Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 583 Can't Stop Doubting Him!

Chapter 583 Can't Stop Doubting Him!

Lan Rouge is in the Intelligence Department of the Secret Service Committee. She has been reused through her efforts during this period of time and her outstanding performance in telecommunications, and she is also a student of Shunsuke Kuike.

Now Lan Rouge is still the deputy director, but her rank is much higher than that of the Secret Service Headquarters. She is now a colonel of the puppet government's founding army. Don't think that the colonel of the puppet army is worthless, at least in front of the devils It's still useful.

Lan Rouzhi, who was in the secret service committee, heard that Shunsuke Jiuchi had come and gone, and was complaining in her heart why this stinky comrade Qi Rui didn't come to find her, so she called to ask her out.

At the coffee shop near the secret service committee, Qi Rui met the beautiful, lovely, quiet and steady Lan Rouge.

Qi Rui couldn't stop nodding and praised: "Very good! It seems that the new environment has adapted well, and I know our Rouge is fine."

Lan Rouge would show a very cute side only in front of Qi Rui, and said, "That's right, I'm from your team, and I have a lot of things to tell you."

"Rouge, don't collect information that is not very important in the recent period, and then talk about it after gaining the complete trust of the puppet government. Qi Rui used a micro-expression to signal Lan Rouge to be careful when speaking,
"Teacher, if I have important information, how can I give it to you?" Lan Rouzhi was trying to stay at the secret committee headquarters, because the information here is more valuable.

"where do you live?"

"I live in a dormitory."

"Looking for a good house to live in Nanjing later, the team will bear the expenses for you, but your father has to come forward to do it." Qi Rui said,
"What does the teacher mean to get me a radio station?"

"Well, with your skills, the devils and puppet soldiers can't find it."

"That is, I will ask my father to help me buy a house as soon as possible."

"Does your father know who you are?"

"My father always thought I was from Chongqing, but I didn't explain it."

"No need to explain, Rouge, I will give you a task next."


Qi Rui covered his mouth with a coffee cup and said, "The Sixth Brother is now the stationmaster of the Military Command Nanjing Station. There are some things that need to be told to him. I also need to know the latest news about him."

"Teacher, someone is really staring at us, who doubts you?" Lan Rouzhi asked,
"They should be Sakai's advance team." Qi Rui knew that Sakai Kurifan had not completely dispelled his suspicion of Chen Jiaying, let alone fully believed in Noto's matter. He probably sent someone to watch Huimin Pharmacy now.

This is easy to understand. Huimin Pharmacy is his own. If Chen Jiaying has a problem, he can't run away. He didn't find anything there. Sakai Kurihan should hope to find something in himself.

"Then they should also investigate me?" Lan Rouzhi asked,
"Of course, so don't rush to see Sixth Brother, wait until I return to Shanghai to make sure no one is paying attention to you, but make sure no one is following you."


"At that time, you can use the radio station of Six Brothers to contact us. You know the contact method. Sister Jiaying taught you."

"Okay, teacher, since someone is watching, should we be more ambiguous?"

"What do you think, little girl? There's no need, you just stay the same as before."

Qi Rui sat with Lan Rouge for almost an hour, during which time he told Yanzhi everything he wanted to tell Zheng Yaoxian, and then sent her back to the Secret Service Committee and returned to the dormitory by himself.

Dispatch Army Intelligence Division Eighth Office

"Jiuchi-kun had a good relationship with Lan Rouge when he was in Shanghai, and the people he likes are indeed very capable." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"Including that Wang Manchun who committed suicide?" Sakai Kurifan asked,

"In all fairness, Wang Manchun is a very capable person in Secret Service Headquarters, but she was tricked by an old woman named Lone Wolf. Her death is really a loss to Secret Service Headquarters and us. I should have listened to Mr. Jiuchi earlier. Get closer to Wang Manchun, maybe this kind of thing won't happen to her." Yunzi Zhuuchi said,
"Now Jiuchi-kun's only student is Lan Rouzhi. I just checked and she performed very well in the secret service committee. She helped decipher a lot of secret messages and made great contributions. For this reason, Director Zhou Mohai personally promoted her to Jianguo Colonel, and made her deputy director of the Telecommunications Department."

"Jiuchi-kun saw that Lan Rouge told me about it." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Sakai Kurifan, why do you doubt Hisaike-kun?" Sakai Mieko asked,
"Because he was not at home the night of the bombing, people who asked him said he lived in the French Concession, and I also sent someone to ask him."

Officers at the level of Shunsuke Kuike have to report to their superiors if they want to investigate. Mieko Sakai asked very angrily, "Kurihan Sakai! Did you ask Zhuang Xiaoman directly?"

"Don't worry, I just sent someone to ask Zhuang Xiaoman's bodyguards. They said that Shunsuke Kuike had indeed been there that night, but he left after staying for a while. That time happened to be right after the bombing," Sakai Kurihan said. ,
At this time, Eiko Sakai said: "Section Chief Sakai, the team leader suspects that Shunsuke Hisaike went to Huimin Pharmacy mainly because of that car, and no one knows whether it is open or not."

"So you still don't believe that Noto is a member of the God-killing Action Team?"

"I investigated Noto, and said that he is a member of the God-killing Action Group. No one who knew him believed him, and he had no chance to get in touch with the Communist International and the Chinese at all." Said Kurihan Sakai,
"The body was discovered by Shunsuke Kuike, as was the house. All of this seems to have been arranged. Don't you realize that this is too deliberate? This can't prevent us from doubting him." Eiko Sakai said,
"Is that why you don't let us participate in the operation?" Yunko Takeuchi asked,

Sakai Kurihan nodded and admitted: "Of course, it is impossible for me to let a suspicious person participate in our operation, because this is not a small operation, and we will never allow leaks!"

"Then investigate quickly, but don't let others know." Mieko Sakai said to Yunko Takeuchi after finishing speaking: "Since there are doubts, let's investigate, so it's good for Hisaichi-kun!"

"I know what to do!"

The next day, Qi Rui took the train with Zhuuchi Yunzi and returned to Shanghai. After returning, the two of them started busy with the press conference.

Lan Rouge carefully tried for two days to make sure that no one was following her, and only on the third day did she call Zheng Yaoxian and make an appointment in code words.

"Rouge! Did Xiao Jiu ask you to contact me?" Zheng Yao first saw Lan Rouge and asked,
"Yeah, Brother Jiu is very worried about you and asked me to tell you something. He wants to hear your thoughts."

Lan Rouge told Zheng Yaoxian about the press conference and Sakai's advancing team in detail, and asked, "Mr. Zheng, do you know these things?"

"I only know that the Japanese Expeditionary Force Intelligence Division is investigating the bombing. I really didn't know that it was Mieko Sakai. There is actually a Sakai advance team!"

(End of this chapter)

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