Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 584 Expendables?

Chapter 584 Expendables?
Zheng Yao first heard that the Sakai Advance Team suspected Qi Rui and Huimin Pharmacy and was not too worried, because since Qi Rui already knew that he would definitely take precautions, but the Sakai Advance Team must get rid of them, in case they want to treat Xiao Jiu It's hard to say a full investigation.

"Officer Zheng, Brother Nine asked me to ask what you think."

"Rouge, I need to think about what you said, so you go back first, I will find you in person if there is anything, do you know the tone of the code?" It can be seen that Lan Rouzhi is the person Xiaojiu focuses on training, and he knows what to teach He will teach everything.

"I know, brother Jiu taught me."

"Okay, let's use this code word to communicate, and try not to meet each other in the future. This is for your protection. In addition, I will design a fixed dead mailbox for our communication."

Zheng Yao first knew that Xiao Jiu trusted him a lot, otherwise he would not let Lan Rouge contact him, and Zheng Yao first judged that she should be his comrade now, because Xiao Jiu rarely mentioned Rou Zhi to Boss Dai, and now she is lurking The most important intelligence agency in the puppet government.

Lan Rouge learned a lot from Chen Jiaying, Qi Rui, and Fu Yingxue. They know that the dead mailbox is a storage device for transmitting information, receiving instructions, receiving rewards, and placing various weapons and props. It is divided into fixed type, portable type, and movable type. .

A fixed dead mailbox is a carefully selected unmanned handover point. Selecting a dead mailbox is a complex and responsible task. First of all, it must be as invisible as possible.

The second is that its location must be easily identifiable by those who come to collect information.

The third is that the place where it is set up must be a place where each other can have a reason to go at any time.

Therefore, fixed dead letter boxes are often located on the inside of the fence, under the seats of parks, cafes, bars, theaters, or in the gaps between tombstones, toilet tanks, etc., where people will not pay attention and ignore them.

"Officer Zheng, let me know when you've fixed the dead mailbox. If I get any information, I'll put it in there." Lan Rouge said,

"Yanzhi, you don't need to call me the officer from now on, just call me Sixth Brother."

"Sixth Brother, Ninth Brother is a little anxious, and wants me to send a report to notify him."

"Rouge, since Xiaojiu is being targeted, it may not be safe to send the report. We'd better be on the safe side. I'll send someone to Shanghai to tell him directly." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Okay, Brother Six, then I'll wait for your news."

"Rouge, don't collect intelligence for now. The Secret Service Committee has not been established for a long time. It is very likely that you are still in the test. In order to test you, they may deliberately release some seemingly valuable information to see if any of you will be interested. , so you don’t need to collect any intelligence in the near future, first you can truly gain their trust.” Zheng Yaoxian urged.

"I know, brother Jiu told me that too."

"Rouge, be careful."

After Lan Rouge left, Zheng Yao first found Jing Yun, explained his thoughts clearly to him, and then told him: "You must be sure to be safe when looking for Xiaojiu, because there are spies watching him now."

"Ah! Is my elder brother under suspicion?" Jing Yun asked worriedly,
"You don't have to worry too much. They just can't figure out some things and don't know how to explain them. You have to trust your elder brother."


When Qi Rui was in Shanghai, he was serious and responsible for the security work of the research conference with Yunzi Takeuchi. Chen Yaozu from the Secret Service Committee had already brought people there, and Minglou was the deputy director. Naturally, his participation was indispensable in this matter.

News of the press conference had not yet been published in the newspaper, and the Military Control Bureau had already obtained it in advance. According to Dai's temper, how could he not send someone to destroy it, and this task was given to Qi Lianna, the head of the Shanghai Station, and for this reason, she was sent a few more He is a good player, and he also absorbed Xue Min's team into the Military Command Bureau and was handed over to Qi Lianna's command.

"Sabotage the press conference? This is a major event that the Japanese and the puppet government are very concerned about. At that time, the puppet army and the Japanese army will take strict precautions. Even if they succeed, they may not be able to leave. Is this making us a death squad!" Xue Min's wound The scabs had already formed, and now she was able to eat by herself. She was wrong when she heard that this task was wrong.

"I think it's better to ask Shashen about this matter." Leng Yue said,
"I feel the same way. Without the cooperation of Killing God and the jellyfish assassination team, it would be very difficult for us to complete this operation." It's fine if we don't know them. Now that we know they are in Shanghai, Qi Lianna naturally has to rely on them of.

"So many gods don't even make a phone call." Liu Ruyan said,

"Didn't Killing God say that he wouldn't come for a few days when he left?" Tong Lingling said,

"Killing God didn't leave a contact information."

"How can someone at that level easily leave their contact information?"

"That's right, it seems that we can only wait for him." Qi Lianna didn't want to set up a death squad, and of course it would be best if no one died.

Qi Rui had already asked Zhuang Xiaoman to send a report to ask the boss about this matter, and suggested not to take any action, telling that no one could complete the task this time, because there was no chance at all, and Boss Dai's call back agreed to Qi Rui's suggestion .

Qi Rui didn't know that Dai Li had asked Qi Lianna to carry out this impossible task, because he thought that even if a few people were involved, the puppet government and the countries that established diplomatic relations with them should know Chongqing's attitude.

In the past few days, the Sakai advance team did not follow Shunsuke Kuike, because Yunko Takeuchi stayed with him almost except for sleeping, discussing the press conference with officials of the new government.

"Captain Sakai, did you find anything?" Takeuchi Yunko asked Sakai Kurifan who had already arrived in Shanghai.

"Nothing was found. We investigated all the patients who went to Huimin Pharmacy to see a doctor, and found nothing wrong. We only now know that Chen Jiaying is from Nantie and has a cooperative relationship with Shunsuke Kuike."

"Every month, Chen Jiaying will hand over the monitored information from various countries to our super high class. We have cooperated for more than two years! Huimin Pharmacy was originally an intelligence station funded by the super high class to set up in the public concession." Yunzi Takeuchi said ,
"We found that Tang Ling from Shenghui Automobile Co., Ltd. often goes to the pharmacy, and sometimes lives there at night."

"Shenghui car dealership is also owned by Mr. Jiuchi. Tang Ling is in charge of managing the dealership and secretly protecting Chen Jiaying." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"Didn't you find anything?" Sakai Kurihan asked,

"What can I find out? Now the press conference is using the security plan designed by Mr. Jiuchi and Deputy Director Minglou. Didn't you also see it? Do you think there is a problem?"

"This plan can indeed be said to be watertight, quite rigorous, and a very good plan. I still agree with this."

"Then does Captain Sakai have any doubts?"

(End of this chapter)

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