sakai Eiko was sitting in the co-pilot, Qi Rui asked, "Miss Shadow doesn't like to talk?"

"She will say it when it's time to say it, Jiuchi-kun! Can you tell me about the Jellyfish Assassination Team and God Killing Action Team, I want to know why you are so sure it's them."

Qi Rui told them about the pier bombing, the Cherry Blossom bombing, and the modified guns and bullets, and told them that only the God-killing Action Team and the Jellyfish Assassination Team had such weapons and equipment.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian to drive to find Tielin, because doing things in the French Concession would definitely require the assistance of the patrol house. Tielin cooperated very much and took them to investigate near the Ren'ai Hospital. In the end, they found a suspicious empty house. After careful investigation , some bloodstains were found on the ground.

"This house has been cleaned at first glance, but there are still bloodstains on the ground. Take these bloodstains back and let the technicians see if they belong to Noto." Qi Rui said,
"Noto's wound has no trace of treatment, doesn't it make sense?" Sakai Kurihan asked,

"Captain Sakai, what kind of gun did Noto get shot by?" Qi Rui asked,

"It was hit by a [-]-type bullet at a long distance." Sakai Kurihan said, this is the conclusion given by the forensic doctor after the autopsy.

"Captain Sakai, if the injury is to the arm and thigh, even the lower abdomen can be dealt with by ordinary people, but Noto was hit in the chest, who dares to deal with it?"

"Then what's the matter with the dirt in his mouth and nose?" Eiko Sakai asked,
"A person who is so seriously injured should be breathing very weakly. How could he inhale so much mud in his mouth and nose? I think someone put it in on purpose, just to create an illusion." Qi Rui said,
"Is this necessary?" Sakai Kurifan asked,

"Who knows what they think, maybe they don't want to expose this room?" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he inspected the room carefully, and finally found a hidden compartment, which contained a radio station and some American weapons and ammunition.

"It seems that this is a stronghold of the God-killing Action Group!" Qi Rui asked Tielin after finishing speaking: "Tie Xun, investigate the owner immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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