Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 580 The Sakai Family

Chapter 580 The Sakai Family

The God-killing Action Team was originally rumored to be very mysterious within the devil's intelligence department. Qi Rui used this to make the case even more difficult to figure out, ensuring that the devil would not even be able to make normal thinking judgments in the long run.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian to take the found guns, ammunition and radio to the special high school, and Sakai Kurihan took the blood to the doctor for testing. Wiped on the floor of the room.

"It's really Noto's blood." Sakai Kurihan said,
"So the Noto who showed up at the staff headquarters two days later was a fake!"

"It's also possible that they brought people to this room first, then killed them and carried them out to bury them. This room is not far from the place where the corpses were buried." Qi Rui said,
"Why should they be so troublesome, besides, Noto's gunshot wound is already very suspicious." Sakai Kurihan said,
"What doubt?" Qi Rui asked,

"Noto's chest was hit by a Type [-] rifle from a long distance!" Sakai Kurihan said,
"So there is a possibility that Noto was accidentally injured. In order not to reveal their identity, they had people pretend to be Noto to work as usual, because the person pretending to be Noto was so familiar with Noto that they didn't let the staff of the staff People see a little flaw!" said Yunzi Takeuchi,
"The person pretending to be him must not only be familiar with everyone in the staff department, but most importantly, he must be able to speak Japanese, so if there is such a person, he must be a Japanese! It's really scary to think about it!" Sakai Kurihan said,
"Baga! Do you think there are still people pretending to be in our intelligence department? Otherwise, we have checked so many times, why haven't we found any suspicious people." Qi Rui said in horror,

"If this is the case, these people are simply too terrifying!" Takeuchi Yunzi also said,

"Report this matter to General Yingzuo immediately!" Qi Rui said,
"Chief Hisaike, this case is now in charge of the Intelligence Section, so report it to General Itagaki!" Sakai Kurihan said,
"After all, we also participated, so it's better to tell General Yingzuo, because the God-killing Action Team and the Jellyfish Assassination Team are always the focus of our work." Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi-kun, we are going to Nanjing tomorrow and report this matter to the general!" said Takeuchi Yunko,
"Then I'll go back and prepare."

Qi Rui returned to Jiuchi Mansion with a sigh of relief, and after arranging some work for Yi and Xianren, only Song Jian and Tang Rui were left in the office.

"Brother, Yuta Hizawa is back." Song Jian said,
Tan Lin followed Wang Tianfeng to the headquarters of the third war zone, and he left after Wang Tianfeng's plan was achieved, so there was no need for Tan Lin to stay there.

"where is he?"

"Going to your house."

"Song Jian, go and inform Mingtai and Yu Manli that their tasks have been completed very well, and ask that Yu Manli to go to Junfu Foreign Firm to report to Zhuang Xiaoman. From now on, she will be Zhuang Xiaoman's assistant. Mingtai If he is willing to go with Manli, if he is not willing, let him go back to the Ming family to help Elder Sister Mingjing do business, and he should also repay the Ming family for their kindness in nurturing him."

Zhuang Xiaoman is too busy alone, Qi Rui has long wanted to find two capable assistants for her. After all, Du Xing and Cheng Wu are just bodyguards, and Yu Manli is definitely a good girl worthy of trust. Beating has also matured a bit.

Yunzi Zhuuchi didn't come to stay at home that night, but she called early the next morning, saying that there was a plane that would take them to Nanjing, and asked Qi Rui to go directly to the airport.

"Xue'er, tell Sister Jiaying what to do." In fact, Chen Jiaying works as a doctor in the pharmacy and listens to radio stations in various countries. After analyzing useful information, she will still give it to various intelligence agencies, because she will never communicate directly with other intelligence personnel. Contact, so even if you check, you can't find out that there is something wrong with her.

When they arrived in Nanjing, Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunzi reported the situation of the bombing to Kagezuo Zhenzhao together, and told about Staff Noto.

"You mean that Noto participated in the bombing, but because he was shot and seriously injured, the people from Operation Killing God pretended to be him and went in and out of the staff?" The expression obviously felt that it was very possible.

"General, I have always wondered why we couldn't find out the insider. Now it seems that the people in the God-killing Action Team are very good at makeup. They can pretend to be anyone they want to pretend." Qi Rui said,
"It can also imitate human handwriting and voice!" Zhuuchi Yunzi added,

"Don't you believe it, there really is such an ability in this world. I have seen a human skin mask made by someone. After wearing it, it is the same as the target of the disguise. I didn't expect that the God-killing Action Group would actually do this. Technology." Kagesa Haruaki said,
"General, what shall we do next?" Qi Rui asked,

"Don't meddle in this matter. No one is willing to cooperate with your military ranks to investigate. I should send someone to investigate secretly." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"Then let's continue to track down the jellyfish assassination team, I heard that they also appeared in Nanjing!" Qi Rui said,
"Yes, I heard from General Itagaki that Mieko Sakai found out that when they were chasing those people, there were snipers covering them. All the people who were shot on our side were killed by one shot, and the bullets that hit them were all modified bullets. The [-]-type bullets are exactly the same as those used by jellyfish and herding fish."

"Section Chief Sakai hopes that Mr. Jiuchi can go to the Central Hospital to have a look, because the scene has not been damaged yet." Takeuchi Yunko said,
Kagezuo Haraaki waved them away in a bad mood, and immediately started calling.

When Qi Rui and Yunzi Takeuchi came out, they saw Mieko Sakai and a beautiful woman waiting for them with smiles.

"Mie Keiko!" Qi Rui shouted as if seeing a long-lost relative,
"Kuike-kun!" Sakai Mieko threw herself into Kuike Shunsuke's arms and said, "Kuike-kun! I'm so happy to see you again!"

"Me too! Mieko, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

"Really? It's a pity that you have Masami, otherwise I wouldn't have you chasing me, I would throw myself into your arms! Hahaha..." Mieko Sakai covered her mouth and laughed.

"Shall we go to the Central Hospital now?"

"Don't be so anxious, Kuichi-kun, let me introduce you!" Mieko Sakai pulled Sakai Asaka and said, "This is my sister Asaka, please take care of him from now on."

"Sakai Kurifan, Sakai Eiko, Sakai Asaka! Your Sakai family are all imperial elites!"

"We are not as good as you together."

"Don't say that. If I was so strong, I should have caught the jellyfish assassination team and the God-killing operation team long ago, so these things wouldn't have happened."

"How can we blame you? Our opponents are too powerful. I thought that the people in the No. [-] special agent team would be enough to cause headaches, but I didn't expect the Killing God and the jellyfish assassination team to be more difficult. Let's not talk about these for a long time. Mr. Chi, since you have arrived in Nanjing, let me clean up the dust for you first! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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