Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 582 Mieko Sakai Helplessly Changed Her Plan

Chapter 582 Mieko Sakai Helplessly Changed Her Plan
Qi Rui is not interested in these traitors who have been sentenced to death by him at all. Now he wants to know if the military commander has any plans to disrupt the press conference, and if so, who will be responsible, could it be Qi Lianna.

After talking about the business, Qi Rui drank sake and got acquainted with each other. Afterwards, Shunsuke Kuchi and Yunko Takeuchi were arranged to rest in the dormitory.

Qi Rui spent the whole night thinking about the press conference and Sakai's advance team. During the meal, Sakai's family revealed very little to the advance team. Now Qi Rui only knows that there are a dozen snipers.

The little devil's marksmanship of ordinary soldiers is very good. The sniper Qi Rui, who has been selected from thousands of people, absolutely believes in their strength. Now he is worried about what kind of conspiracy Sakai Mieko and Sakai Kurifan have, so he really wants to see the sixth brother now. , Listen to his views and opinions on these matters.

But Qi Rui knows that he can't go anywhere now, because Mieko Sakai may trust him, but Eiko Sakai and Asaka Sakai, who don't talk much, seem to not trust him.

The next day, Mieko Sakai brought Qi Rui and Yunzi Takeuchi to the headquarters of the Nanjing Secret Service Committee. As expected, Zhou Mohai was not there. Qi Rui saw Wang Jingwei's brother-in-law, Chen Yaozu. Deputy Director.

"Section Chief Sakai! Director Zhou and the others are all going to a meeting, and specially sent me to stay here to receive you." Chen Yaozu said with a smile on his face,

"Director Chen, you already know about the press conference?" Mieko Sakai asked,
"I know, I'm not preparing."

"Could it be that Director Chen is in charge of this matter?"

"Chairman Wang attaches great importance to this matter, and I have appointed you to take charge of the security work this time. I also ask Section Chief Sakai to support you a lot!"

"I'm sure I won't be able to go, but I'll introduce you to two people who will definitely be able to help Director Chen."

"Really, it's a great honor!" After Chen Yaozu finished speaking, he looked at the people around Mieko Sakai, but he didn't know any of them.

Mieko Sakai gave up Shunsuke Hisaike and said, "This is Shunsuke Nagaike of the Shanghai Kuchi Mansion!"

"It turns out to be the head of the Kuike agency! I have heard of you for a long time! I have heard of you for a long time!" Chen Yaozu had indeed heard of Shunsuke Kuike, and he was very excited when he was surprised, just like seeing an idol.

Qi Rui stood at attention and said to him without any expression on his face: "Hello, Director Chen!"

"Director Chen, this is Yunko Takeuchi, the head of the Shanghai Special High School! The gendarmerie and the special high school will assist you." Sakai continued,
"It turns out to be Section Chief Takeuchi of the Flower of the Empire! It's an honor to have your help! Thank you! Thank you!" Chen Yaozu is preparing to lead the team to Shanghai, and the extra-higher class must not be bypassed, without their assistance in Shanghai Many things in the city cannot be done.

"Kuchi-kun! Yunzi, I'll leave this to you!" Sakai Mieko said, turned and left,

Qi Rui found that Mieko Sakai has changed a lot since she was in Shanghai this time. She feels that she is much more mature and mysterious than before, and she feels a little helpless if she is not enough.

"Chief Kuchi, Section Chief Takeuchi, please follow me." Chen Yaozu brought Shunsuke Kuike and Yunko Takeuchi to the meeting room. There were already several people sitting here, four of whom were wearing military uniforms.

After the introduction, Qi Rui knew that the four soldiers were officers of the security forces directly under the Military Committee of the puppet government, and the others were all directors of the Special Committee and the Military Aircraft Department.

Seeing that they were all looking at him and Yunzi Takeuchi, Qi Rui said, "It can be seen that you attach great importance to this press conference, so go ahead, we are here to assist you, and the specific actions still depend on you."

"I would also like Chief Kuchi and Section Chief Takeuchi to give more advice!" Chen Yaozu said politely,

The security plan they formulated is very solid, that is, heavily armed protection, and all important people will also be sent close protection by elite soldiers. This aspect of work is in charge of the security forces, and there will be a large number of plainclothes officers on site to check guests and the media, including service personnel. They are also served by people from the Secret Service Committee, and the people from the Military Aircraft Department are mainly in charge of intelligence.

After everything was finished, Chen Yaozu asked: "Chief Jiuchi, Section Chief Takeuchi, can we arrange this?"

"Very good, then we will cooperate with you on the periphery!" Qi Rui said,
Takeuchi Yunzi said: "Director Chen, give us a copy of the list of participants, and our special high school will also help you check it out, because our Japanese Imperial Army also attaches great importance to this matter!"

"Thank you so much! But it's still early, and the specific list has not been finalized yet. Can I give it to you after we arrive in Shanghai?"


"May I ask if Zhang Kuike and Section Chief Takeuchi have anything to add?"

"You are doing very well, we have no complaints, when will you go to Shanghai?" Qi Rui asked,

"The preparations have already begun. We dare not arrange the itinerary of Chief Kuike and Section Chief Takeuchi. Please arrange it yourself."

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get to Shanghai!"

Qi Rui and Yunzi Takeuchi didn't have dinner at the secret service committee. When they returned to the dormitory, seeing Shunsuke Jiuchi's unhappy face, Yunzi Takeuchi asked, "Jiuchi-kun, what's wrong with you?"

"Yunzi, we have a lot of things to do, so you just brought us to Nanjing for this matter, what does Mieko mean?" Qi Rui already thought that Mieko Sakai must have changed the previous arrangement, and he didn't know the specific reason. It is speculated that it may have something to do with Sakai Kurifan.

"Kuichi-kun, Mieko guessed that you would be angry, and she asked me to tell you that we were originally prepared to participate in the previous operation, but General Itagaki suddenly issued an order that no one outside the intelligence section is allowed to participate in their operations , so she had to make a temporary change, and she said that she would apologize in person if she had the opportunity." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"What's the matter, Mieko just tell me that it's over, don't tell me I can blame her for not doing it."

"Kuichi-kun, Mieko cherishes our friendship very much, she really doesn't want to hurt our friendship because of this matter."

"She thinks too much, can I still make her disobey orders, no! I am such a stingy person in your eyes?" Qi Rui asked angrily,
"No, because Sakai Kurifan, Sakai Eiko and the others are here, Mieko has a lot to say and it is inconvenient to say it directly, Kuike-kun, don't you see that, although she is the head of Section [-], the actual command of the advance team is in the In the hands of Sakai Kurifan."

"Is Mieko still not trusted?"

"Yes, her current situation looks very good on the surface, but in fact, Sakai Asaka is the only one who can really use her. Sakai Kurifan and Sakai Eiko are not at the same heart with her at all."

"Why bother to belong to the same family?"

"They all want to make meritorious service for the family, and besides, Sakai Kurifan and Mieko have the same military rank, Hisaichi-kun needs to understand Mieko."

"I see. When are we going back to Shanghai?"

"Tomorrow, I have to meet someone later, and I may not be able to come back until very late."

"In that case, I'll go and see my student Lan Rouge and see if she has any information we want to know."

(End of this chapter)

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