Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 581 Another important task

Chapter 581 Another important task
During the meal, Qi Rui roughly knew from Mieko Sakai that the Japanese Army Central Hospital was bombed by the Sixth Brother, and that the Jingyun Special Forces Team did not suffer any losses. It is sufficient for everyone to evacuate safely and unscathed.

"Kuichi-kun, do you think the jellyfish assassination team did it?" Sakai Mieko asked,
"There are also snipers in this team who are capable of hitting every shot. It can be said that their strength is the same as those in Shanghai, and they use the same time bomb. It should be their people. It seems that the team of the jellyfish assassination team is also expanding. "

"That's what I'm most worried about. Jellyfish and herding fish are enough to give us a headache. There are a few more powerful ones like them, hey!" Sakai Mieko lamented after finishing speaking,
"How did our people discover them?" Qi Rui asked.

"At that time, the commander of Takeo Kida was not in the research institute, but in the dormitory of the hospital. These people probably wanted to kill him together. What they didn't expect was that they needed to match the password to enter the dormitory, because they didn't match it. It aroused the suspicion of the guards, so there was a gun battle between the two sides. Unfortunately, they were too powerful. They reacted quickly and killed the guards and patrols before escaping from the hospital. Our people were killed by snipers while chasing them. knew."

"It's the same as their previous actions, each time is carefully planned, but why do the hospital dormitories still need to match the password?" Qi Rui asked,

"This is the rule set by Takeo Jutian, and it is true that only the Central Hospital has this rule, and the password will be changed every day. This should be something they didn't expect, and they didn't detect it in advance. I heard that this method will be promoted in the future. open." Said Mieko Sakai,
"The Chinese have a good saying, be careful when sailing for thousands of years, Captain Jutian was saved by himself." Qi Rui felt sorry for Sixth Brother and Jing Yun,
"Jiuchi-kun, I also heard about it in Shanghai. If Kobayashi Kenji hadn't come back by chance with someone on a mission, I'm afraid we wouldn't even know who did it!" Said Mieko Sakai,

"Mieko, I'm worried about this, because once this situation is formed, it will be basically impossible for us to find them." Qi Rui said,
"Yeah, once they escape, it's hard to find them. In fact, I know that even if you have seen the scene, you can only know how they did it. They are hidden among thousands of Chinese people. , maybe they are watching us secretly now, but we don't know who they are." Sakai Mieko said with emotion,

"So Mei Huizi asked me and Yunzi to come for something else?" Qi Rui asked,

"Jiuchi-kun, the real purpose of our formation of this advance team is to deal with the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team. For this reason, we have found a dozen snipers with very good marksmanship, hoping to have a chance to eliminate them." Sakai Mieko said,

Mieko Sakai obviously had a plan when she said this, Qi Rui tentatively said, "Miekeko must have thought of multiple plans, right?"

"Nothing can be hidden from Kuchi-kun, yes, I did design a plan with Captain Sakai Kurifan, and this plan has already been supported by General Itagaki." Mieko Sakai smiled,

"Are we here just to cooperate with this plan?" Qi Rui asked,

"Jiuchi-kun, I can't say what the specific plan is for the time being. I actually have another task to ask you to come. I hope you and Yunzi will take it seriously." Mieko Sakai said,

"What mission?"

"In a few days, two countries will establish diplomatic relations with the new Nanjing government. A press conference will definitely be held at that time. The higher authorities hope that there will be no mistakes this time."

"You mean the jellyfish assassination team will appear?" Qi Rui asked,

"Will Kuike-kunjue's them appear?"

"I think they are really likely to appear, because Chongqing certainly does not want this press conference to be successful, let alone any country recognizing the new government." Qi Rui said,
"So, this time, I would like to ask you and Yunzi to ensure the safety of the consuls of the two countries and the representatives of the new government."

"People in the new government should be more nervous than us about such an important event? Besides, what qualifications do we have to manage things in Nanjing." Qi Rui asked,

"The new government attaches great importance to this press conference. They are indeed more nervous than us. Now all the intelligence agencies have been mobilized. It is precisely because of this that they hope that you will cooperate with the new government's special committee and the military aircraft department. Let this press conference be successfully completed, because this is the face of our big Japan." Mieko Sakai said,

"But there is a special high school in Nanjing, so it's not suitable for us to take care of it." Qi Rui said,
"No, this press conference is held in Shanghai."

"It's our responsibility to open in Shanghai. We will do our best even if Mieko doesn't say anything." Qi Rui said,
"So, Mr. Jiuchi, because the press conference will definitely be vigorously publicized, it is impossible for Chongqing to not know about it, and it is impossible not to respond. Verbal condemnation is certain, and armed attacks are their effective means. Therefore, Jiuchi-kun and Yunzi, you have to work out a complete set of security plans first, and you must not count on the Military Aircraft Department, the Secret Service Committee, and the Secret Service Headquarters." Mieko Sakai said,

"Is Mieko underestimating the Chinese?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"We have never believed in them from top to bottom, so this time we still have to rely on ourselves, and we must not let some countries see the joke." Sakai Mieko said,

"This is a good opportunity for the advance team to eliminate them, you won't go there?" Qi Rui asked,

"Jiuchi-kun, if we can go there, we will definitely go, so you should prepare as if we don't exist."


"It will take a few days. The exact time has not been announced yet, but you must start preparing now."

"Then we don't care about Nanjing."

"The real purpose of letting you come to Nanjing is to let you meet the person in charge of the new Nanjing government's press conference." Mieko Sakai said,

"So the bombing doesn't need us?"

"It's not that I don't need it, but that I can't take care of it for the time being. I will send people to follow up on this matter in Nanjing. How should you continue to investigate in Shanghai? This is also the meaning of the above." Mieko Sakai said.

"When are you going to see this man?"

"Tomorrow, I will take you to the headquarters of the Secret Committee of the new government."

"The current director should be Zhou Mohai, right?" Qi Rui asked,

"He basically doesn't care about anything. The deputy director in Shanghai is Minglou, and you can meet the deputy directors here tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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